feeling stuck in my situation.

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Jun 25, 2017
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I have been debating on making up a gofund page for help to purchase a vehicle. Since I am on a disability pension it is hard for me to save money since I only have $60 left for groceries and necessities after paying bills. Im unsure what to say on the fund page for family and friends especially to those I dont know very well and to those that dont know much about my situation. GoFund seems to want the ad to be posted on social media to assist in getting donations. I havent told my plans to anyone except two people that still keep in contact with me even through everything I went through. which in my life is a whole long sad story. I have asked them if they would be able to set up a page for me but they are skeptical about doing it.  If someone else does it I need to be able to trust that I will get any money raised and I dont have people I trust that much in my life. I dont know what to do to make enough money to get a vehicle. I could to use my disability cheque I will get in a week but with what is available in my area my cheque isnt enough to cover the vehicle, registration and insurance. If I keep my cheque to save it, I will have to move out right away. Although I wouldnt mind so much but dont have anywhere else to stay and I have two dogs. I also dont have a way to go out and look for a vehicle or know what to look for when buying one. right now my landlady takes me to get the rent money and groceries so if I asked her to take me to look at vehicles she would know I am moving and I dont want to be kicked out before I have somewhere to stay. because of my disability, tents and a backpack are not an option. I feel like Im stuck in my situation. being disabled there are not alot of options. i dont make enough to actual live on, yet I make too much to qualify for any community (welfare) services (I get $1000) I know if i got a car, i might be able to make due with the small space with the dogs and sleeping would be very painful for me causing mobillity issues. so it would need to be very short term in a car, which if i did buy it i would be short that money for a van. I really want to do this and know that if its meant to be it will happen but I worry about what if its not meant to be? will i be stuck in this basement, housebound? Im so tired of just existing, i want to live before I die :s
Does anyone have any suggestion for how I can make this work? vans in my area are from $1000(cdn) needing a bit of work done to $5000+ ready to drive away.
Someone told me those GoFundMe sites aren't free: I think she said they cost $500 to set up.

Do you have any friends or family that would take you in for a specific period of time, so you could save up for a month (or two or three) to get your van? Camp out in a tent in their back yard, or in their garage or shed?
Sounds to me like you don't have wiggle room to make the wrong decision.

Your painful disability may prevent you from van dwelling except with a pretty expensive setup.

I would focus on ways you can "try it out" before making any life-changing decisions.

WRT crowd-sourcing help, for sure collect the money directly, and you really need to write it, come up with the narrative and sales pitch yourself. Others may help here and there but it's your life, no one else will have the passion needed to convince others to chip in.

So step one is make sure you are able to do it, and **really know** that you want to, without a clear vision and high motivation giving you self-confidence you won't be able to overcome the obstacles.
I thought you were going to let your storage facility auction off the stuff you have in storage for you, so you could get money for a van.  What happened?

You did get some advice in your other threads that you never responded to.  I think you might want to ask your friends to let you stay with them.  And maybe you could consider re-homing your dogs - it might sound drastic but you seem to be in a rather dire situation.
the guy that owns the storage unit has not responded to me about dates for the auction. i only have another week before the rent is due here again then i willl have to stay another month and I was hoping to have something arranged for this week but havent heard anything. I did reply to any comments i seen. I physically cannot do tents and do not have anyone I can stay with. I am not at the point where I need to rehome my dogs and that would be something I am not willing to do. they are happy with me no matter where i am. if i have to stay in this apt, i will do it to keep them but as i said before, i am just existing here. i dont go anywhere and nobody comes here. the living comditions are really not great but it took me months to find this place that allows dogs. it is not common in my area for rentals to allow pets. the lady upstairs owns about 9+ dogs so my two are no big deal. id rather be out enjoying life and saving the money I am putting out for rent in order to actually be able to live. right now i am not being evicted, it is my choice to leave. i just cant make it public or i will have to leave as the landlord wants to have the place rented for the money and not be left empty. i dont plan on bailing out but i cant say i am leaving until i know for sure when that will be. Im just trying to get things done the fastest and most effective way I can and im looking for advise from those that have been in similiar situations and made it work out.
Barring some miracle you won't get out on the road quickly, so plan on giving the landlord proper notice as your lease requires. They can't legally kick you out early for doing that, and it will take you at least a few months to get everything ready even if you had 10K in the bank ready to go.

Being a van dweller is not free accommodation, not even necessarily cheaper than what you are paying now on average. It's just not the same number every month, you have to have a decent reserve for repairs, sometimes very expensive necessary stuff breaking.

Being disabled and having to accommodate multiple dogs will make things more difficult and expensive.

I'm not trying to discourage you, but getting out on the road will take a clear plan, well executed over some time.

Start with getting at least several thousand in the bank over and above what you need for your usual living expenses.
TrainChas said:
Do you have any friends or family that would take you in for a specific period of time, so you could save up for a month (or two or three) to get your van?  Camp out in a tent in their back yard, or in their garage or shed?

