Cheers everyone.. first time out after my build

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2021
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where my van takes me.
Well first day out after my build not to bad, where I am though the deer flies are thick. 

So at the moment I am in Tupper Lake, NY.  At a lake called horseshoe lake..

Not sure how long I will stay here.. but for the moment I am enjoying the peace a quiet
Good time to think about screens and ventilation, maybe even an outdoor Bug-A-Salt! LOL!!! Most important is how well you can sleep comfortably in your van, make notes and make changes!
Horse flies are bad now in Central Florida, too, so don't feel bad.
Hello Scott. Good to hear you’ve taken off. I’ve been out for a year and I’ve been putting off doing screens the whole time. Now I’m on the farm of a friend they have a huge chicken house with 80,000+ chickens. You might think there’s “ a few” flies about, and there are. I’m using fly stickers they fill up within an hour or so but to keep them off me I’m using a product that is all natural called DETER It’s primarily spearmint and geranium oil. it works great for a couple hours then I have to add more. I actually spray my beard a little bit of my hair around my wrist here my shirt cuffs are and around the bottoms of my long pants. It really works and makes me happy I’m not using anything with DEET in it. Deet works but is it safe to use it often??? I got my deter on the net I got my first at the hardware store in Blaine PA near the forest I stay in and now I can find it on the net just Google DETER. I am determined to get on the screen sometime this week. I have what I need to do it but I’ve been putting it off. I am a member of the extreme procrastinators club. We have not had a meeting yet because we keep postponing the first meeting.
@nature Lover
That is some funny shcit right there.. I definitely plan to do some screen also.. more so just so I can crack the windows for a little circulation..

And I imagine that will happen soon especially with the fact that I don't have any back up power at the moment.. but I have another post and a bunch of the knowledgeable people here have helped me.. and I will be able to have back up power sooner than I thought..

@jasper, yes you are correct they seem to find all the tiny little cracks that you never thought about sealing up..

Or if you open your door they sneak in like ninjas

That said, cleaning often I think is the key
Oh and after my first night, I definitely need to reorganize things.. and most likely I will look for a rooftop carrier.. the only problem with that is it will take up solar panel space.. unless there is a possibility of attaching a panel to the carrier..
At that price I'd be screwing stuff down through the roof! LOL!!!
The panel supports 2w USB ports inside. I couldn't find the wattage and YIKES, that price...
nature lover said:
Hello Scott. Good to hear you’ve taken off. I’ve been out for a year and I’ve been putting off doing screens the whole time. Now I’m on the farm of a friend they have a huge chicken house with 80,000+ chickens. You might think there’s “ a few” flies about, and there are. I’m using fly stickers they fill up within an hour or so but to keep them off me I’m using a product that is all natural called  DETER It’s primarily spearmint and geranium oil.  it works great for a couple hours then I have to add more. I actually spray my beard a little bit of my hair around my wrist here my shirt cuffs are and around the bottoms of my long pants.  It really works and makes me happy I’m not using anything with DEET in it. Deet works but is it safe to use it often??? I got my deter on the net I got my first at the hardware store in Blaine PA near the forest I stay in and now I can find it on the net just Google DETER.  I am determined to get on the screen sometime this week. I have what I need to do it but I’ve been putting it off.  I am a member of the extreme procrastinators club. We have not had a meeting yet because we keep postponing the first meeting.
You know it's funny that you mention that product has mint.. I have heard that mint is a natural insect repellent.. so there is a health food store in the area that I am in.. when I was talking to the ladies in there they said the same thing.. 

Bit also that there are several essential oils that are a natural insect repellent.. so they had this natural spray that is actually made by a guy here locally.  I guess he is some sort of scientist.  The lady that suggested it told me it's the only stuff she uses.. 

Not cheap, at 10 buck for a small bottle.  But of it works it works.  And I agree would be better than deet
Certain Lysterines contain eucalyptus oil. I used a lavendar one in a spray bottle to keep ants, etc. away from the picnic table.

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