Eating for extreme temperatures

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2015
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I've always heard that eating hot peppers will help cool you off in hot weather by forcing you to sweat. Alcohol also lowers body temperature by making the body expel heat, I think. (Which is why it's actually a bad idea to imbibe in severe cold.)

For warming up in the cold, I have learned that eating a large quantity of cheese in the evening seems to turn me into a human radiator all night long. I'm thinking other high-fat foods could have a similar effect.

Any other extreme-weather dietary discoveries or advice?
Peppers might work in a dry heat but so would a spray bottle of water. Alcohol does lower body temperature but I think it's probably not the best answer, much as I loves me beer.

When I was 17 I lowered my body temp by drinking copious quantities of beer. Sadly I passed out only half in my tent on a very sunny day. When I woke up hours later my bare legs were bright red and my dehydration level was off the chart. I felt horrible for most of a week. I made sure not to do that ever again. I always made it completely into my tent. I have nothing else to offer on the subject.
By contrast, I would imagine that salty foods can be a good choice in the summer.
The more you eat the more your body needs to metabolize, which creates heat. So eating less when it's hot makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me is big barbecues with huge amounts of food in hot weather. But people do it anyway—and complain about the heat.
I suppose eating foods that are easy to digest would also require less metabolic activity and thus result in less heat. Bananas, salads etc.
if u stop sweating u are already dehydrated. u can not recover by drinking now its to late. eating to make u sweat just makes it worse.
coffee and alcohol dehydrates you.
from my racing days drink tons of water an gatorade the day or two before if ya know it will be hot.
I recall reading an article about a guy who skied solo across the arctic.
He would eat absolutely massive peanut butter and jam (or honey) sandwiches...something like 2000 cal each as part of his 5000 cal/day.

I think the very high fat content in peanut butter would have the same effect as cheese...and be more digestible...and not make your #2 stink like milk proteins do.

In cold, rather than a high calorie intake, I do better with hot or warm foods and drinks.
When I was crazy enough to still winter camp up in the coastal mountains, boiling up a pot of hot ramen on the front seat of my jeep was just the ticket.

In summer, I agree that eating high water content and easily digested foods seems to keep you cooler.
I'm also addicted to that Huy Fong Sambal chili paste...I put it on virtually everything. I even eat a spoonful on it's own. So good!  (I might have a problem...)

Master Mechanic said:
if u stop sweating u are already dehydrated. u can not recover by drinking now its to late. eating to make u sweat just makes it worse.
coffee and alcohol dehydrates you.
from my racing days drink tons of water an gatorade the day or two before if ya know it will be hot.

Coffee does not dehydrate you.  That is, it does a very little, but not nearly at the level to take away from how much in fluids the coffee will put into you.

Alcohol does.