It is possible to rent cargo vans on a weekly basis.  I paid $200 a week about ten years ago.  Get to a place where you can camp and return the vehicle, renting again as needed.

Homeless shelters are another option and so long as you don't drink you should be okay.  You should get respect from staff for this, and if you don't, leave.

It won't be easy, but it is worth it.
TrainChaser said:
Someone told me those GoFundMe sites aren't free:  I think she said they cost $500 to set up.

It is free to setup a GoFundMe page, but they extract 5% of every donation as well as a 2.9% payment processing fee PLUS 0.30 per transaction.  You essentially lose 7.9% of donations off the top.

Jamie Dimon, who previously partnered with Bob on van dwelling videos in the past, recently ran a gofundme campaign and was able to raise enough $ and get enough people to donate materials to purchase and outfit a schoolbus for a woman.  It can be done, but there are an awful lot of campaigns out there and getting enough visibility might be tough.

Good luck to you
CanadianTraveler said:

Greetings from Louisiana. Ever consider saving enough money for a bus or plane ticket home and just throwing your thumb in the air on this site? Who cares if you own a car or van? If you can go without a ride for a while you may be able to save up $3-5 K and get your own ride this way? Like it or not the Prius is the most affordable way to travel. It is a gamble but I have rolled them dice and 2 x I got good cars. 

I passed on any electrical problems if a car had one thing wrong with it electrically even if it seemed minor to the owner I passed I walked. You can find a 150K mile Prius gen 2 well in said price range. You plan on traveling alone then you want to take all the seats out install a trailer hitch and get a hitch haul cargo platform this will give you additional DIRTY space . This is where you put your dirty clothes or a couple gallons of extra fuel if you get the task to shuttle supplies since you will be the most efficient thing in camp other than a moped. I am serious the Prius gets better MPG than a 1200 cc Harley Davidson. 

Please focus on the ends not the means the car is the means the  ends is travel. There are more than 9 ways to skin a cat according to Mark Twain and he meant just what I am proposing to you . Travel is travel there are people that would like to have a traveler with them but travel on the premise that it does not work they are able to hit the eject button you either change rides or you go as far as bailing out taking a bus or airplane ride home . Hell IDK if you can hop a freight people still do it is super dangerous and you really need to know what you are doing to do that so I don't recommend that option. 

They say where there is a will there is a way. I also have heard where there is a will there is a lawsuit somebody is going to be a boat rocker that does not want you to rock the boat. 

Travel? How about this go to a city NYC get a metro pass and ride the city that is travel? Adventure and AFFORDABLE they sell pizza by the slice?  I was in Sams today guess what I bought ? A hammock rated for 400 lbs for $15 NO CHIT shelter in a bag. Where there is a will there is a way. A Metro pass is $121 of NYC is too expensive you can go to other towns. Just type the city and their transportation companies name. MARTA is Atlanta if you don't know their names google San Antonio public transportation. Pick a town that has what you need. Planet fitness if you have that membership you can go there shower wash your clothes by hand get out of there hang them to dry and you can further this way of life. ANDY THE HOBO TRAVELER teaches you these skills he travels with a 5 gallon bucket. That is his washing machine his seat when he neeeds it his container for his clothes this guy is a road warrior and he owns no car. He gets around any way possible Some of his rides he is seen riding with people on his lap but know what he is not doing ? ROTTING IN HIS HOUSE ! 

There is plenty slip between cup and lip if you decide to take this mission then you will have to find places to hang your hammock you will need to hand wash your clothes you will need to plan your spending where you don't expose you have cash so you don't get mugged. You have to be as crafty as a crook yet not offend don't violate law yet violate law? What I mean by that is there are laws on the books that are unconstitutional they are real enforced laws but you know better and you have rights the right to sleep in a hammock as long as you are not bothering anybody? 

I sincerely hope my words can help you I am not sure as to the extent of your disability I know I would not be able to take to the road that way my back surgery and knee surgery would prove me in dire straights inside 30 min of walking I know it is my max I can do on a treadmill and I am hurting after that.
GEAUX- PRIUS Cowboy said:
Ever consider saving enough money for a bus or plane ticket home and just throwing your thumb in the air on this site?
Did you actually read the post?

As soon as OP leaves current housing, there is no more home to return to.

Plus clearly stated that disability rules out backpacking or sleeping rough, even in a tent.

Not to mention the dogs.
Idk, I had to let go of my little dog I had in my life for almost 8 years. I own a service dog and he took priority. I found a great home for my little one by soliciting within the homeless shelter. She went to a teenage girl and her single father who the shelter and social services helped house. They happened to be there that day. I had no choice because she kept tripping myself and tangling up my service dog and the results were severe pain to my shoulders each time the leash jerked my shoulders and falling is not a fear I can harbor. Can you walk two dogs on a leash? If not, you risk tickets or worse their physical wellbeing. Can you ask someone else to sell your things or do like I did last month and sized down saving $50 a month.