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Mar 13, 2013
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I am still in the planning stages and am currently working a part-time job to save&nbsp;for my rig...and am still researching info. as I consider what to do about rig considerations...any advice would be far it will be shea(cat)nimz(dog around 60 lbs) and myself...I am&nbsp; 44 yr old..and am done with S&amp;b...marriage..and being the family hobbies include computers...crocheting...sewing....painting(acryilic).. as well loving power tools when I get a chance to use;&nbsp;&nbsp; I would love more info on how each of you feel about your rig choices and how to make money...<br>I am wanting to "depart" next spring and think I need sometime alone to get a feel for things...any suggested routes?
Stay single. Stay focused. Don't answer you phone, it might be your relatives.&nbsp;Read Cindi's blog about getting out of Dirtville.&nbsp; I still live in Dodge and haven't got the heck out yet so I can't help you.<BR>When I do I will use my old Toyota 4runner with tow package and a very small 10 ft travel trailer.<BR><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #ff00ff">Dragonfly</SPAN></STRONG>&nbsp;
If you're living&nbsp;on a limited income, one can survive on very little in the south west.&nbsp;As for the route to get there, that would depend on where you're located.<br><br>Thanks for the nod, Diane!
Hi Jules!!!<br><br>I agree with Cyndi and Dragonfly.&nbsp; I'm in a big cargo van, and it's about perfect for 1 person with an animal, but 2 I think it would be a tight squeeze, depending on how much 'stuff' you wanted to take with you.&nbsp; I'm still learning how to knit, but it seems like a fun hobby!<br><br>I suggest you go sit in various vehicles and imagine living in it, where would you keep all your various things?&nbsp; Would you have to use your love of power tools and build cabinets/shelves/etc?&nbsp; <br><br>I wish you lots of successes in your adventure!<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
You might looking into using your sewing skills to mend clothes - sewing on buttons, hemming pants etc. - to make money.&nbsp; I have a friend who does all of her co-workers small sewing tasks and that is her gas money.&nbsp; If you are taking a sewing machine with you, and you already have power tools, there might be a market for vintage trailer renovations or upgrades to new ones.<br><br>As for rig choice, I am not a full-timer, but my little 14ft. travel trailer suits me perfectly.&nbsp; Right now, it is used for weekends, but down the road it will be a portable Daudi Haus. I will park it next to a kid's house until it is time to move on to the next kid.
Choosing a rig is such a personal, individual decision to make, but since you asked, here's my two cents worth. I am looking to have something for my travel-size dog and me to part-time in.

I considered towing, but didn't want the costs of an additional license plate or more tires to maintain. Also, there's the auxiliary breaks, trailer sway...and we would have to get out of our tow vehicle to go to bed.

Next I looked very seriously at truck campers. I really liked what I saw, but trucks and campers are too far out of my price range. Plus, again, we would have to get out of the truck to go to bed.

For us, a minivan meets what we want. Small enough to handle easily and plentiful enough that I can find one in my price range. A big advantage is that we can go from driver's seat to bed without going outside. This forum and cheaprvliving website have so many great ideas on creating a nice living space in a van or minivan.

Good luck finding out which is best for you and each her own!

Jules,<br> I traveled July to Dec 2012 w/ hubby in a Chevy cargo van towing a 24ft Ultra lite trailer. &nbsp;The van would get 7 to 9 MPG depending on flat or hilly hwy. &nbsp;We found it impossible to shower in the trailer...all the water went onto the floor of the teeny-tiny bathroom w/ it's itsy-bitsy shower...we almost never cooked inside due to limited counter space. &nbsp; We had a fridge Yeah but again very limited space.<br>in general, the hassle of towing a trailer was not the convenience we thought it would be....<br> &nbsp;<br>Before getting the travel trailer, we'd removed the bench seats from the van &amp; outfitted it for me to travel alone to visit grandkids...much nicer to have a bed in back than try sleeping in the seat at a Rest Area. and we'd gone for 2 week travel trips in the van.<br>It's been a small matter to turn the van into my little home, now that it's just me.<br><br> &nbsp;I am hanging around OH in relatives driveways til June so haven't exactly hit the road on my own long-term yet. &nbsp;It'd be nice to have a high top so I could stand up but believe most of my time will be spent outside the vehicle when camping in the west &amp; south west BLM campsites. &nbsp;Possibly the stooping &amp; "walking" on my knees won't be a huge issue.<br><br>Bob Wells &amp; Steve added ladder racks and a solar panel to the van roof last Nov. &nbsp;So awesome to have lights, tiny fan and a way to charge computer! <br><br>You need to think of establishing your traveling home in small steps. &nbsp;There's no need to overwhelm yourself thinking you need all the bells &amp; whistles from the get go.<br>My first bed in this van was to simply move my recliner into it....yours could be a camp mat and sleeping bag for a few trial run nights in your driveway to test what temps you can tolerate &amp; what covers you need. &nbsp;A lot of thought will need to go into how you want to do your build but you can improvise &amp; get the feel of what it's like to sleep inside your vehicle. &nbsp;<br>I highly recommend trial nights in the vehicle of your choice in your driveway!<br><br>W/O the travel trailer and heavy hitch (&amp; 225lbs of soon to be ex hubby) the van will now get 15MPG and 17MPG if I curb my lead foot tendency. &nbsp;Better mileage is a big plus for me when family lives Near Boston, in OH &amp; WY and my RTR friends as well as my heart &amp; soul are in the west &amp; south west.<br>Wishing you all the best!<br><br>

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