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Weight said:
I wish someone could list for me the three felonies committed by the average citizen each day.

OBVIOUSLY that statement was an EXAGGERATION from a user trying to downplay the recent CHEAP INTERNET issues
on the other hand it is a reality that there is a law somewhere that prohibits just about anything a person can think of
for example if there are laws against solar power, wind power, sleeping in your car, the color of your house, etc, etc, etc the government can control anything they want!

so be careful!
rnpo said:
I really do feel bad for Jim. I think he just became the unwitting endorser for a product without really knowing much about it.
The youtube video was left on for far too long. Changing the title of the video was just confusing. A youtube video which explained the situation would have certainly have helped.
Mistakes were made and the lack of response was evident. Responding with removal of content and censorship just leaves a lot of people hanging.

communication is EVERYTHING!
Read attorney Harvey Silverglate's  book "Three Felonies a Day"

No one knows even approximately how many criminal offenses are on the books, with thosands of new ones created every year.

Congressional Research Service was asked by legislators to estimate just the federal ones, and it could not do so with any certainty. The best recent estimate, by Louisiana State University Professor of Law John Baker, is that there are more than 4,500 criminal offenses contained in federal statutes—and even this estimate is already a half-decade old.

One expert, Professor John Coffee of Columbia Law School, has estimated that there are more than 300,000 separate federal regulations that might be the basis for a criminal prosecution.

That's just federal, there are 50 state jurisdictions, with thousands of laws and tens of thousands of regulations. On top of that are untold thousands of city and county ordinances, many of which impose jail time for violations.

2 minutes googling will find many supporting articles


Then start looking into our crazy incarceration system. Well over a third of US citizens have a criminal history.

That's why crime rates are much lower in cities with higher proportions of recent immigrants.
Please share the three felonies you have committed today.
I have a criminal history, but, of course, I maintain that I was and am innocent. It has all turned out to be minor stuff, but it could have been serious. It's so minor I was allowed to drive a Transit bus; the background checks in that type of field are fairly intensive and exclusionary.
RVTravel said:
Please share the three felonies you have committed today.

If I told you I’d have to kill you [emoji12]
brucedevauxone said:
some people are so self-conscious that they consider everything STEALING!

At the pearly gates the preacher was asked: Are you free of all sin?
He replied "i have sinned!"
What is your sin?
"I brought home PENCILS from my office!"
How is that a sin?
"The PENCILS were the property of the Church and I used them for personal and family use!"
Did you Repent?
"NO! On top of that i did NOT report these PENCILS as income on my IRS INCOME TAX RETURN"
Well my son you must report downstairs!

That is such a sad justification..

Those pencils you slipped into your pocket would probly fall under the gift portion of your taxes.  Even if it was an unauthorized gift from your employer it is NOT in your contract that you are working to be paid in wages through office supplies so NO you wouldn't have to declair pencils on your income taxes.  So don't try to point out ridiculous examples to make following the LAW seem silly.

Now when it comes to I usually don't like to step into it but, your comment pushed my buttons so here goes...

Technically yes, religious law defines theft as unauthorized usage of the item.  Now if you purposefully plotted to steal pencils then yea I'm sure a just god would deal that harsher than sombody who forgot they had a pencil or two still in his pocket.  Best to bring them back to work when you notice you accidently taken them.  Why?  Because then you don't start to justify mopping bigger items like the front desk, or the managers desktop or the company car...!  Ok, maybe that example went from 1 to 100 but you get the point, well maybe YOU don't but I think others may at least.

I just checked the Verizon prices. and the 100GB per month plan is $710 a month (maybe that's just the business plan?)  While the 1G plan a month is $10.00 and so is 2G being $20.00  so based on that scale if you keep buying GB at the $10 rate instead of the overpriced plan that would be...

$100.00 a month for anybody who uses about 100GB a month.  so if you got 2 months that $200.00 or 12 months thats 1,200  That does NOT come anywhere near the justification as a couple of 12 cent pencils.  Even if you paid a buck each for fancy pencils.

Your method to justify theft is extremely outrageous and offensive.  Sure that's just my opinion though..
John61CT said:
Read attorney Harvey Silverglate's  book "Three Felonies a Day"

No one knows even approximately how many criminal offenses are on the books, with thosands of new ones created every year.

