Eating Rattlesnakes

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2012
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Anyone here eat rattlesnakes? Is rattlesnake hunting allowed on BLM land?
Is the protection of my life considered hunting? Heck, if you have to kill a rattler, eating it is the next most humane thing to do. At least then the loss of life is not going to waste.
We have at least 1 other thread titled the same,
Sometime searching is a good thing.

[Note from Moderator: Subsequent posts debating the merits of adding to an existing thread vs. starting a new thread have been removed. The last post on this tangent had sunk to name calling. Also, the title of this thread has been changed from "Rattlesnakes" to "Eating Rattlesnakes" at the suggestion of the OP. Also, I apologize for this late explanation. It was due to some technical difficulties.]
Actually, that previous thread has nothing to do about killing or eating rattlesnakes.

Can't help with the question.
I have eaten a piece of rattle snake before, and some fellas that worked with Dad would come across one while fixing fence they would kill it skin it and one would get the skin, the other get the meat. The next time they switched.
One of them would fry it in a pan like you would a fish, the other one dried it on a closeline in the summer sun then after some time he would grind it up and dry it more and then grind it finer and used it for seasoning or flavoring in something else he cooked.
I never ate any of his cooking so I do not know much what it was like.

I am not a real big fan of snakes to tell the truth.
Seraphim said:
Actually, that previous thread has nothing to do about killing or eating rattlesnakes.

Can't help with the question.

I'm aware of that, but it's pretty easy to add that question to an already existing thread about "Rattlesnakes". Which was the subject line.

As a forum moderator (not on this forum) I'm also aware that it's usually recommended that posters add to already existing threads and not keep making threads about the same subject matter. It helps keep the space taking clutter down and makes searching up info easier.
I'll let a snake go about it's business if it doesn't directly threaten me. If it does, it's dead meat. Here in the Southeast rattlers can be killed without penalty. Never ate one, but we do have the annual "Rattlesnake Round-up" in Whigham, Georgia. Snakes are captured alive, milked for their venom to be made into antivenin, and prizes given for most snakes caught, and the biggest. Both numbers and sizes have dropped from the records of many years back. I guess they are being slowly whittled down. The RR has taken on the aspect of a sort of 'county fair', with numbers of attendees getting huge. Gotta get there early or be prepared to walk a mile from the parking area. Lots to see and do, besides the rattlers.
The reason I asked, because I been thinking about going to rattlesnake roundup in Sweetwater TX. I  heard they have a boot where grill rattlesnake is served. Some say it taste like frog legs, some say it taste like alligator, some say it has its own taste. Wondering if anyone here taste it.
Yes I do hunt and I eat what I kill. I don't think this is no difference than eating beef, pork of fish. 
If you buy meat at a store, you're no different than a hunter.
LowTech said:
I'm aware of that, but it's pretty easy to add that question to an already existing thread about "Rattlesnakes".  Which was the subject line.

As a forum moderator (not on this forum) I'm also aware that it's usually recommended that posters add to already existing threads and not keep making threads about the same subject matter. It helps keep the space taking clutter down and makes searching up info easier.

But. IIRC, that's a four year old thread. Either way, the OP or participants may no longer be around, and existent members consider the thread dead, and not respond.

But, it is a consideration for the actual moderators here to comment on, if they consider it to be a problem.

And if we only kept one thread per topic, no one would read through the resulting novels, and we'd only have about ten threads lol. And I'd rather do so someone the courtesy of starting and directing their own relevant thread with existing members, rather than redirect an old thread.

I consider it polite.
Sorry Gojo, if we're taking your thread off topic...

I'd heard the same thing about how rattlesnake tastes. I'm not a hunter, so I'd just stay out of its way, and let it be. With my luck, I'd stick myself with fang while trying to skin it *grin*
Seraphim said:
But. IIRC, that's a four year old thread. Either way, the OP or participants may no longer be around, and existent members consider the thread dead, and not respond.

But, it is a consideration for the actual moderators here to comment on, if they consider it to be a problem.

