When I moved from a non-ethanol part of the US to an area where it was the norm, it caused problems, first in my motorcycles, it actually ate away some parts not designed to be used with it. 2002 fuel injected and 1969 carbureted motorcycles. It gradually started to have ill effects on the 1993 van I was driving as well. When I bought a newer vehicle designed with ethanol in mind, I experienced no further problems. Particularly with the motorcycles I learned where all of the sources for ethanol free gas were located. When travelling (9k mile + cycle trips) it went through the system fast enough not to cause any problems. I put non-ethanol in it when I could find it but didn't worry about it if I couldn't. As long as its not constantly sitting in the tank and fuel system.
With older vehicles best to avoid, with newer vehicles not worth worrying about differences IMHO.