Donating Vehicle to HOWA upon death.

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Sep 1, 2018
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Mostly Austin or somewhere in Arizona
I've been thinking about donating my minivan to HOWA in the case of my death. The HOWA website has very little information about this. Just a paragraph stating that some states allow one to simply write a letter. So, I figured I would start this thread so people could pool the information they gather about this topic.

Please, if you are going to live forever, or have some other glib comment, please start your own thread. This thread is for pooling useful information only. 

Because my official residence is in Texas, I looked up the info for Texas. They have a "Beneficiary Designation for a Motor Vehicle" form, which is available at: They do not say where to send said form. I assume they expect everyone to just physically take them into the nearest DMV. According to this form, one can only donate a vehicle to a specific individual, not an institution (such as HOWA). Therefore, HOWA needs to designate a specific person to receive these vehicles and then donate them to the non-profit. If this is not financially feasible, HOWA should let people know that they can not receive vehicles upon the death of Texas residents. At least not using this method. 

Also according to the form: The beneficiary has no legal rights to the vehicle until the owner dies. If the owner sells the vehicle, then designation is voided. However, if the owner wills the vehicle to someone else, that someone else is out of luck. The official "Beneficiary Designation for a Motor Vehicle" takes precedent. The main benefit of this method is that it completely avoids probate. The vehicle ownership is transferred immediately upon the death of the owner. No waiting. I have no idea how taxes are handled.
It was a $10 title transfer fee to a neighbor when my MIL died here in Texas. She had told us she wanted them to have it because they were of great help to her.
Here is another document you may need.

And also

The 5 wishes is a fill in the blank advance directive that you can have on file at the local hospital. Cost is about $20.

You will also want a will in case your estate ends up in probate. This one says it is free and legal in AZ. Can also get a fill in the blanks form. -crofter
Arizona is unbelievably easy. I met a fellow I helped get his car running one time that killed himself a few years later. I stopped in the gas station where he had worked to get gas and the clerk asked me when I was going to come get my car. It seems he left a hand written note leaving me the car and with that note and regular paperwork I went to the DMV to see what I needed to get a title. 30 minutes later I left the DMV with a title and a registration!
crofter said:
Done. It took about an hour to fill this out online and email myself a copy all for free. To donate a vehicle to HOWA, they want an address and Taxpayer number. 

The 5 wishes site seems to be more difficult. No danger of anyone being left on machines during the pandemic though. 
I have a good van to donate as soon as I find a truck to buy.With the virus situation,that may be a while.
There was an 8 hour wait at the drive in DMV in Salt Lake City Utah yesterday as people out of work sold vehicles and toys to raise cash and get rid of debt payments.
Be careful who you let know that you will donate your van, so you don't get Kevorkianed.