Danger's on the road

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London has more murders than New York. The world is a scary place. It's just people love giving the U.S. terrible publicity.
Seminole Wind said:
they are an equalizer and often times one on the hip is enough to prevent a violent encounter.

I've prevented violent encounters many times by being friendly and unafraid. IME it works perfectly.

A gun on the hip wouldn't have helped at all. If someone really has ill intent you won't have to time to pull it out of the holster, cock it, and turn the safety off. That's why I ditched the .357 I had after a couple months. I'm not going to greet everyone I see with a gun pointed at them, ready to fire.
bullfrog said:
Glade you are safe and I hope no one ever thinks this was a good idea as even something that sounds like a gun in the wrong situation can get people killed.

Exactly. If the people across the lake really were "scary" then firing a gun would just escalate things. In reality they were just having a party, and vanbrat picked a rude and dangerous method to tell them to quiet down. If the partiers had been a real threat they probably would have gotten their guns out and shot up vanbrat's camp from across the lake.
Dingfelder said:
London has more murders than New York. The world is a scary place.  It's just people love giving the U.S. terrible publicity.

Violent crime rate in the US is only ~25% what it was 30 years ago... but most people believe the opposite. Reality vs fear-mongering.

rruff said:
A gun on the hip wouldn't have helped at all. If someone really has ill intent you won't have to time to pull it out of the holster, cock it, and turn the safety off. That's why I ditched the .357 I had after a couple months. I'm not going to greet everyone I see with a gun pointed at them, ready to fire.

You carried a .357 for a couple of months?

While I would never accuse someone of telling lies on the forums to push their own agenda, I feel the need to point out a few little tidbits of info.

1. .357's do not have an external safety. (If you carried one, you would know this.)
2. Even the most amateur gun buyer would be told NO single actions for self defense, EVER (meaning a gun that requires being "cocked" before firing) by even the most green gun sales person.
3. Even starter webpages (let alone a real concealed carry/self defense classes) always tell you NOT to let the threat get close enough to you where you could not draw if need be. It's one of the things you learn soon after, "don't point the gun at anything you don't want dead."

Anyone who truly had a .357 for a couple months and a permit to carry it would know this stuff.
As always, I recommend a W-88 warhead with a 200kt yield.

It's the only way to be sure.
Yeap, I am beginning to think Lenny and I are the most dangerous things on the road!!! LOL!!!
rruff said:
I've prevented violent encounters many times by being friendly and unafraid. IME it works perfectly.

A gun on the hip wouldn't have helped at all. If someone really has ill intent you won't have to time to pull it out of the holster, cock it, and turn the safety off.  . . .  I'm not going to greet everyone I see with a gun pointed at them, ready to fire.

How do you know you prevented a violent encounter?  Being friendly and unafraid only works if the one(s) encountered are not bent on violence.  Perps are looking for victims and the only variable they look at is how vulnerable you are.

If you are letting troubling persons get close enough to you that you can't defend yourself your situational awareness needs improvement.

If you know so little about the gun you carried and when it can and can't be displayed maybe its a good thing you don't carry it any more.
I had an uncle that used to haul barrels of radio active waste in a white van cross country to be buried in remote old mines. The van had those neat red and yellow danger radio active materials warning stickers on all four sides. Bet that would work better than brandishing a punny pistol at keeping people away. Just turn on the yellow flashing lites with the key fob and run away screaming "It's gonna blow!" would probably distract them long enough to get away!
hum can't get 0n the ferry th0ugh and since I am 0n an isand That is imp0rtant  but what a great idea  maybe just 0ne 0f th0se danger signs 0r t0xic s0mething signs :D :D :thumbsup:
I have never had an issue camping in the boonies. I have had a couple of drunks approach me in carparks trying to score a handout.

Which leads me to the suggestion to always have a high intensity LED torch handy. I have found that the light directed into someone's eyes is a great way of seizing the advantage to lock up or run away or to deliver a good hard kick to the genitals.
just finding a blind statistic on the internet isn't helpful...but I am not sure if this crap I copied is helpful :) :)

London's murder rate overtook New York for the first time in modern history in February 2018.

There was still less than half the number of homicides in London than NYC in 2017, but knife crime has surged in the British capital.

The two cities are roughly the same size, and New York's murder rate has plummeted by 87% since the 1990's.

London has overtaken New York City's murder rate for the first time in contemporary history as the capital has been overwhelmed with a spate of stabbings.

While London remains substantially the safer city overall, with less than half the homicides of New York last year, a recent spike in knife crime meant February was the first month the UK capital was home to more murders than the US city.
London has endured a significant increase in knife crime, with 15 dying in February, nine of whom were aged 30 or younger. Meanwhile 14 were killed in the Big Apple.

there's more but I didn't bother with it......
ok we don't need to discuss all this New York vs London stuff, it's irrelevant. the title is "Danger's on the road" any post that doesn't pertain to that will be deleted. highdesertranger
There is a reason why there are so many crime shows on TV, people love to see mayhem. They also love to post about it when it happens. Headlines that attract are the ones full of scary, click bait stuff. Crime sells, the boring mundane, I had a pleasant day full of much of nothing gets does not generate a lot of income for those who post such things.

Don't worry so much, it is what it is which means that is sensationalism attracts the most attention because it is outside of most peoples everyday boringly normal lives.
jeez, I just deleted 2 posts someone is getting warning points. come on people no more US vs England stuff. highdesertranger
The only thing I fear on the road would be a catastrophic mechanical malfunction I cannot wrap my brain around.
I just had to delete another post. what the hell is so hard about staying on topic. highdesertranger
5+ years on the road out west, dispersed camping out in the middle of nowhere, NF campgrounds, in and out of season. 5'8" 165 lbs and 70 so not exactly intimidating looking. Zero problems. Maybe it's the black cowboy hat

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