Dating and van life. How does one go about this?

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"Gender" refers to social, psychological, cultural, and behavioral constructs particular to humans.
In other words, a load of :poop:

Why the hell would anybody want to adopt a gender role, when they are free do whatever they want? Seriously, the "shackles" of gender roles came off many decades ago. I can't remember the last time I identified with or as anything. Maybe I haven't since birth. Consequently I have no clue what they are trying to accomplish with this, except maybe to sow more chaos and confusion.

I'm not a card carrying member of any community or club; I don't know the secret handshakes and don't want to know. My appearance is whatever is achieved with the minimum of cleaning, grooming, dental work, and cheap clothes. I may look like a hairy old white guy, but I don't belong to that club either or hang out with them, or do what hairy old white guys typically do.

Others may judge me based on how I look, how I live, what I'm driving, etc... but that's their business, not mine. I prefer not to be harassed or have my life threatened when I'm legally going about my business, but that has happened hundreds of times. No big deal.
In other words, a load of :poop:

Why the hell would anybody want to adopt a gender role, when they are free do whatever they want?
I was a PhD student in Psychology before I left university because I could actually make a living doing IT and Cybersecurity, and because jobs in academia are few and far between. But readers need to understand that Psychology is a science. And in that science, "sex" and "gender" have very precise, and different, definitions. That's the basis I was coming from.

As to "why the hell..." ? Because "they are free [to] do whatever they want", as you said. Even if it's not a choice you or I would make.
All I’m gonna say here is that gender neutral bathrooms are a good thing.

I’ve never seen a multi-stall gender neutral bathroom, but it’s certainly doable even with screened but otherwise open urinals.

Maybe just go a bit deeper with the screen, there are certainly males out there from which that little bit of extra privacy would be good for me.

I remember the tv show Ally McBeal where the lawfirm in the show had a unisex (or coed) restroom.

Well guess what, there is a large venue (Glencoe Campground) in Sturgis during the annual motorcycle rally with a coed restroom in the Glencoe Pavilion (indoor music venue) and I've used that facility several times during past visits.

Lets just say, with a large group of drunk bikers, and biker babes, after your first time in there, it actually begins to seem 'normal'.

But it is fun when the new guy in our group asks where the restrooms are, and you point to that door, and then wait a few seconds or a couple minutes and they come back out embarrassed or annoyed because they were sent into the 'ladies' room! (BTW: urinals and stalls with locking doors are available)

"No dude, it's coed'' lets go have another beer!" times.
I don't care what gender you choose to use to identify yourself. But don't expect me to use it. If I have called you "him" for 15 years and you decide you want to be a "them" it probably will not happen. Not because I an disrespecting your choice but because when I learned about "they and them" in grade school it was normally multiples of people not a single person. I was born on the tail end of the Baby Boomer generation. You can call yourself an iguana for all I care, but if I have known you as a dolphin for several years and you still look like a dolphin don't expect me to change how I address you.
I usually call people whatever they want to be called (as long as it's not "boss" or "Your Highness" lol). It's just basic courtesy. People change their names and their titles, why not their pronouns?

The singular "they" has been around for centuries. It goes in and out of favor -- just one of many ways in which the English language changes over time. You'll never hear a professional language expert -- writer, editor, linguist, etc. -- insist on people talking the same way they did in grade school. (Well, you might hear a junior editor insist on the grade-school version of English occasionally, but then all the other editors beat up on them :LOL:)

It's not a question of logic, either, since we easily understand when people use "you" to mean one person or many.

It bugs the cr@p out of me when people insist I tell them "my" pronouns -- especially where there is zero chance that anybody will refer to anyone else by a pronoun. It seems pompous and pushy and I suspect it's lost more friends for the cause than it's gained. But if someone wants to tell me **their** pronouns, well okay fine thanks for sharing, that probably wasn't easy, respect.

I grew up in an abusive household and later in adulthood I legally changed my name. I was super happy to do it (when I finally got around to it), but going around telling everybody was HARD. I couldn't tell you why, but it was. Fortunately everyone was nice and nobody gave me grief because for a couple weeks there, dang, you could have reduced me to tears just by looking at me cross-eyed. But soon it became just normal and routine.

I'm for letting other people be themselves and them letting me be myself.

Just don't call me late for dinner ar ar ar.
I don't care what gender you choose to use to identify yourself. But don't expect me to use it. If I have called you "him" for 15 years and you decide you want to be a "them" it probably will not happen. Not because I a disrespecting your choice but because when I learned about "they and them" in grade school it was normally multiples of people not a single person. I was born on the tail end of the Baby Boomer generation. You can call yourself an iguana for all I care, but if I have known you as a dolphin for several years and you still look like a dolphin don't expect me to change how I address you
A fellow I worked with when he was unsure just called the person “Fred”! Lol!!! You can still be old and eccentric!
Caught my first "bar fly" since going fulltime van life "baybeh". Or shall I say she caught me LOL. Needless to say lesson learned is, be prepared. I wasn't and it cost me half of the enjoyment I would of had, had I been. The next date didn't go as far or even close as the previous night, why? Probably because of what happened on the first night. BUT I was prepared this time and just nursed one glass of red wine. First impression was everything in this case. Hindsight is 20/20. To think about it, that is just what she wanted but I couldn't give her the full experience that she wanted LOL. And probably why the second date didn't go far. She was totally up front told me she was getting married in our first conversations. I lost her number already,

I am traditional type when it comes to stuff like this. I.e get the number, call her next day or two, converse, ask on a date (gives you time to prepare). I am not used to the the one nighters because they don't happen to guys like me. Van life maybe it will happen more often I don't know. But lesson learned be prepared. It impacts the first impression.
Good for you- nice to know there are still guys like you out there

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