Feeling discouraged (angry, actually)

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GotSmart said:
Admitting to having a disability is not accepting a death sentence for everyone.   For me it is telling myself that I must give up carpentry as a lifestyle, and use my brain to sell solar systems.  

I have hung up my nail gun and picked up a laptop and excel spread sheet.  

I now represent Renogy as an independent outside salesman.  I design and sell solar systems.  On grid, off grid, and hybrid. No installations...

There are days when I must be medicated to deal with the coming weather, and others where I can walk for miles.  It is not in my head, but my body.  Being honest about the situation means not lying to myself about what I no longer am able to do.  

I can sit in a parking lot all day thinking like a Buick, but I am still a human.  I can cluck all I want, but Roosters do not lay eggs. :p  The brain still has the limitations on it the body provides.  It is up to the individual to set the bar high, but not too high that the brain accepts failure as a constant result.


Basically, GotSmart, you're talking about the mind, while I'm talking about the brain's reaction to what goes on in the mind.  The mind and the brain are separate entities.  

The 'head' (as you put it) is not separate from the body, and the mind/brain/body connection is a branch of medical science that we've been studying for decades.  To say that something is not in your head but in your body is to operate from the misconception that your head is not part of your body - and it is, of course.  

I have no wish to argue the point on this (or any other) forum, but I *do* hope that those with dis-abilities will stop thinking of themselves as dis-abled (in thought, word (including typing), and deed) and start thinking of themselves as people with challenges.  

There's very little we can't CURE nowadays (although medical schools don't orientate doctors to CURE, but rather to TREAT, as most of them are funded by pharmaceutical companies, and pushing meds is what doctors are taught to do (BTDT)), but if the hurdles/challenges we face involve multiple biochemical systems, it will take time, patience, and self-discipline to heal the body, but it can be done (in most cases).

At present, you believe that's what is going on in your body is 'not in your head,' disregarding the fact that your 'head' is a part of your body.

My position is that what's going on in your mind/brain *controls* what is going on in the *rest* of your body - to put it crudely.

I understand what you're saying, and why you're saying it, and I would agree with you if I could, but I'm afraid you're wrong, GotSmart.

I'm just hoping to insert a little biochemical fact into the mix.  There are so many people on this forum who are struggling with physical challenges, so I'm offering what help I can, but it's yours/theirs to take or leave.

I wish you all the best of health and all other good things.


[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I understand what you're saying, and why you're saying it, and I would agree with you if I could, but I'm afraid you're wrong, GotSmart.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]:s :dodgy: :huh: ;)  Hyperbole and obfuscation.   :cool: [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]After 5 years of learning wordsmithing from the masters, I could do this all day.  


[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]But that is not what I am about.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]My meaning is clear to those that do not try to dissect way too deeply.  I used common sayings and words /terminology well understood by the general population.  [/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif][font=arial, sans-serif]cogito ergo sum  René Descartes  I think therefor I am.  [/font][/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Or as Rev. Charles S. Wing said[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] in a sermon that was given in 1906.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!  (Also known as the story of the little engine that could.) [/font][/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Try not to take yourself too seriously, and relax and enjoy the long strange trip.  (Paraphrased from Phil Lesh.)[/font]
LOL! Certainly your meaning was clear, GS, but clarifying an incorrect conclusion does not alter the erroneous premise of said conclusion. ;)

Five whole years learning 'wordsmithing'? Wow! :D :p

I don't need you to believe what I'm writing for the benefit of those who need it, GS. As for your writing style, I believe I've complimented you more than once on that, in public and in private, but we're obviously not going to agree on everything. I didn't earn my medical degree(s) by volunteering for the debate team, so like everyone else here, I'm going to write about what I know (if I believe it may help someone) and be quiet and learn about that which I don't know yet.


:D   I stopped before I completed my Masters in Communications.  

I was a coach for the debate team, and we won national championships.  I stopped my higher education when I had my first DVT...  :(  The brain/mind debate would be a great subject for a national tournament.

Another lifetime ago~~~

We agree on the main points, and just semantics separate the fine ones.  

The main point is anyone can do almost anything.  The limitations are what the body dictates.  Mine tells me I can never be a great athlete, even though I had stronger legs than the entire football team.  Details like Spina Bifida and COPD get in the way.  


I understand the feelings of frustration, even though I do not know exactly what you are dealing with. Nobody can know exactly how you are feeling,  but many of us have been in similar situations.  Perhaps at the next RTR we can sit down and exchange stories of being done wrong when we were down.  Then laugh at those that have let such fine people as us get away.   :p
GotSmart, discussions interest me but not debates. I haven't found anything in life that I consider worth arguing about. (Who needs the barrage of negative energy and the positive energy depletion?) When TPTB kicked God out of the school system, I didn't argue, I home educated my kids instead, and that's pretty much how I handle most situations.

I'm not competitive and don't care for confrontational or adversarial situations. I like peace to do what I do, and I've kept the same Counsel all my life; He hasn't let me down yet. ;)


Brian_and_Jesse said:
GotSmart, discussions interest me but not debates.  I haven't found anything in life that I consider worth arguing about.  (Who needs the barrage of negative energy and the positive energy depletion?)  When  TPTB kicked God out of the school system, I didn't argue, I home educated my kids instead, and that's pretty much how I handle most situations.

I'm not competitive and don't care for confrontational or adversarial situations.  I like peace to do what I do, and I've kept the same Counsel all my life; He hasn't let me down yet. ;)



All great discussions are debates.  Otherwise they are a bunch of parrots mouthing nothing new.


By turning your back and walking away, a real learning opportunity was lost.  If Martin Luther King Sr. had pulled his son from school instead of letting him walk in the world, the world would be a much worse place.  Perhaps you let your counsel down.  


 I will always stand up for what I believe is right. Turning the negative into the positive is what I am about.  

I refuse to derail this thread any longer.
Please take your discussion, regarding education and semantics, to a new thread. Any further off topic discussion will be deleted
I am trying to PM you, Cindy, but your PM is disabled.
I would love to sit down with you and discuss life GS. I am sure we could conjure up many laughs and great memories :)

On a much lighter note, (and going back to the original post), my husband did the belt and tensioner assembly. Now, I am waiting on him to change both the upper and lower radiator hoses and remove the two back tires so I can take them to get new tires put on the rims, (one is so bad that I can't drive the van as it could be extremely dangerous).

I have done some "junk store" shopping - found one shelving unit for $2.50, (this one will hold my canisters - actually, painted empty Folgers coffee cans), and I found a vintage, light-weight metal cabinet for $15, (this one is to hold my boxed/canned goods). I went and bought glossy black Rustoleum paint and did them both - they came out okay.

Seats are coming out this weekend, (finally, after a few weeks of trying, I youtube'd it and found out how to release them), and Reflectix is going up on the windows. I am leaving the side panels on the walls for storage/cup holder purposes but, will be doing the upper sides in the white Merilite paneling.

Have decided to just leave the rear bench seat in as it opens into a small bed, (I am short so it will do, at least for now).

That's about all of my thinking ability for now - LOL.

I know I said I would post pics a couple of weeks ago but, I really haven't been able to complete any thing yet. I will post them as I get going.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Have you thought about how you will keep the shelves from moving and falling over when driving?  That is a detail that I found out about the hard way. :s
Yes, I am going to use angle brackets and screw them to the floor.
If you have a conversion, (interior walls already in place) you might want to also use clips and fasten things higher up also.   :D