Finally Free! Please help with thinking and logistics

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Nov 17, 2013
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Hello All. Well, I left PA on New Year's Eve and am now a full-timer.
On my very first trip out of the area with only the good knowledge I have gained here. Still so much to absorb.

Darn that wicked weather...needed to go South instead of West. I am now in southern Georgia, and this is where I need your help figuring out what to do.

I have a brother in the Daytona, FL area and he thinks I should go there. He is a good brother and I love him.

However, this is not my vacation, this is my new life, and I have so very very much to learn. I also want to be around my own kind, so to speak. Around folks who understand the wish for this life.

I am thinking the best way to learn and be outfitted well, is to go out to Quartzsite and where Bob is, to start. That whole area in general. While in my first post I said I am personally shy, I am, but I still don't want to be totally alone all the time. I want to be in an environment where there are folks in similar lives. I also need to live on as little $ as possible and spending $500 to $700 a month on a campground is not for me.

So, if I come out there will I still have enough time to meet some goodly folks, and learn where I should be in winter, summer, etc. Learn how to do the solar and batteries I need, and so on?

I am also a giver, I don't just want to take knowledge and go. I think I can contribute something, too, once I see where I fit in this picture. I am independent and do well on my own, I just am an older female and don't want to be totally alone in the desert with no neighbors.

I see there are inexpensive campgrounds out there, too.

I am now in a truck stop parking lot where I spent the night. I will be close to Interstate 10 soon and need to decide to go west or continue south to Fl, where I haven't seen that there is much of this culture. Am I wrong? I saw a list here or on Bob's blog about boondocking in Fl, but when it gets so hot and humid, then what? I suppose the mtns. of Tennessee, Georgia and the Carolinas are good, but I have a little dog and cat to think of, with the heat and humidity.

And once I get out west, that is it for me. I don't believe I would have the wherewithal to come back east for a while, so I need to make the right decision now, as much as possible. Plus I really want to be out west, anyway.

I do have a small income that would be adequate to live frugally out there.

Another 2200 miles is a good dent in my finances, too. But so worth it if I can get acclimated into this life.

I really want to come out west with you folks out there. Am I thinking right, that I will be able to learn everything I need to live this life?

I hope I make sense here, and I thank you for reading this.

Yes, go west. You should get there in time for most of the RTR plus people usually hang around in the area afterwards. Even if they don't there's no reason that you can't stay on your own. There are plenty of other people camping on BLM land so you won't be there all by yourself. You can stay close to the action or move out away from town if you want.

Once you're out west there are so many places to stay for free or very inexpensively. There's no reason to move far in the summer for cooler weather , just go higher in elevation. The people that you'll meet at Quartzsite will gladly share their favorite spots.

I think many of us are shy about meeting new people but you will be welcomed then the amount of interaction you have with the group as a whole or with individual members is up to you. You can be a social or reclusive as you wish - no judgement from members, live your life as you want.

As far as Florida - we there now and we're spent several winter there recently. It's possible to live cheaply but it requires some ingenuity and practice so it'd be hard for a new van dweller. And as you know summer presents a whole new set of problems. Van dwelling is definitely easier in the west.

Have a safe trip and enjoy the RTR!
tonyandkaren said:
Yes, go west. You should get there in time for most of the RTR plus people usually hang around in the area afterwards. Even if they don't there's no reason that you can't stay on your own. There are plenty of other people camping on BLM land so you won't be there all by yourself. You can stay close to the action or move out away from town if you want.

Once you're out west there are so many places to stay for free or very inexpensively. There's no reason to move far in the summer for cooler weather , just go higher in elevation. The people that you'll meet at Quartzsite will gladly share their favorite spots.

I think many of us are shy about meeting new people but you will be welcomed then the amount of interaction you have with the group as a whole or with individual members is up to you. You can be a social or reclusive as you wish - no judgement from members, live your life as you want.

As far as Florida - we there now and we're spent several winter there recently. It's possible to live cheaply but it requires some ingenuity and practice so it'd be hard for a new van dweller. And as you know summer presents a whole new set of problems. Van dwelling is definitely easier in the west.

Have a safe trip and enjoy the RTR!

Thank you so much, tonyandkaren. You have addressed every issue I have raised and thought about. And in my core, it feels right to go west, so I shall!!!

I will just tell my brother he is welcome to visit me in Arizona.

On to Interstate 10 !
Patrick46 said:
well....that was easy enough!! :D

True that.

I'm reluctant to add anything and debated doing so. Perhaps best to let it ride, but in the end, I'm compelled to do so by the genuine nature of your query and please know my comments aspire to match that genuineness.

