Confidence man - or Grifter

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2015
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Just thought I would discusss this for education on how to not be taken or conned out of your money, or wasting your time, or other ways to steal from you .

It is very easy to be bluffed into a losing situation.  Selling anything is a bluff also, so because we have so much selling in our society we tend to be more vulnerable to the con game.

1)  Some mechanics are outright ignorant, or definitely con artists (good salesman?)  be careful.
2)  If its too good to be true or does not feel right, then maybe its not.
3)  Common religious background is fair game to use by a con artist.
4)  Common military background is also fair game to be used.
5) being the victim of a con artists seems to be accepted too much. Police have a hard time enforcing laws where you would need a lawsuit to get your money back. Use the tools you have, like credit cards to reverse charges if you need to.

Just overall want folks to start getting educated about smelling out con artists, without getting too paranoid.
If it looks too good to be real, FLAG!
a lot of towns are setting up internet safety zones, usually at police stations.

It's an area where you can meet a buyer or seller to complete an internet transaction. The area is under video surveillance.
Check with the local police department
There is a difference between a rip-off artist and a con artist. One delivers, the other doesn't.

I play along with small-time con men, because I find greediness vastly amusing. I always try to make them feel shame, though.

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