In Texas my friend and I were planning on sleeping in our Tent/Cots next to my pickup truck late at night. We were not there long when law enforcement showed up. He was being a real butt. He kept asking the same question two times. He called for reinforcements and told us that he received a call about an S.L.V. We had to ask what was, he said, "Suspicious Looking Vehicle" We were not set up yet. We told him that we were in town to go to a field trial, and airing our dogs outside of town before we go to the hotel. We slept in the hotel parking lot. I don't like hotels... too many lights.
I didn't realize that we have been stealth camping for 25 years now. It probably didn't have a name for it back then.
I've used an unfenced field behind large construction sights, the back side of an old abandoned gas station, an unfenced field with an island of trees to hide behind, an under development neighborhood without houses yet, churches, (not on Saturday night!). The field trial grounds, with permission, dead end streets, railroad easement (not recommended unless you get there late and leave before sunrise). An abandoned factory parking lot, and my favorite, the cemetery! Not one in town, or even near any populated area or house. Choose one in a small town that doesn't see much activity. Get there late and don't use any lights. Not even your dome light. I've done it many dozens of times, and have never had anybody drive in on me.
Don't even bother to ask permission to camp on an actively farmed field, cow pasture, or oil field. Definitely don't trespass on them either. If the owner shows up, it won't be good!