Congressional Research Service was asked by legislators to estimate just the federal ones, and it could not do so with any certainty. The best recent estimate, by Louisiana State University Professor of Law John Baker, is that there are more than 4,500 criminal offenses contained in federal statutes—and even this estimate is already a half-decade old.

One expert, Professor John Coffee of Columbia Law School, has estimated that there are more than 300,000 separate federal regulations that might be the basis for a criminal prosecution.

That's just federal, there are 50 state jurisdictions, with thousands of laws and tens of thousands of regulations. On top of that are untold thousands of city and county ordinances, many of which impose jail time for violations.

2 minutes googling will find many supporting articles


Then start looking into our crazy incarceration system. Well over a third of US citizens have a criminal history.

That's why crime rates are much lower in cities with higher proportions of recent immigrants.

Oh geeze, I hope your not posting that as a means to justify breaking the law are you?  As given the context this is posted it seems to imply just that.
urbankid12 said:
Oh geeze, I hope your not posting that as a means to justify breaking the law are you?  As given the context this is posted it seems to imply just that.

i just read ur last 2 post
seems ur a little thin-skinned- relax bud
urbankid12 said:
That is such a sad justification..
Those pencils you slipped into your pocket would probly fall under the gift portion of your taxes.  Even if it was an unauthorized gift from your employer it is NOT in your contract that you are working to be paid in wages through office supplies so NO you wouldn't have to declair pencils on your income taxes.  So don't try to point out ridiculous examples to make following the LAW seem silly.
Now when it comes to I usually don't like to step into it but, your comment pushed my buttons so here goes...
Technically yes, religious law defines theft as unauthorized usage of the item.  Now if you purposefully plotted to steal pencils then yea I'm sure a just god would deal that harsher than sombody who forgot they had a pencil or two still in his pocket.  Best to bring them back to work when you notice you accidently taken them.  Why?  Because then you don't start to justify mopping bigger items like the front desk, or the managers desktop or the company car...!  Ok, maybe that example went from 1 to 100 but you get the point, well maybe YOU don't but I think others may at least.
I just checked the Verizon prices. and the 100GB per month plan is $710 a month (maybe that's just the business plan?)  While the 1G plan a month is $10.00 and so is 2G being $20.00  so based on that scale if you keep buying GB at the $10 rate instead of the overpriced plan that would be...
$100.00 a month for anybody who uses about 100GB a month.  so if you got 2 months that $200.00 or 12 months thats 1,200  That does NOT come anywhere near the justification as a couple of 12 cent pencils.  Even if you paid a buck each for fancy pencils.
Your method to justify theft is extremely outrageous and offensive.  Sure that's just my opinion though..
the pencil thing was just to show how far some go defining what stealing means- i doubt even God would define a 12 cent pencil as a sin!
relax bud ur too serious
when u brought the topic of $10/GB- the last i heard it was up to $15 but either way a 100GB would be (at ur price $1,000 not 100) and IT WILL INCREASE
since Cells and Data are no longer a LUXURY but rather a NECESSITY countering the corporations PRICE GOUGING by any means available is NOT stealing! 
maybe ur not old enough to remember government control over necessities like telephone service but cell and data service has replaced landlines and the government should be protecting the users from PRICE GOUGING not allowing and certainly not protecting the corporations 
sounds like you have plenty of money to pay the ridiculous rates BUT most normal people do not!

even though the 2 that started this topic no longer want to offer a platform for discussion (forum)- i suspect they still are taking advantage of any means available to avoid the PRICE GOUGING!
urbankid12 said:
That is such a sad justification..

Those pencils you slipped into your pocket would probly fall under the gift portion of your taxes.  Even if it was an unauthorized gift from your employer it is NOT in your contract that you are working to be paid in wages through office supplies so NO you wouldn't have to declair pencils on your income taxes.  So don't try to point out ridiculous examples to make following the LAW seem silly.

Now when it comes to I usually don't like to step into it but, your comment pushed my buttons so here goes...

Technically yes, religious law defines theft as unauthorized usage of the item.  Now if you purposefully plotted to steal pencils then yea I'm sure a just god would deal that harsher than sombody who forgot they had a pencil or two still in his pocket.  Best to bring them back to work when you notice you accidently taken them.  Why?  Because then you don't start to justify mopping bigger items like the front desk, or the managers desktop or the company car...!  Ok, maybe that example went from 1 to 100 but you get the point, well maybe YOU don't but I think others may at least.

