Camping at Quartzite

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I have my camp at La Posa South set up now. At the turn off to the left just about where the pavement stops, not very long after you pass the water/dump/trash facility. . If you look over that way to the left as you are heading on farther back into the campsites on the main road in the distance you can just see my small red with black travel trailer (has popup red canvas roof section) and my red with black Honda Element.  Unique trailer, rare 50 year old vintage that does not look its age so people think it was custom made to go with my car. 

I need to go into Quartzsite often once a day to ship out orders that people buy from my Etsy store. Its a Christmas season village kit so this is my busy time. Just finished packaging up 5 orders to go out in the Saturday morning mail at the Q post office. So that is why I decided to set up my camp closer to the entrance than the far reaches YARC prefers.

I would enjoy  visiting the YARC camp when people arrive. I think I saw a mention of some people being there for Thanksgiving. As I am unhitched I can drive there for a visit then go back to my own space. Of course people are also welcome to visit me since you will take out  trash, get water, dump waste or pass by on errands to town.and I am not far from there.

There are plenty of camping sites still open in the area I am in. Not directly on the main road and not heavily dusted. A workable compromise location.  I dont know what the normal population at La Posa South is but none of the BLM sites at La Posa look very overcrowded.  Of course there are clusters of people doing group camps.
Ravella do you need me to bring bread flour? I can pick up before we head that way.

Who doesn’t love fresh bread????
Freelander said:
I am going to have to show with my Smoker and trade some Ribs for some of that Bread.

Freelander will you be camping at YARC Camp and do you need directions? Are you using wood for your smoker? I still have a big pile of wood in the desert that I will be moving to YARC Camp on our return - if it’s still there.

Ever smoke any cheese? I’d love to throw in an extra sharp white cheddar.
As of right now I will leaving and going to Quartzite mid Jan. I also plan to visit the old RTR site and talk with Bob.

I have never been there so directions will be a big help.

As far as a Smoker I use a Traeger Ranger Pellet grill for most all my cooking. but I do carry a load of Hickory for campfires, and yes I do smoke cheese, and about anything that will fit, i.e. Smoked Meatloaf, Smoked Mac & Cheese, Hot Links, and maybe my stupid Weener Dog if she doesnt start acting right. I do enjoy cooking.,aps,184&sr=8-3
Cammalu said:
Ravella do you need me to bring bread flour?  I can pick up before we head that way.
Thanks for the offer Cammalu. I have something like 25 lbs of King Arthur unbleached AP flour, which does a good and reliable job of keeping the protein high enough to make good bread. If you happen to find any KA or montana wheat white (or even red) whole wheat, please do pick up 5 lbs.
Parker walmart only has gold metal whole wheat. It blends hard and soft wheat, trying to be everything and succeeding at nothing.
was there a pot of gold?

oh never mind that's a Lepercon. haha my spell checker doesn't believe in Lepercons no spelling for it and no suggestions.

Jeebus chalupa. "Stuff" is so expensive! Did you see the price of that gnome?? I don't often buy stuff, so prices knock me off kilter when I see them
is it just me or does that gnome look like Bob. LOL

sorry Bob I couldn't resist.

bullfrog said:
There are rules which state what you can and cannot do. 

I was talking about etiquette, tradition, respect...I was not talking about 'rules', unless we mean those 'un-written' rules of common courtesy....
Ravella and X said:
Oh! I found the gnome!

Cute huh. You found YARC Camp then. You going to stay?

I haven’t seen that kind of flour but I haven’t been looking either. Will peek around.

Yes HDR. The gnome does look like Bob.
I feel your pain and understand but on public land with written rules stating you cannot deprive a new visitor from camping at any location over 15’ from another occupied camp I think with increasing demand you will eventually find you need to be willing to accept that basically you can pay your fee and camp according to the written rules. Many of the ranger complaints involve people blocking others from accessing their chosen place to camp, camping too close or harassment between camps. A few posts here in the past have described new visitors experiences. It is becoming common for large areas to be rocked off that are well beyond what is allowed. Everything is, according to the written rules, to remain in a natural state and any modifications or temporary structures are to be approved by the BLM to insure they meet the guide lines. Slab city is a good example of what can happen with no written rules or when written rules are not enforced. LTVA is land that the government has improved to allow extended temporary stays not permanent homesteads you can return to every year even though that is what people have done. That is why many groups have purchased land and created RV lots that can be rented or bought so they could make permanent structures and improvements. The BLM issues group permits but requires the land be left in a natural state in the 14 day stay areas as well as other areas as we have seen with the RTR events. I believe if you read the written rules for the LTVAs they carried that language over into those rules as well. All I’m trying to say is realize you may be required to allow for new campers to occupy any area greater than 15’ from you and you have no right to ask them to move if they don’t want to. If the BLM determines the occupancy is damaging to the natural state of the land they can restrict or close off those areas till they have restored themselves to a natural state I believe. What is an improvement to us may be a reason the BLM eventually closes areas so lower your expectations and be tolerant of new visitors and their right to camp. Do your best to leave the land in a natural state so the BLM can continue to keep areas open to everyone.
La Posa South is anything but busy. Sparky's (Solar camp) is between the two dump stations one wash over on the south side in a area that traditionally is packed. There are very few rigs two washes off the paved road. So no worries about finding a spot to camp. Actually it's nice not having to go so far back on the rougher road to Yarc/ Sparky's.

Maki, I have been over in your area three times and need to return again soon. I know I have seen your trailer.
It's obvious to anyone who visits the LTVAs that the area has a use and purpose just a bit beyond the 'rules'.....Here are a few Google maps off-season overhead images of some of the 'modifications' or 'improvements' campers have made in La Posa South that are visible from space!!8m2!3d33.6639137!4d-114.2299486!8m2!3d33.6639137!4d-114.2299486!8m2!3d33.6639137!4d-114.2299486

Yeah...all that rock rearranging needs to stop and then POOF! there goes the revenue other words, follow the money. Thousands of visitors spend a lot of money to be able to have water, a dump station, vault toilets, and move a few rocks around. And with that I'll let the subject go...

You're welcome.
Well thank you all. I am educated on two distinct points of view and along with what I already knew, can make informed choices.
For now, my choice is to stay put. I will try to get info about this area from my neighbor across the wash in the magic circle, who appears to be an experienced regular (and is often sans clothes). I think there is a good chance that this road may be normally populated by Canadians. If so, I won't be moving this season. Unless I get a super annoying generator/smoker/barker/loud music player next door.
I have a fresh baked boule of 20% rye sourdough for anyone at La Posa South who wants to put on a mask and come get it. I don't want to give directions to my camp to the whole stinkin internet, so PM me and I will send you either GPS coords or crazy verbal landmark directions. First reply gets it. Boy I sure hope someone replies - I cannot eat two of them and throwing away good food makes me sad.
Maybe somebody has some New Years Black-Eyed Peas they can trade you! Lol!!!

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