Cold feet?

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Jul 17, 2017
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So, tomorrow Im going to check this van out, its a Renault Master 2006 xtra high top (85 inches! never seen one before, at a decent price with low miles on the clock and kept in good nick) Its around 7700 usd, but im going to get him down to 6700.  After that purchase Ill have around 2000 usd in the bank, to fix her up. I plan on living in her fulltime for 5 years, and travel through europe and sweden and paint.

But now, after around 6 months of obsessing and planning and dreaming of my life as a nomad (I am an artist/painter, so my plan is to travel and paint), and of course, saving up the money, now that Im finally here, Im beginning to get a butterflittery feeling in my stomach, you know the one Im talking about.. Am I really going it give up my studio here in Stockholm,( which are incredibly hard to come by, especially at the price i managed to get it for) and begin this adventure? Well of course I am, but it still doesn't silence that flutter. It could be nerves, or the fact that this is the biggest purchase Ive done in my life so far, the uncertainty and the possibilities all mixed in to one stomach.

any one else get chilly feet when it finally came time to take the plunge? Please share!
Everyone does. Even after you're on the road, moving day gives me butterflies.

Have a checklist and a routine.

Always, just keep moving forward.! Stepping Into The Unknown always gets my thoughts and feelings riled up.

The Self-Preserver in us says, "Do NOT go there! In fact , don't change anything because everything new is a risk. Stay as you are and you will face the least risk and best chance of survival. Or, you could also just check your priorities again - is this what you really really most want to do in your life? Probably not. So wait until you have more certainty."

The Adventurer-Explorer in us says, "Yesssssss! I'm finally stepping into the dream I've had for sooo long! Now I get to do MY thing! This is what life is for - exploring what I have in me and what else is out there, and doing it now. Why back away from the opportunity - I won't ever know what I can unless I DO it."

Both the Self Preserver and the Explorer have your best interests at heart, and neither one will ever give up what it knows is best for you. So don't expect either one to ever disappear. Both see uncertainty ahead, and fear or at least feel unsure about it. But that's why they invented the word "future" - to distinguish the time ahead, which you don't yet know, from the past and present times, when presumably you have a better idea of what's going on! Uncertain is uncertain - but you've made it so far, haven't you? ?

Ask yourself, "OK, I hear or feel you, butterflies - and what are you saying?" Hear your selves (!) out.  Put into words what the specific fears are (see Bob's essay on how to use fear) - the fears are telling you why you feel unprepared, inadequate,  guilty, unlike what others want or expect from you. The butterflies and fears are your good energy, your senses getting ready to help you take your next step, in whatever direction you choose.

IMO most fears are not meant to paralyze us or stop our growth. We can let them do that,  but we can also respect these sensations, give them our attention, knowing that they/we have more to learn from nervousness, self-doubt and other feelings. It's just our internal way of saying. "Alert! Something new is right in front of you. We are extra energy for what you guess will be best for you."

No one can foretell the future, though they may tell you they can. You MAKE your future. So make your best guess with what you know now. You will learn more as you go with your decision.

If you continue to feel very uncomfortable about the best "next step," you can ask others to listen to you  - not to tell you what you should do - but to tell you what they hear you saying to yourself. Sometimes it takes 2 people (and even electronic recording) for 1 person to hear him/her own voice.

TMW! Too Many Words! You get the point. Good luck!

"For believe me the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is-- to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Sail your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves!"
if you are able to sublet the studio Yah. the cold feet part you gotta muscle through, Cold Turkey just leave even if you are not 100% ready, because you never will be ready, completely. Good Luck Sir,
you paint houses or canvas?
I know I really started to doubt what I was about to do when it came to the "full time" issue. Like REALLY doubt and question it. Lol. Anyways, glad I finally went full time. Not always a grand happy adventure, but I am glad I made the decision I did. Its working for me. Best of luck!