I just checked the Verizon prices. and the 100GB per month plan is $710 a month (maybe that's just the business plan?)  While the 1G plan a month is $10.00 and so is 2G being $20.00  so based on that scale if you keep buying GB at the $10 rate instead of the overpriced plan that would be...

$100.00 a month for anybody who uses about 100GB a month.  so if you got 2 months that $200.00 or 12 months thats 1,200  That does NOT come anywhere near the justification as a couple of 12 cent pencils.  Even if you paid a buck each for fancy pencils.

Your method to justify theft is extremely outrageous and offensive.  Sure that's just my opinion though..
Sorry $10GB times 100GB per month is $1000

now we have timeouts for even posting in addition to searches
brucedevauxone said:
the pencil thing was just to show how far some go defining what stealing means- i doubt even God would define a 12 cent pencil as a sin!
relax bud ur too serious
when u brought the topic of $10/GB- the last i heard it was up to $15 but either way a 100GB would be (at ur price $1,000 not 100) and IT WILL INCREASE
since Cells and Data are no longer a LUXURY but rather a NECESSITY countering the corporations PRICE GOUGING by any means available is NOT stealing! 
maybe ur not old enough to remember government control over necessities like telephone service but cell and data service has replaced landlines and the government should be protecting the users from PRICE GOUGING not allowing and certainly not protecting the corporations 
sounds like you have plenty of money to pay the ridiculous rates BUT most normal people do not!

even though the 2 that started this topic no longer want to offer a platform for discussion (forum)- i suspect they still are taking advantage of any means available to avoid the PRICE GOUGING!

It's not a matter of relaxing.  It's a matter of your comment seeming to suggest justification on an example that was not even accurate, there by making your argument or suggestion nothing but non factual.

Yea, your right about the price, now it makes sense the logic of it being seven hundred bucks as it's still the bulk discount deal.  The argument of price gouging is a whole different thing.. cable cable companies do engage in price gouging and new start ups like google fiber and others one which happens to lucky be in my area help lower costs.  Freemarket at work but is very slow in it's response.  When it comes tower based networks I will admit I don't know the costs structures of the network but from what I do know it's much more expensive than cable based networks.  What is a fair price, that is a debate I would be interested in however these companies  are NOT nonprofit organizations.  It's business you price your product high enough to make large profits, and low enough to keep out other competitors and to maintain consumers and maximize profits.  If you have any data that states the actual cost per GB of data is like cents on the dollar I would LOVE to hear more...

And no, I would completely disagree, I discussed with my parents the cost they pay for landline phone service  and it is shocking how much they pay for the service but get far less services than you'd get with a cellphone service.  Cell service for calls and txts are amazingly affordable.  The issue comes with the data usage.  

I don't have tons of money to be paying these expensive prices for data.  I am trying to plan things out to be nearly internet free for when I do finally have enough funds to take some nice long trips.  I understand you have justify it and are set in your ways.  That's fine Im not here to change your mind, but when you post about it trying to persuade an argument to justify it that is very misleading I really wanted to respond.  Only thing I'm puzzled on still is how you think I am not relaxed.

Either way, I plan on deleteing my auto payment to callingmart and moving on from the whole thing.  It was a good deal while it lasted.  And in my opinion the reason why it didn't last was because it was recently moved from the 3G to the 4G networks and the increased popularity likely resulted in much more usage of data being consumed on these $5 plans.  Which in my mind would suggest that there is infact a impact on the network as they invested man hours into working towards correcting this issue for them.  Then again it could have been a loss of potential revenue angle, but either way.  It leave many unanswered questions, so I don't think there is enough data to suggest price gouging.  pun intended! lol.
bottom line is I am very wary of anything on eBay. not saying I have never bought anything off eBay but I am very cautious. that's the main reason I never went for those to good to be true deals. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
bottom line is I am very wary of anything on eBay.  not saying I have never bought anything off eBay but I am very cautious. that's the main reason I never went for those to good to be true deals.  highdesertranger

I waited a long time before biting on this one. As it was I got exactly 59 days, the included service. 

My credit card refund procedure has a 60 day window. Go figure. Ebay’s is longer.