Downsizing Tip

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2017
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CO at the moment
We are on our final approach with a lot of downsizing to go but a whole lot behind us.  I'm starting to write up experiences and tips and plan to do videos.  Today I wrote up about sorting a lot of small items and thought I'd share here what I did.

I used those 40% off coupons for Michaels and bought a lot of those paper boxes the size of shoe boxes with label holders on them.  I bought different colored and patterned boxes every week using the coupons and placed them on shelves alphabetically.  As I came across the items in various drawers, shelves, boxes, etc., I put them in their appropriate box.  

I found this so useful for electronics and small stuff like hair ties/clips and such.  I just changed the labels after I dealt with an item and later the boxes became storage for something else.

There's a photo of the boxes - they look kind of cool.  I also blew up the image before I shrank it and read the labels I had on there when the photo was taken in 2012 and listed those.  Made me laugh, one had a space for "floppy discs."

Downsizing Small Items Tip
The irony is buying more stuff (the boxes) in order to help get rid of other stuff.
Im a firm beliver that if you haven’t used something in the most recent 30 days... either sell, give, donate, or trash it today. If I need it after that, everything is easy to come by again.

That’s a lot of boxes!
Van-Tramp said:
Im a firm beliver that if you haven’t used something in the most recent 30 days... 

My rule is one year, because some things are seasonal. However, I guess I could ditch the seasonal stuff I hadn't used in the past three months.
I use the "big black trash bag" method. Every month, I go through the place with a big black contractor's trash bag. Fill up two or three, throw it all out.
I'm getting ready to do a huge purge, as in renting a van purge. Almost all of my furniture is gone.
Another way to downsize (well, besides lighting everything on fire) is to put all the large essentials in your vehicle -- bed, toilet, fridge or cooler, house batteries (if you're using them) and so on. Then block out whatever you'll need for your body and room to move around. Then fit some type of storage in the remaining space. Put the stuff you think you'll need/want into the storage space. When it won't all fit, go through it again and again, making harder choices, until you're down to what WILL fit. You might make three piles: Absolute Necessities, Would Be Nice To Have, and Too Bad There's No Room.
Drop off anything usable and decent at Goodwill.

Anything that will burn, take and have a bonfire, you'll enjoy the release.
In our case we opted to go the work until retirement plan and he has 1 to 2 years to go. So those boxes I bought in 2011 and 2012 served me well over the years. We had had previous businesses so we had a LOT of inventory to get rid of responsibly. We used to sell stained glass and do shows - most of that stuff was gone to daughter. We also did graphic arts for quite awhile (T-shirts, business cards, wedding invitations, band brochures, restaurant stuff, etc.). A lot of those supplies we continued to use. We sold soap and incense and that expanded into selling soaping supplies, bottles, jars, essential oils and such. We also did gift shop items at the swap meet. So all of that took time and space for inventory. Slowly all of that is gone but I needed a cheap way to organize a lot of stuff. Those boxes have been swapped out so many times over the years they have more than paid for themselves.

If you are young you likely do not have a lot of things to dispose of. But if you are in your 50's and up you probably or possibly do. My tip will apply to someone taking their time to reach their goal with a lot of living and buying behind them. I've had a lot of garage sales and a lot of these items were organized and clean and priced well before the sale. I just kept it up over the years and I'm getting there. I've had a fun time doing what I've done - all those jobs were on top of my husband's and my full time busy jobs and we worked a lot of hours (I used to come home from work and print out 500 custom designed musln bags for a wedding order on a frequent basis). We worked well together and had a blast.

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