Ever been caught/harassed?

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<P><b><FONT size=3>Well, there was that time with a boy in the backseat of a Ford Mustang and a cop telling us <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/nono.gif">&nbsp;its time to move on. Now what was that boys name? <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/confused.gif">&nbsp;Oh well, I barely remember 2 days ago let alone 40 years ago. That what you all mean?</FONT> <IMG border=0 align=absMiddle src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif"></b></P>
blkjak said:
<b><font size="1">
She said:
</font></b> <p><b><font size="1">Has anyone parked at the railroad station? I'm from long island NY and it seems safe but was wondering if other people do that.</font></b></p><p><b><font size="1">
</font></b></p><b><font size="1">you need to find out about the particular station "track record" ....</font></b><br><b><font size="1"></font></b>&nbsp;<br><b><font size="1">when i am in public places i arrive before dark and shut down all lights and sound to sleep .... then leave upon wakening .... blkjak</font></b><br><b><font size="1"></font></b>&nbsp;<br><b><font size="1">what vehicle do you have ....?</font></b><br>
<div><br></div><div>I need to remember where I post. I put a new one on this and forgot I wrote this. To answer the question Blkjak yes I cased these stations out and I am good to good. I'm planning just what you said, No lights and sleep and wake and go. Don't have van yet but hoping for E250 ford. Vans ae common here so I won't stick out.</div>
In Texas my friend and I were planning on sleeping in our Tent/Cots next to my pickup truck late at night. We were not there long when law enforcement showed up. He was being a real butt. He kept asking the same question two times. He called for reinforcements and told us that he received a call about an S.L.V. We had to ask what was, he said, "Suspicious Looking Vehicle" We were not set up yet. We told him that we were in town to go to a field trial, and airing our dogs outside of town before we go to the hotel. We slept in the hotel parking lot. I don't like hotels... too many lights.

I didn't realize that we have been stealth camping for 25 years now. It probably didn't have a name for it back then.

I've used an unfenced field behind large construction sights, the back side of an old abandoned gas station, an unfenced field with an island of trees to hide behind, an under development neighborhood without houses yet, churches, (not on Saturday night!). The field trial grounds, with permission, dead end streets, railroad easement (not recommended unless you get there late and leave before sunrise). An abandoned factory parking lot, and my favorite, the cemetery! Not one in town, or even near any populated area or house. Choose one in a small town that doesn't see much activity. Get there late and don't use any lights. Not even your dome light. I've done it many dozens of times, and have never had anybody drive in on me.

Don't even bother to ask permission to camp on an actively farmed field, cow pasture, or oil field. Definitely don't trespass on them either. If the owner shows up, it won't be good!

"Don't even bother to ask permission to camp on an actively farmed field, cow pasture, or oil field."
why not even bother to ask? I have asked and got permission on farmed fields and cow pastures. highdesertranger
Hub and I have done plenty of camping, and for the first couple of years together, we often stealth camped in a white Nissan Quest. The only time that we got rousted was in Berkeley, CA. We were in a hotel parking lot and were just falling asleep and the hotel security banged in the top of the van and kicked us out.

We ended up parking in the street somewhere for the rest of the night and split early in the morning.
Was in the news today a couple of LE were called in to deal with a trespassing issue. They showed up and the guy opened fire on them. One LE got hit in the face, the other took a couple of hits to his vest. So when they come up to you, they have no idea what your actions will be. It is not a good idea to appear to be argumentative or negative. The first test a person flunks is the attitude test. You know you are doing something out of the norm of the general population, then get upset when attention is called to you.
The Japanese have a saying. The nail that sticks up gets hammered. Be polite and you may not get hammered hard.
Hi all, Only roused once in Gatlinburg,Tn of all places. Parked along the river in a high visited area. Had that(feeling) it was not a good place to park and I should Move on but ended up listening g to my companion at the time and was awakened at about two am in the morning. I am always very respectful when I am talking g with the police and after running my I'd and telling me Wal Mart was a short distance away and I would in all probability like it better any way ,they left. IMHO the police have a tough job. Don"t make it any harder. In the old days they had a saying. Next time your"'re in trouble call a Hippie not the police. HoboJoe
IMO, there is very, very little real "stealth" camping --- most LEO worthy of the name can tell immediately if/when someone is living in their vehicle. Most don't really care unless you're causing some kind of problem or someone (e.g. paranoid neighbor) has called in a report about a "suspicious" vehicle (which they are REQUIRED to check out). That's why, again imo, why someone in a "dirtier, more 'suspicious'" vehicle will have regular contact with LE; while the vandweller two or three vehicles away that keeps everything clean, neat, and maintained is ignored.

I've watched a couple times where a number of people were asked/told to move along while others in the same lot/on the same street were left to sleep/rest.
If your nice and have nothing to hide then its really not much of an issue. Let them run your ID and be friendly with them and they will be good to you in return. Being hassled by Leos might be the biggest overblown element of vehicle dwelling. A lot of people paying for expensive campgrounds or driving way out of their way due to an irrational fear of having a conversation with a cop. The last time I got the knock the cop litterly told me to clear out of the spot in the next day or two. This was after being parked there for 3 weeks straight with the exception of a quick run to the dump. I have a tow vehicle now so I have been very bold with extended parking, and just parking in general. Im on my 4th year as a nomad and as time goes on I end up caring less and less about being compliant with laws. If I find a convient spot and dont see any signs then I will park there and see what happens. I find that 90+% of the time nothing happens. Ymmv.
This time around van dwelling, I'm not going to be quite worried about being rousted. I have a handicapped plate, a "Proud Parent of a Marine " bumper sticker, a "Navy Mom" sticker and an "Army Mom" sticker. And that's in addition to my "Thank a Cop" sticker from Tucson PD and last, but not least, "Be nice to nurses- we keep doctors from killing you!"

I think we'll keep our NRA sticker off, though.

I think we're pretty much covering all the bases. Besides, we be old.

I think all the military stickers kept me from getting a ticket, or even stopped when I was flying through the Navajo Rez at about 95mph up to Page. I looked in the rear view mirror and the was a LEO right behind me. I thought to myself "BUSTED!!!" And then pulled over after about 5 minutes of him following me. He drove right by. The was no way he didn't see me.
Being pleasant and helpful with responses makes life much less complicated.
Obviously your response may change if being delt with in a rude manner. But something tells me if you escalate at that point, you may end up on the losing side of things.