Gideon33w said:
Should be obvious if there's any real amps being pulled. It will be enough to spark most likely.
Hey guys, this is exactly what I'm dealing with in the car battery! Frkn hell of a pain in the ass mystery, even after having it in the shop
once already.
They tested' like you said.. and could not find a draw that would kill a battery overnight. wel... something still does...and
it would NOT happen while at the shop!
As a side deal.. they had to replace the sensor thing.. it was going whacko as I brought it there and they said it completely died
when the car arrived,.. could not have been driven at all, as was.
So.. thinking THAT was the start issue also.. thought we had if figured out.
After a couple days of acting OK... it happened again. Only.. unlike the former times, where it was completely dead.. this last time
there was enough juice to let door lights come on and gauge needles to fly around crazy.. and it "clicked" with no turn over.
a few hours later, was completely dead like before soo..
I'm sure it's not alternator as it did charge up after a long drive. besides, sure the mechanic tested that. He feels so bad this
did not happen while under his 48 hour watch! I'm so depressed, can't afford to take it back to shop this month.
question. If I get it jumped once again, and charged up..... can I at least disconnect the battery each night.. so it will run again
the next day? and do you have to pull the whole battery out??