Danger's on the road

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Bad things can happen while living in a building. It's just that we were used to it, we were familiar with the odds, and we knew how to minimize risks. Living on the road is the great unknown — until you do it. Then it becomes your new normal and the anxiety decreases.

Stories of bad things happening freak us out because they're rare, because they're the exception.
There's a giant anxiety machine at work today in our culture because there's money to be made. If you listen to it you will have a lower quality of life. Fear can be incapacitating and make you incapable of making rational decisions. Information is instant today, so is misinformation. Stop listening to voices that bring negativity to your life, that includes the ones in your own head. Bring positivity home and you will be happy and content, but more importantly, you will lead the life you want for yourself.
I did it for 13 years starting in 1990. Usually tried to camp in places where I wouldn't see anyone. Occasionally stayed in cities, or just outside. No issues, even with people I'm pretty sure were certifiably nuts (mostly in cities). I take that back, I did have trouble with cops a few times. It was a bit of an eye opener for me; getting profiled as soon as I'd descended to the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder. Some cops don't even look at you, they are just on autopilot.

Best defense is to treat everyone like a friend, regardless of how scary they look or seem. And don't be afraid. Can't really fake that though.
Many miles, many states, parking lots, truck stops, primitive campgrounds, state parks, national forests & public lands...so good, so far.
Fortunately, most people are more interested in helping than harming others. But...there is a remedy for stupid :D
There can be danger anywhere, even at home. But most criminal types seem to stick close to cities: more choice of victims, easier to disappear in crowds. But not exclusively.

Pay attention to what's going on around you. Lock the doors when you're away from the rig, and at night. If someone makes you feel wary, pay attention and ease away. If something feels wrong, it probably is -- you just can't see it yet.

If you're traveling with a dog, and doggo is growling or fussing, don't ignore it. If doggo's attention is fixed on something, stop and pay attention. Tail tucked? Possible predator nearby.

I've paid for a campsite and left half an hour later because something felt wrong.

Don't get drunk. Don't camp in dry washes.
See the pic near my screen name?
If you are not CERTAIN you could squeeze a trigger at the moment of need, one like her is going to be your best bet.
Rapists are opportunists for the most part...there are easier marks that don't have a big dog. Thieves will almost NEVER break in where a 100 pound dog resides.

...and they love you to boot.

(Flatulence warning: NO TACOS!)
Don't be afraid of the unknown. I have driven East to West and North to South for years. Never has anyone bothered me sleeping in the vehicle. I've even stayed at truck stops outside of Chicago with no problems.
We have camped in some really remote places and only once felt nerves Hubby had taken a rifle for the kids to practice on so as the party got loud across the lake he took it out and fired a few rounds into some trees (it was too late and dangerous of a road to try at night so we where stuck) he fired just to let the folks know we were armed.. the scary party words slowed down after that and we didn't get much sleep that night. next day they left...…
vanbrat said:
as the party got loud across the lake he took it out and fired a few rounds into some trees (it was too late and dangerous of a road to try at night so we where stuck) he fired just to let the folks know we were armed..

:huh: :huh: :huh:   And who do you think was scary in this scenario?

The civil response to a loud party across the lake is walk over and bum a few beers...
The resp0nse was appropriate t0 the w0rds and s0unds we heard and if that meant we needed t0 be scarier then maybe we st0pped them fr0m d0ing s0mething stupid If they had s0unded friendly we w0ud have just enj0yed the n0ise
ok I'll say it.

discharging a firearm to scare someone or a group of someone's is never a good idea. beside it being highly illegal it just plain old a bad idea.

We just made n0ise and it st0pped s0me 0f the scary things being said 0r maybe they just 0pened an0ther b0tte 0f s0mething  We 0nly br0ught it t0 et the b0ys target practice s0mepace safe  N0 m0re right 0r wr0ng needed I kn0w n0t t0 use a fire arm in cr0wds etc
Glade you are safe and I hope no one ever thinks this was a good idea as even something that sounds like a gun in the wrong situation can get people killed. I hope your children never do this after experiencing this as many times this results in death or injury and is the reason it is illegal in most situations. Guns are not noise makers they are meant for one thing and one thing only, killing. Learn how and when to use them and if you are willing to do so they can be a useful tool to feed or protect you by killing something or someone. Recreational shooting is just practice to increase skills used to kill what you intend to. Owning a gun, learning these skills, and being responsible when we use them is something we here in America should treasure and respect. It should be a part of every one's education starting at a very young age to teach responsibility and the value of life, even if they choose never to own a gun. I'll get off my soap box now.
i think folks are over reacting here. it is not like they were shooting over their heads or doing anything dangerous. what they did proves that an armed society is a polite society! nothing illegal was done that i can ascertain from the description. i have done similar in the past and would not hesitate to do it again. guns do far more than kill. they are a tool. they are an equalizer and often times one on the hip is enough to prevent a violent encounter.
Sorry if I allowed my unfortunate previous experiences to influence my response. There seems to be an unlimited number of people where I was raised that just are not afraid of guns or being shot and have foolish sense of pride that in a drunken state would think shots fired or a brandished gun a challenge or an insult and hearing shots would escalate the situaition and give them a direction to shoot in. Drunks can have guns too and are best avoided which is pretty easy as their aim isn't to good and you can usually get out of range before they can reload, I speak from personal experience. I can not imagine a road more dangerous than a drunk especially if it is possible he has a gun (there are plenty of drunks with guns in that part of the country) and I would have left if I felt threatened enough to loose sleep, especially if I had my kids with me. These early lessons have served me well as I have traveled and came to realize there are not too many polite drunks out there but several with guns.
I was actually impressed with the group I camped with this past winter as they announced that no guns would be allowed at the wine and cheese event. A lot different than when I had to put my riffle down to pass the jug in my younger days! LOL!!!
I used to own a van with bullet holes in the side door, and speaking of a gun being a tool knew a guy that didn't have a drill or bit big enough to make a hole in his basement wall for a gas line so he just shot it in there. I've seen power lines,water lines shot accidentally, propane tanks and all sorts of black power shot on purpose. There are lots of stupid people and drunks in this world. I have always gone out of my way to avoid them cause I'm afraid I might become one!
Hi Tony as you can see from the posts above, the US is a scary place, be careful out there.

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