I think it's incredibly difficult to advise someone on the internet over large and momentous life decisions. It's hard or even impossible to know all the details or nuance of the situation. Maybe that's not even necessary of the point here. Perhaps your mind is already made up.

All I can say is what I would do if it were me. If I had a friendly family member, close by in a warm winter climate, I would be headed in that direction. I would use that contact and time in the sun to better prep myself and rig for more extensive travel.
Yes, go to the RTR, even if you don't get there for the first discussions. has many places you can camp free or cheap, and you can contribute more when you find them.
Patrick46 said:
well....that was easy enough!! :D

I take it that you vote for out west, then, Patrick46? Thanks for the smile.
Hi, Sunny! Congratulations on getting started on your new life. I will be following your trek west so please post how things are going and when you get to Quartzsite. My plans are delayed right now as I am taking care of elderly parents, but I will be on the road someday. I have had my van for three years now and am looking forward to longer trips in my future. I have the same issues you discussed: older woman, like some solitude but also enjoy occasionally being with other people.

You will do fine. Keep reading and learning. And ENJOY!
AltTransBikes said:
Patrick46 said:
well....that was easy enough!! :D

True that.

I'm reluctant to add anything and debated doing so. Perhaps best to let it ride, but in the end, I'm compelled to do so by the genuine nature of your query and please know my comments aspire to match that genuineness.

I think it's incredibly difficult to advise someone on the internet over large and momentous life decisions. It's hard or even impossible to know all the details or nuance of the situation. Maybe that's not even necessary of the point here. Perhaps your mind is already made up.

All I can say is what I would do if it were me. If I had a friendly family member, close by in a warm winter climate, I would be headed in that direction. I would use that contact and time in the sun to better prep myself and rig for more extensive travel.

SunnyR said:
I take it that you vote for out west, then, Patrick46?

Hi Sunny! (Great name btw...) :D

I'm right there with ATB. I don't know hardly anything about your situation, nor am I in a position to give you an educated reply.

Each of us has our own stories to tell, our own crosses to bear, and our own reasons to be motivated to do one thing over another.
(and heck, I have a hard enough time just listening to my own advice!!) :p

I must say that you DO sound like you're wanting to go to Quartzite over Florida, and your reasons sound valid enough too. OK

is your van sound enough to make the trip?? You've got a few miles on it already, so I'm thinking that probably won't be an issue. Do you have enough money for food & fuel?? What about an emergency back-up fund? Are you prepared to handle a break-down should one pop up??
If any of these are in question, then it might not be time to go...yet. There's always next year's gathering, so you could always go then...not to mention that Florida does seem to have it's own little RTR's a few times a year down there too.

however...if your van, your finances, and your mindspace are in place, then I'd say "Go For It"!! I'm sure you'd have a ball, and will learn a ton of stuff to make this new lifestyle much easier and more enjoyable for yourself.

B' could always head back over to Florida after the ain't goin' anywhere!!!

of course, this advice is coming from a guy who's considering a cross-country ride, coast to coast, on a motorcycle that has pre-existing issues....and in March!! (I've done worse!!) :p

btw....what's this talk about 'older'??? You're only as old as you wanna be. (or) you're never too old to have a happy childhood!!

Carpe Diem!!!!
I would go to Florida to visit the brother and stay there until it starts getting warm--then move on.
If you do go west and need a spot to park and rest a little in Pensacola, let me know. Best to give me some warning and I'll try to be available. Otherwise, I might not be home or not have my phone with me.
If you decide to go west, i think it would make an interesting blog :) keep us informed as you go along, when you have access..maybe in the captains log forum :)

Good luck whatever you decide!
Wow, everybody. Thank you for your help.

I just pulled over about 50 miles before Tallahassee to rest a bit. I have decided to go on. My brother is "going nuts with this" (his words) but has promised I am not alone and he will help in any way needed. So that's that.

I will work on replying to all you nice people sometime tomorrow.

My camper is such a mess I should get a room somewhere and spend the day straightening it out. It was a mad rush to get out and my friends and I did the best we could, but there is way too much in here. I think I need it all and can't imagine how to possibly downsize more but it must be done.

Thanks again.
IF you are driving a van you can get into Fl Water Management districts free camp sites. Go visit your brother and check out the sites. Go camping when it gets warmer. Meet Bob during the summer RTR.

Take small steps and not a big one. Go on vacation first and get into full time a little at a time.

Best, James AKA Lynx
I am a solo female traveling to the RTR for the first time (after lurking on the van dweller groups for fifteen years) and I am also pulled over resting, after spending ten hours driving in the same storm. I started in Michigan this morning. In a sense, we are having parallel adventures and lessons.

