Camping at Quartzite

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Freelander said:
Biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast. YUMM!!!
HEH I've traveled the US and the number one item I try at all cities I wake up in is their biscuits and gravy.  Still think the best is Cottonwood Cafe ( I've had out of nearly 50 states in the last 20+ years. Reduced to take out due to OR strict covid rules.
Cammalu said:
Look what we got from Bouse:  green banded rhyolite

 Wow, super pretty!!!
"If you are nice to her and ask you might get bread if you visit"

Heh. You don't really have to be nice. Just don't be mean. As long as the weather is nice, I'll bake.

Also, thanks to Camilla for the organic sharp white cheddar for the bread. I'm too cheap to buy that white gold!

Thanks, Freelander. I'm so glad you didn't make French toast out of it!
I still have some bread left from the last time. I do plan to make French Toast out it, I didn't have any cinnamon for the last time, but I do now.
I have been talking to some friends back home and there weather will in the 20's and single digits. I JUST HAD to rub it in.
Witnessed a very unpleasant altercation at the La Posa South dumpster site today. A couple wearing mask when around others, as is now required, had an unmasked guy who was out walking his dog and had a bag of trash to drop off comin pushing rifght into their personal space where they were transfereing garbage ot of their vehicle into the dumpster. They asked him to back off and wait but he ignored their request. Turned into a shouting match with the masked person who was using lots of F bombs while holding some type of canister in his hand looking like he was going to throw it at the guy who was refusing to back away. Two more unmasked people then walked up and got into the conflict which of vourse made it even worse. Eventually the wife got the masked husband to get into the car and leave. The three unmasked people then decided to walk over and report the masked person's behavior towards them. Of course it is just like an idiotic, aggressive perpetrator to act like and even actually believe they are the victim in a situation they created with their lack of manners to be patient to wait their turn in line. The police were called out on 911 by all the parties and the volunteer but I was not around for that. When I went into town to drop off my mail I stopped to get the non emergency police number to give my report as a witness to the altercation in case there was any confusion as to what actually happened during the event.

I would much rather have had a normal dull, take out the trash day than run into such nonsensical behavior.

I decided to go explore the city park area after I went to the post office. That is a pretty nice RC airplane flying field they have in the park. One of the best I have ever been to.
I think it was last year here that a guy cut in line to get water and another guy told him he needed to wait like everyone else. The line cutter pulled a gun on him. Crazy stuff.
Went out about 20 miles or so today into the Kofa. There are some really great beautiful places out there. I wanted to see what they call skull rock.

Sad to hear about that unhygenic & dangerous behavior in the fun spot Quartzsite. Something similiar happened to me in Home Depot, and I left the area of that person and went to the cashier area, did not get sick.

For sure the rates of Covid 19 are dropping in AZ but we are not out of the woods. 4 people died of Covid yesterday.  You can still save lives by wearing a mask. The infection is spread from one person to another through respiratory droplets, so that is why covering your nose and mouth with a mask saves lives. The droplets get stuck in your mask instead of being breathed in by a nearby person.

For a mask that is easier to breathe through, the Fry's store in Yuma has n95 masks (3 masks for $4) in their pharmacy area. I use this type of mask when I will be around others for more than 15 minutes.

In Yuma city there is an enforceable mask ordinance. The businesses have signs and bouncers at the door for that purpose. During the one mask arrest at Walmart, the person also assaulted the responding officer, so more to it than failing to mask up or leave the premesis. Not sure about LaPaz county. 

Also, if you can keep your six feet of distance by backing away it is harder for a person to make contact unless they are yelling or spitting. Just like any bad dude, you are going to back away and save your life. Those face shield things combined with the mask make a pretty good barrier when the worst happens.

Sorry you had to go through this, maki. If you stay in AZ  for the heat, you will meet only nice people. All the mean ones leave for 6 months or so when it gets hot. 
Welcome to the Wild West, and one of the reasons I avoid people, seems many were not taught good manners! I sort of feel better about limiting my contacts with people when I see behavior like that!
I made a trip to Yuma to visit the old Prison, and saw all the farms along the way.

The smell of all that fresh Broccoli, and Cauliflower etc. being harvested made my want to stop and help!!

I did buy some fresh Green Beans, new Potatoes, and Spinach. I'm going to eat good for a few days.
Cammalu said:
Went out about 20 miles or so today into the Kofa. There are some really great beautiful places out there. I wanted to see what they call skull rock.

cool place. i literally had Kofa wildlife refuge just googled up as i was talking to a lady about Slab City today. i kind of had a bad image of the place but this lady told me there were some nice people there and some have even come to her church in Brawley ;)
Finally rolled into Q area. Made a trip to Blythe this AM.
On my way back to Q
I check tomorrow's weather forecast every day. If it's going to be windy, I make sure to take care of any outdoor chores early, like fetching/filling water, filling propane takes big or small. Then I lay down anything that might blow over, like the wind screen on my lodge table and my 0 gravity chairs. Then I curse the wind. I'm so tired of the wind.

On the other hand, I have sent some selfies to family that entertain them greatly -- my long blue/green hair blowing this way and that, including up.
The selfies I bet are neat.

Hopefully tomorrow’s forecast doesn’t include this much wind. Looking forward to the warm up in a couple days.
No high winds in the forecast for the next few days. The strong gust will fall off around 10pm and the steady wind seped dropping down to moderate winds around midnight.

Best place to see what is happening is on the forecast page at the website. There is a bar of links above the forecast that takes you to a page of bar graphs. There tou can easily see the predicted winnd and wind gust sppeds hour by hour. It is a very accurate forecast site. Way better than all the apps for phones and tablets.

As to preparation, I look at that page several times a day. That way I can plan out my day
^^^ First site I check with my morning coffee. Lots of interactives and live radar. I'll add a "highly recommend" to Maki's. We're expecting severe T Storms and possibly large hail through Wed night. Great day to stay inside w a hot toddy...

Does anyone currently at the LTVA know if the services (dump, trash,water) are still available. Last year they turned things off on the 16th. Thanks
I am at La Posa South today and tomorrow on an off season, paid , overnight camping pass. Services are available with either the summer season pass for $75.00 or the overnight pass. The day use pass does not include use of the trash, water or dump station. I did dump trash today and saw people using the dump station and getting water.

The cost per night for camping is $15.00 but if you have an America the Beautiful National Park pass that overnight camping fee is 50 % off. In the summer there is a 14 day limit then you have to relocate same as you do in the non LTVA areas. The ranger was around today to inspect for vehicle stickers to make sure everyone had paid. The all summer season pass for LTVA is $75.00

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