Catching rainwater

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2014
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Anyone have this set up already? Thought it would be cool to have a pop up type of rain catching system, for washing and such. Or boiling/sanitizing it for drinking/cooking use. Would be cool to have some type of fold out system to catch rain, filter it and funnel it into my holding tanks. Then sanitize the water for use. Or fill up your jugs. Something like this would work and you can fold it up and out of the way when you move. An awning a bit tilted to divert the rain into the barrel maybe??

Just thinking out loud.. :cool:
Just make sure you're not catching city rain. ;)
I'd favor the awning method for van-dwellers. Funnel the water into a five gallon bucket through cheesecloth or coffee filter, then drip through a Berky filter into a clean container for use. If you don't trust it for drinking/cooking, it would be fine for bathing and running in the PortPotti.
Sure, this works great. It doesn't have to be anything more than a tarp that's spring clipped to your gutters with PVC tubes to hold up the ends and a couple of 5 gallon buckets. It'll cost less than $20 and you can catch lots of rain!!

If you are going to drink it I would probably want to filter it though.
yes I do this to. 2 years ago a rather large storm passed over us. caught like 50 gallons in one afternoon. highdesertranger
Be careful. It's illegal to harvest rain water in some states.
compassrose said:
Be careful. It's illegal to harvest rain water in some states.

I don't doubt that you are right. There are some places so out of touch with reality that they would try to repeal the Law of Gravity. But I was just wondering if you knew what the so-called rationale of such laws was? Just curious.

It goes back to the old western 'water rights' laws, especially in the more arid states. The municipal governments claim ANY water that falls from the sky as theirs 'by right'.
I know that Oregon & Parts of Colorado have those stupid laws.
As for Colorado it is illegal in the city & county of Denver only, at least that what I was told when I set up our collection system, and used it for 6 years.
I have also seen stories of Oregon putting folks in jail for collecting rain, (go figure .. they get plenty of it) I have never heard of anyone being arrested in CO. for saving rainwater.

It is a very good idea to filter the collected water, it usually contains ammonia, & geradia .
The ceramic filters will filter out these elements, the Berky or Pro Pure.

Since I am a little paranoid, I use reverse osmosis, and finish it with Ozone gas ....
compassrose said:
Be careful. It's illegal to harvest rain water in some states.

yes I was going to mention that. I know for a fact that it is against the law in Oregon. highdesertranger
One of the reasons that I liked the Monsoons was the extra water. It is wonderful to have such an abundance for washing me and the cooking pots and even the dog. I thought about drinking it, but didn't. Is drinking rain water a good idea? I really doubt that anybody cares if someone camping is collecting a little rain water.
as far as drinking it depends where you are at, what the water is running off of, and what you are catching it in. as far as the law goes, I think they will look the other way until they don't want to. just gives them an excuse, no what I mean vern. highdesertranger
Thank you highdesertranger...I don't think I would drink it..but for washing me and other stuff it is great. In Flagstaff it was raining about every 3 days and an extra 5 gallons was wonderful. I think rain is coming in a few days and I will collect rainwater again...I am now indistinguishable from the other forest creatures in both appearance and smell and will enjoy a rainwater shower. Hahaha!
Ha! Flagstaff and the rain that wasn't. grrrr I was hoping for that rain also Sameer, now I'll be looking for a place to fill my water jugs.
You are right about the rain...however...last night it poured and I didn't save a drop...thought about it and moved to Cottonwood...Now I won't freeze my butt off in the mornings!!
Do you think anyone would care about us collecting 5 gallons of rain?
There are some fairly elaborate rainwater harvesting systems available for use in areas where drilling wells is difficult or impossible. The entire roof surface of your house becomes the catch area and it fills water tanks that hold thousands of gallons of water. HOMEPOWER magazine covers such things occasionally.

I have to think these laws are aimed at regulating or outlawing systems like that, not campers catching the run off from their shade tarp.

The great majority of us are going to be catching rain water on Federal land, National Forest or BLM. The Rangers there are not going to enforce state or local laws about a camper catching 5 gallons of rain, they don't have jurisdiction, time, or interest.

Sheriffs do occasionally travel through, but again, their are jurisdiction issues and they don't have time or interest in ticketing a guy catching 5 gallons of water!
Unless you run up against Deputy Sheriff Bubba Joe who's girlfriend is ragging him, he's drunk and wanting to get some immediate gratification by busting the chops of an out-of-stater......... :(
Seems like you could do rainwater catchment stealthily. For a mobile setup just remove the catchment once the rain has stopped. The chance of someone riding around during the rain looking for collector violators is remote.

For a remote cabin bury the catchment and for the collection system after the gutter attachment cover with leaves whatever is native to your location.

Just a thought.