If you can get to AZ without putting yourself in danger or into a financial situation from which you cannot recover, then my opinion is that the experience for you will be invaluable. And you'll learn so much that its worth every penny in gas!

If you do continue on, and want someone to check in with, we can exchange numbers in a private message and cheer each other on. At this rate I won't arrive for another three days, but I will be there. And I will surely get lost the final mile or two!

Now if I can only get the guts to write an intro! Best of luck to you. Hope to meet you later this week.

Kristine (and the pups)
Hi, Kristine! I will be keeping good thoughts for both you and Sunny! Let us know here how you are getting along!:shy:
Wow, what an arctic week to be traveling, especially heading south from Michigan. :(

I wish you ladies well as you make your way southwest. Arizona sounds like a great place to be right now, for those of us stuck in freezing temps in the midwest and east. plz stay warm and safe!

p.s. if you get a National parks camping pass (only $10 for seniors), you can basically camp anywhere for free. Also camping is free on BLM lands as well. You can avoid paying the high fees at campgrounds.
:heart::heart::heart: Thank you all for the love. This means so much. I thought it might be good to provide an update. I hope this is not too long.

There is a lot here to respond to, and a lot of great thoughts about what I can use and do to make this move easier. I appreciate every response and will do my best to address them all soon. As I am still travelling, it is difficult to do this all at once.

First week travelling and staying at truck stops has been easy and fun. I even got a truck stop shower. Don't hesitate to do so. It is normal to the folks working there and to the other customers. I was apprehensive about doing it, but it is just a pleasure. $12 and $13, though, so be prepared. They supply a towel and washcloth, and the one I used had good body wash available. I washed my hair with it, too. I forgot my shower shoes so I stepped on the washcloth.

I have stayed as long as 16 hours in the same place, and no one has ever made me feel I was doing anything wrong. I stayed only at major truck stops: TA, Pilot, FlyingJ and with stops at Love's.

I can highly recommend a free app from called Big Truck Stops. I don't know how to link here, so if it doesn't do that for you now, it is worth finding it. It will tell you the stops near you, will show you how far they are, what they offer. It is just great.

I also learned how to fill up with propane. Easy. FlyingJ seems to be the one with the 24 hour propane people at a lot of locations, if you have an onboard propane tank.

I was on my way from PA to Quartzsite and had to go to Florida first because of the bad weather. This added 900 miles to the trip. As I mentioned before, my brother wanted me to come to his home in Florida instead of Arizona. I decided to go on to Arizona because I wanted the experience.

Well, when I made the turn onto Interstate 10 in Florida heading west, instead of heading straight on down 95 to the Daytona area where he lives, I felt an overwhelming kind of sadness, is how it seemed. I wondered at that and tried to understand what in the heck was going on, and I realized it was a feeling of some kind of loss. It was really strong.

But I continued on Interstate 10 for a long time over 2 days. Florida is very wide at the northern end. I made it to halfway between Talahassee and Pensacola. I just could not keep driving for a normal number of hours per day. I stopped to visit a Camper World to see what that was, went to WalMart for supplies, told myself I was tired (could only drive about 50 miles before my eyes started closing). And putzed around the truck stops.

I could not go on without visiting my brother. We speak often on the phone but I only see him once or twice a year for a day at a time due to his job, which entails a lot of air travel. What if I went to Arizona and something happened to him and I missed my chance to be with him, after he asked me to come by? Thinking thoughts like that, plus i just plain miss him.

So for now I have decided to stay in Florida. I did decide to take a round about way to see him on the other side of the state. I have been through the Apalachicola State Forest, seen the beautiful little Gulf towns of Port St. Joe and Apalachicola and am travelling to Ocala tomorrow. I heard they have nice campgrounds there plus the Ocala Forest, too. I also want to see Gainesville. Then on to Daytona. He leaves on a 3 day trip tomorrow, so I have time to look around.

I love staying in my Camper Van. I love sleeping in it. It feels like home and now I understand what this is all about. I need next to learn how to stay in actual camping environments, not just truck stops. I need to really understand batteries and solar and how to make this work with a Class B. My second battery is in a compartment on the outside of the van. Can I put 2 golf cart batteries in there, etc.? One day at a time, as they say.

I need to learn how to dewinterize it so I can use the sink, shower, water heater and toilet. Like I will ever fit in the shower, but it will be good to wash hair, my little dog and other things.

Tonight Florida has really cold weather with wind, like a lot of the country. Even though I have a furnace that works well in my van, I thought it might be just too much for now. I got a motel room and to my surprise, I much prefer my van, because it is mine.

That's it for now. Thank you all again for your help.

Good, you should follow your gut. There have been times when I got an uneasy feeling somewhere and just decided i better move.