Candy from Long Beach, Ca

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Aug 5, 2017
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Long Beach, Ca
In 2012 I switched the man for a Van and for 19 months me, my 11 year old daughter and our little dog, fumbled around while we camped both traditionally and semi-stealth (kind of hard to do with a Sprinter).  Even though it was an awesome adventure, the abrupt change was quite the bumpy ride for all concerned.  I sure wish I had known about Bob and cheaprvliving, then! 
Currently, I’m finishing up Home Schooling my now 16 year old daughter, who is getting ready to fly the coop, while I start envisioning my solo life on the road.  Right now, I’m watching a ton of YouTube videos and making plans to switch my Sprinter for Box Truck or possibily a Class C that would have more space and be a better long term livable solution for me.  This time out, I hope to make the transition to Nomad living a bit smoother; more comfortable; and certainly more enjoyable.

Truthfully, I’m a tad technologically challenged and an introvert to boot, so attempting to simply figure out my phone, let alone apps; were more than I could handle at the time anyway!   

Even now, as I prepare to go to the 2018 RTR, I find myself a bit flustered and overwhelmed at the thought of meeting SO many people all at the same time!  I both need my space and want to make new friends at the same time, so figuring out how to do that without offending others and/or over-extending myself will be the challenge.  Sigh!  Maybe, I should just wear a sticker that says, “Introvert looking to make friends”  :)

Anyway, most likely I will be taking our dog, Rosebud, and leaving my daughter with her Dad.  So, if you see me and my little “miniature golden retriever” walking about or at a group meeting (planning to be at Carolyn’s RV Life Sunday meeting and her meetup), please come over and introduce yourself. 
Be always, kindly!
Hi Candy, welcome from another new to the site person. I am building out my Ford E350 15 passenger van right now and I hope to go to the RTR in a partially built van.
I'm an introvert too, a hermit, almost! If you see a guy with yellow caution tape up and a great dane, stop by for an Iced tea.

Welcome Candy! For the introverts, there should be a tape-on-the-mouth circle at the RTR. lol

Welcome Candy and congrats on your new adventure. Not too many rules at the RTR. You can meet and interact with as many or as few folks as you prefer. I haven't found it to be filled with pushy people at all. I've attended a seminar or two and then retreat to my tent campground, take a hike, venture to the big tent or whatever...

Safe travels and enjoy Quartzite!
Welcome Candy to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. see you at RTR. highdesertranger
S Cello said:
Hi Candy, welcome from another new to the site person. I am building out my Ford E350 15 passenger van right now and I hope to go to the RTR in a partially built van.
I'm an introvert too, a hermit, almost!  If you see a guy with yellow  caution tape up and a great dane, stop by for an Iced tea.


Thank you, Steve!  

I may very well take you up on that offer.  Although, while Rosebud is a wonderfully friendly ham of a dog, sadly she is insanely territorial around other dogs at our Van and has an absurd disregard for large dogs and horses, so I’ll make sure to leave her behind before I stop in for some tea! 

Looking forward to seeing what you’ve done with your Van.  I was actually thinking of a passenger van like yours because of all the windows.  If you’re going to be out on the road, it would be kind of nice to sit and See it while your aren’t having to drive, especially in the windy and rainy times...
Be always, kindly!
CautionToTheWind said:
Welcome Candy! For the introverts, there should be a tape-on-the-mouth circle at the RTR. lol


Ha!  Yes, that feels kind of ironic!  

In larger groups I tend to think that it's not the introverts doing all the talking.  Although when it comes to small groups or one on one, I get so nervous that sometimes that I end up out talking (babbling) everyone...and then I sorely wish I had that tape!!  :(

Be always, kindly,
Deal Breaker said:
Welcome Candy and congrats on your new adventure. Not too many rules at the RTR. You can meet and interact with as many or as few folks as you prefer. I haven't found it to be filled with pushy people at all. I've attended a seminar or two and then retreat to my tent campground, take a hike, venture to the big tent or whatever...

Safe travels and enjoy Quartzite!

Thanks, Deal Breaker!  

I take it that you've been around the RTR a few times now! 

I'm really looking forward to getting out and making new friends. 

This sounds like this is going to be quite the adventure!