And if we only kept one thread per topic, no one would read through the resulting novels, and we'd only have about ten threads lol. And I'd rather do so someone the courtesy of starting and directing their own relevant thread with existing members, rather than redirect an old thread.

I consider it polite.

Thanks buddy, at least someone knows why I did what I did. :rolleyes:
LowTech said:
I'm aware of that, but it's pretty easy to add that question to an already existing thread about "Rattlesnakes".  Which was the subject line.

As a forum moderator (not on this forum) I'm also aware that it's usually recommended that posters add to already existing threads and not keep making threads about the same subject matter. It helps keep the space taking clutter down and makes searching up info easier.

You didn't hit any nerves, so if it makes you feel better delete it.
I would think that on national park land they are protected. Some states protect them and all reptiles. NJ comes to mind. But there are many parts of the country where it's open season. A shame.
To add to an old thread that is dormant, makes little sense, and threads can get ponderously long, to the extent no one benefits.
A new thread causes little problem.
I cleaned a 6 foot heavy Eastern Diamondback.  The meat was very white and clean looking.  I had never skinned one before.  Took me awhile and I remember getting squirted in the eye by some kind off snake juice about 3/4 of the way down toward the tail. By the time I finished I was pretty much sick of messing with it so I threw it in the ocean to feed the crabs.

I dried the skin out with Borax I think.  Anyway I ended up mounting it on a fairly nice board that neither my 2nd ex-wife or my current wife will let me hang on the wall.

I may just have to find a place for it in the van!
I carry non iodized salt and thumb tacks. You can usually find a board to tack one on. Stretch it and tack it on the board and set it in the sun. After it cures you can roll it up to save space til you do something with it.Tandy Leather carries snake tanning solution, better than the salt but the salt works well till you get something else. Good sharp pointed scissors work as well as a knife if you aren't skilled, you won't cut into the guts as easily. I've never killed one but have picked them up because people run over them. Yes, a dead snake can kill you. Watch for involuntary motions of it's fresh.

Seeker, I hadn't thought to use borax. I keep it on hand to kill ants.
dragonflyinthesky said:
Seeker, I hadn't thought to use borax. I keep it on hand to kill ants.

You are probably thinking boric acid although it may be what is in borax.  Borax not the best thing to use because all these years later I don't think it could roll up.

About 3 weeks back I saw another big one laying across the road in Matanzas State Forest.  Thought about getting Gunner my dog out and training him to leave them alone but it crawled off before I could decide.
A SEEKER said:
You are probably thinking boric acid although it may be what is in borax.  Borax not the best thing to use because all these years later I don't think it could roll up.

About 3 weeks back I saw another big one laying across the road in Matanzas State Forest.  Thought about getting Gunner my dog out and training him to leave them alone but it crawled off before I could decide.

Be VERY careful with dogs around rattlers!  My sister's dog once tangled with a small rattler, and Cindy found her balled up on the fenceline.  Got her to the vet, and $300 of antivenin later the pooch survived.  That slender collie nose was swollen up so bad she looked like a bulldog, and she suffered a lot of pain.  It did make her swear off tangling with snakes afterwards!
"Yes I do hunt and I eat what I kill. I don't think this is no difference than eating beef, pork of fish.
If you buy meat at a store, you're no different than a hunter."

I beg to differ, to the people that have never killed, deer, bear, chicken,boar/pig. this experience is wasted. To walk up on a kill and see the results of your hunt can be an intense experience.
I cleaned a 6 foot heavy Eastern Diamondback.  The meat was very white and clean looking.  I had never skinned one before.  Took me awhile and I remember getting squirted in the eye by some kind off snake juice about 3/4 of the way down toward the tail. By the time I finished I was pretty much sick of messing with it so I threw it in the ocean to feed the crabs.

I dried the skin out with Borax I think.  Anyway I ended up mounting it on a fairly nice board that neither my 2nd ex-wife or my current wife will let me hang on the wall.

I may just have to find a place for it in the van!

How about as a steering wheel cover?