Dry Toilets?

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Jul 13, 2017
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Call me obsessed with what to do with poop and you wouldn't be wrong, as one of the biggest concerns I have about going mobile is about toilets.  I was thinking that it would be ideal if they had a toilet that was like the 'diaper genie' that I had when my kids were babies that wrapped up the diapers nice and neat for later disposal and lo and behold I found that they do have something of that sort.  I was wondering if any of you have used 'dry toilets' and your experience with these.

Here's an article on them and I have found a few for sale as well: Dry Toilet Info

If they are utter crap (pun intended) that would be good to know, too, but if they are a viable option for waste disposal that has the pluses this article seems to indicate it might be a good solution for some people's needs.
Really expensive to operate - each refill only gets UP to 17 flushes, apparently about 14 is normal. 3 pack of refills is $54.99 plus tax at Home Depot so better than a $1.00 a flush.

The common complaint is that liquid is pushed up back in to the next section when the twist action is going on. The only remedy seems to be to add enough toilet paper that there isn't a liquid left, it's all soaked in to the paper...additional cost involved here. The alternative is to 'flush' it a second time!

It's extremely environmentally unfriendly - the refills are made with mylar and then additionally wrapped in plastic.

Take a look at the C-Head separating toilet http://www.c-head.com/

I've had one in use now full-time since October 2015 and couldn't be happier...no chemicals. no dump fees, no water, no electricity. My only cost is about $4.00 US every 6 weeks or so for a package of hamster pet bedding from W/M...it's pine shavings. If you can get free pine sawdust even better.

The C-Head uses regular 1 gallon water/milk jugs for liquid so when one jug gets too grungy I simply replace it with another empty jug that I've bought for 88 cents and used the water. I keep two on hand in case I am someplace where it's not convenient to empty the one in use immediately.

It came with a venting system for marine use and I held on to the parts for several months until I figured out that no venting is necessary. I sleep with my head less than a foot from the toilet and there is no odor...I'd notice it if there was... :rolleyes: 

A little bit more on the initial purchase but you'll save the difference in a matter of months when you factor in the refills.

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