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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2017
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Just some motivation if you are really down....

 the first video is of a public speaker who was born without any limbs.  He travels and speaks everywhere across the work.  He is motivational to not give up

second, is an eagle that caught a fish and swam to the shore for over 3 minutes to bring it in to eat.



You are IMPORTANT, and so is your life.  All problems are temporary.  Keep your chin up okay?
For me, Parov Stelar always cheers me up. Youtube some songs. I suggest: Catgroove, Booty Swing, Chambermaid Swing, Phantom, and Libella Swing. Can't not bring a smile to your face.

For me, the motivational speakers never do a thing. I think the best method for a pick me up just varies from person to person. I always found music helpful. Not the music that fits my current mood but music for the mood I want.

Another good one, depending on the type of music you like, is Erykah Badu and the entire Baduism album. I could listen to it on loop (and often do).

Emotion is infectious. That's not a figure of speech. Exposure to a certain mood actually shifts your mood in that direction. So, being exposed to music, people, speakers, etc who are giving off the mood you want can swing you that direction. It's just a mental trick but it works.
Nick Is an inspiring individual, he's dealt with what he has and has accomplished his goals. Thanks for the link. I've watched most of his presentations.
Works for some. For others it's the worst thing on the menu.
slow2day said:
Works for some. For others it's the worst thing on the menu.


Can't anyone take a joke anymore? 

Our society,  as a whole, has become so afraid of not being politically correct that they have a acronym for even that, PC.  People say it like it's a word too!

Oh heavens, she's making me feel like drinking - it's her fault!  It gets so tiresome that folks don't take responsibility for themselves & their actions anymore...
I was just stating a fact. OK, let's all joke about depression...
Hey Gideon, if you like Parov Stellar, you might enjoy: Gotan Project (darker); Club des Balugas (more up-beat); (funkier balkan hip-hop); Banjofodo (Tango electronica); and KAL (Romainian SKA/trance/grunge). Yeah, I think music can send you to new and lovely places in your being and draw you out of a funk.
Gideon33w said:
For me, Parov Stelar always cheers me up. Youtube some songs. I suggest: Catgroove, Booty Swing, Chambermaid Swing, Phantom, and Libella Swing. Can't not bring a smile to your face.

Another good one, depending on the type of music you like, is Erykah Badu and the entire Baduism album. I could listen to it on loop (and often do).

Emotion is infectious. That's not a figure of speech. Exposure to a certain mood actually shifts your mood in that direction. So, being exposed to music, people, speakers, etc who are giving off the mood you want can swing you that direction. It's just a mental trick but it works.

I still have hundreds of cd's including some 1920's music.  I would have loved to have lived in those times... I may be picking up my new van on Monday, so I will be listening to something on the ride home, don't know if it has a cd player being as old as it is. 95 =The mechanic will check it out tomorrow, wish me luck!

I will check out Baduism too.  When I get on the road, my internet addiction will be replaced with music, nature, and peace and quiet.

  How are you doing now that you are a temporary nomad?   :)thanks
RobndaHood said:
Nick Is an inspiring individual, he's dealt with what he has and has accomplished his goals. Thanks for the link. I've watched most of his presentations.

Hey Rob, I didn't know this post was ever put up, so sorry for the late reply.  Nick IS so awesome.  I'm glad you've seen his videos too.  I was so happy when I saw the video of him finding his wife and then having a baby.  Miracles CAN happen~thanks
meme said:

Can't anyone take a joke anymore? 

Our society,  as a whole, has become so afraid of not being politically correct that they have a acronym for even that, PC.  People say it like it's a word too!

Oh heavens, she's making me feel like drinking - it's her fault!  It gets so tiresome that folks don't take responsibility for themselves & their actions anymore...
uh....why's it my fault again? lol
Putts said:
  Yeah, I think music can send you to new and lovely places in your being and draw you out of a funk.

Definitely! ty
a screamin chainsaw in your hands kinda draws your attention away from everything else in the world,or else
Gary68 said:
a screamin chainsaw in your hands kinda draws your attention away from everything else in the world,or else

The same in someone else's hands even more so...