Suezq said:How will you keep the cargo trailer cool and ventilated?
Huskies are in no way aggressive towards people, perhaps you are confusing them with another breed? Take your dogs and let them enjoy life as you do.Dingfelder said:Huskies can be aggressive, even if you don't think they're aggressive toward you personally. You'll definitely need to keep tight hold of them around other nomads.
I agree that 8x10 kennel sounds very hard to maneuver for the average person -- probably pretty heavy as well?
I wonder if you'd be better served by tying them to a tie-out, or roping a tree and then attaching a leash to that. I'd still try to keep them in my eyeline even if that worked, partly so they don't themselves get hurt -- or even stolen -- while outside.
Suezq said:These are all such wonderful suggestions. My carpentry skills are good, so I can build a water system attaching it to rig.
When I put my German Shepherd on one of those tie outs, he would run in circles around my feet until I fell over and was caught, then lick my face. He did better on a long lead while I was cleaning camps, then stayed in the truck for a couple hours in the evening while I did meet and greet, at the request of the company (I was camp hosting).undauntednomad said:I harness my German Shepherd and use a heavy duty, 25 foot or 50 foot tie out that connects to the door of the vehicle. You can D ring it to any metal hook that might be on your doors or loop it around...