Be always, kindly!
Tape not FOR the introvert's mouth however because of the introverts (overwhelm as it were). :)

I get what you're saying. :) ...introverts become ungrounded and run at the mouth. lol
If you can afford to keep the Sprinter you might consider adding to your living room by expanding outside of the vehicle. Getting a quality camp chair is the simplest. I look to cook off of my tail. There are a variety of canopy/awning solutions.

Introverts coming in for a social fix is pretty much the norm. If you camp further out it will be less crowded.
DLTooley said:
If you can afford to keep the Sprinter you might consider adding to your living room by expanding outside of the vehicle.  Getting a quality camp chair is the simplest.  I look to cook off of my tail.  There are a variety of canopy/awning solutions.

Introverts coming in for a social fix is pretty much the norm.  If you camp further out it will be less crowded.

Yes, it is hard to give up the 22 mpg and the 500K estimated lifespan with the Sprinter!  Unfortunately, there is also the add'l 10 year $300 monthly payments, as well as $200 oil changes every 10K miles, as well as Brake Pads every 2 years, not to mention Rotors and then finding mechanic who are equipped to service Dodge bodies/Mercedes Engines...not to mention HONEST!  (Thankfully, I have the "Sprinter Expert" expert in Sun Valley, although I can't strap him to the vehicle wherever I go!)

And honestly I'm considering at least 10 years or more living as a Nomad, so having a space inside where I can do yoga and/or take a bath on cold or windy days -or desert sand storms- while out on 2 week Boondocking excursions would give me the freedom and indepence that I'm truly craving. 

So, I'm doing my homework and researching, now Before I get out fulltime again.  My challenge will be how to park it and build it out. Where I'm currently living will most likely not be an option.   sigh!

Anyway, hopefully I'll make some new friends at the RTR and get some ideas and inspirtation as to how to make this all work out for me.

Be all ways, kindly!
Welcome to the group Candy!

I'm also a Southern California resident, more specifically, south Orange County about forty miles or so south of Long Beach.

As for the RTR, while yes, it's a large group of people, it's not overwhelming at all. At the last RTR, I ended up getting to know the small group of people camped near me, essentially getting to know the neighbors. Most of these people were introverts, but we still had a lot of fun with potluck meals and campfire conversation in the evenings. Other people drifted in and out, resulting in a group that fluctuated from 3 or 4 up to a dozen people. I made some good friends and I'm hoping to see some of them at the 2018 RTR.
I usually bathe in the mid-afternoon with a solar shower, and when it is warmest out. No problem as a male and where I generally camp. I sleep in my clothes so going outside early isn't a problem when it is cold. Holing up in a vehicle for more than a couple of days does get old, but going where it doesn't happen often is a good strategy.
Hi Candice and Welcome!

My previous dog was a blonde wire-haired doxie. When his hair grew out I called him my miniature golden. I have  a new little girl now who is afraid of everything except people. Go figure.

Hope to meet you at the RTR.

Hi Sherry,

Thanks for the welcome! Yes, dogs certainly have their own personality. I got Rosebud for my daughter's 10th birthday, since she's an only child and I pretty much saw the divorce coming.

Unfortunately, I decided to completely ignore Rosebud for the 1st two weeks and have my child take full responsibility of that the bond would be between them AND it worked! Although now that my child as hit the teenager years, she's has other interests that consume her time and Rosebud pouts when Brook isn't around, so I've ended up feeling like the "bad Mama" with a rather needy puppy. :(

Thankfully, Rosebud loves the Van, People, and Swimming! And She LOVES cats, but other Dogs are usually a case by case affair, especially when she has to be on a leash or she is in the Van..

I'm Hopefull that with all the dog lovers in this group, Rosebud will feel more comfortable and be more mellow, especially if she want's to get any attention from their owners. <3

Hope to meet you, too!

Be All Ways, Kindly,
Welcome this life dogs can definitely be a challenge as you see I have two service dogs but at the same time they can keep you entertained and make great companions you just have to think more about then being in a campervan or car or on the leash more cuz you can't let him just like run when you're around a bunch of people it's not that it's harder it's just different and you have to adjust for it I hope you enjoy this life and wish you well

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