Coffee can stove

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Dec 21, 2010
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We have had a lot of&nbsp;success&nbsp;with our coffee can stoves. &nbsp;These are nothing more than a large coffee can with holes drill/punched on the sides at the base for ventilation. &nbsp;Place enough charcoal&nbsp;briquet's&nbsp;in to cover the bottom and you've got your stove. &nbsp;I made one modification of adding 3 or 4 grates using metal hangers, place them 1/2 inch above the charcoal, I found this will prevent the hot coals from burning through the foil.<div><br></div><div>Foil you say, what foil?<img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="">&nbsp;Once the coals have started to burn, double wrap anything you want to cook in foil and place in the can, then walk away. &nbsp;You can cook anything that will fit in the can, I've done two boned chicken breasts in one and two baked potatoes in the other. &nbsp;In an hour the potatoes are done and depending on the size of chicken 1 1/2-2 hours. &nbsp;I've done salmon, small roasts, pork chops, etc.</div><div><br></div><div>It may take some practice to determine cooking time for you and, with larger items you may want to turn them over half way through cooking.</div><div><br></div><div>If you've got the storage space for a coffee can and a small bag of charcoal, give it a try.</div>
What a great idea Tincup! Have you ever tried to use twigs and sticks as a campfire? I guess the problem would be burning out the bottom of the can. Has that been a problem with the charcoal? thanks again, Bob<br>
<P>those are great stoves &amp; there's tons of info on the net if you look up "hobo stove" and/or&nbsp;"rocket stove" as well as coffee can stove -&nbsp;I have used those while&nbsp;backpacking, though they can make a mess out of your cookware (my experience was they smoked the pots while gas stoves didn't) and really need a close watchful eye </P>
We've been using them for a couple of years and no sign of the bottom burning/rusting out. &nbsp;If you try this, burn off the paint by chucking the can in a campfire or start a charcoal fire in it with no food. &nbsp;It kinda smells the first time it's used.