Didn't buy coffee today....

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2011
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Was thinking how best to cut out what I truly didn't need.

Then I realized that I was again paying for "Free Stuff" Like the shower thread, I realized that the savings of
$37 a month didn't "Seem" like a lot, then I today thought "What if I also waited till I went in for coffee?" (Company supplies it)

So, I did some quick math and got the surprise I didn't realize.  Use the free showers and save $37. Stop buying coffee (Or only on weekends) and I don't spend $40.80 a month on that.

So, starting today and onward, I save monthly $77.80  You pay more for simplicity it seems....

I already grab the free condiments (Only if I buy food from them) deli's lay out for the customers....

Anyone also get a surprise financially when they sat down and added it all up?
This is known to many as the "latte factor," and aptly named for exactly the reasons you describe: Buying coffee out, daily, is an expense that can be recouped by changing habits. The idea is to curtail those repeat impulse purchases.
TMG51 said:
This is known to many as the "latte factor," and aptly named for exactly the reasons you describe: Buying coffee out, daily, is an expense that can be recouped by changing habits. The idea is to curtail those repeat impulse purchases.

Never heard of that, but agree with it (I looked it up even) funny....
When I had a day job that paid well, I had more money than time, so I bought my fancy coffee just about daily. Lost that job and got an espresso machine since I still liked that fancy coffee. Machine paid for itself pretty durned quickly. Now I'm in a place with REAL hard water so I put it away and use a Melitta drip cone. Don't feel deprived and still get my necessary caffeine.
It's always amazed me how much many people spend on buying coffee at Sbux and such. I could never justify even gas station coffee for myself. Too many bad cups bought out before. Sbux makes me hang from the ceiling and eats away at my stomach. I do wish I had that expense that I could get rid of though. LOL

I splurged to buy a cheap but great kcup type machine for home. I had stopped drinking coffee before that because I was always throwing away half a pot or more and the cleanup of the big mesh filter was a pain. Now I can have a fresh cup when I want it and can use kcups or just regular ground coffee in it. Switched to the regular ground 99% of the time because it's cheaper and less trash. Now that I'm enjoying coffee again I'm not sure how I'm going to replace it when I get on the road.

I agree, sometimes when you sit down and figure it out there are some expenses or "savings" that just don't work out. I discovered that with clipping coupons from the paper years ago---there were never enough coupons for the things I buy to even cover the cost of the paper so my "savings" was costing me.

I think it's great when one can save money in areas that aren't important to them in order to treat themselves to things that are important to them. I treat myself to a more expensive brand of tea that I love with some of my savings from other areas that don't matter as much. If a fancy coffee were important to me I'd just treat myself once in a while so I could truly savor it.
It is amazing how small costs can add up.
 Like cold drinks when out driving, you don't have to be on a trip to save  $$$$. Where I live the 16.9oz sodas/ pops are   $1.59 each  for 1 at most stores even Wally World while at the same time W.W. & other area grocery stores usually have  six packs of the same size in either Pepsi/Coke/Dr.Pepper  products for $2.50 to $3.00..........6x 1.59=$9.54.  or  6 into $3.00= .50 each.........the same goes for small bottles of water 24count or 32count =$3. or $4.

When I plan on being away from home over 2 to 3 hr.s I take a small ice chest with drinks in it.
I really like fountain cold drinks,  by carrying my own insulated mug  @ 20 to 32oz.  I  buy refills for .69 to $1

These small bottles make great oil funnels.., .....just cut off the end!  I learned this trick while adding oil in Hardees parking lot, a gentleman saw me raise the hood and came to offer his help...who sez chivarly is dead?   :heart:

I'm gonna start a thread on how the small cost of things add up & how to make small savings  that add up,maybe is there already one...i'll have a look see.    

Keep the shiny side up!     :D          TJB & Queenie
This looks like a good how to save  $$$$$ thread.......do I really need to start one?    TJB
Some job sites have employee run coffee clubs.  At my IT office a buddy ran one.  Cost me $2.50 a month for regular coffee.  At one time there were more members and we had Decaf too.  Supplied our own creamer and sweetener though.
Eating out at fast food joints is expensive too.  Big savings cutting it out.  Seeing the current prices for tobacco products I am mighty glad I never started smoking!  Whoowee that is an expensive habit!
There's a spot just down from current job that has a great Mocha Latte and fresh chocolate chip muffins...I hope this job ends soon, its costing me $10 a day with tip (cute cashier ;) )
Here's a tip on coffee costs: find any old McDonald's logo mug - it's good for unlimited free coffee at any McDonald's. After some searching, I found some locally on CL. Ebay has them all the time.