Why Half of America is Empty – The 9 States No One Lives In
Looked through it.
Vermont doesnt have truly low population density. May be from new yorker's standpoint.
It gets overrun by visitors from cities, lots of no tresspassing signs due to hunter overcrowdung and lots of mean attitudes towards transplants in very rural parts, actually because of too many moving in, I knew someone who had to sue 2 neighbors to run power lines, a little welcome for newcomers, not ungeard of. I had spent time in rural Vermont before deciding against it. Big propery taxes too.
Dakotas and WY, not really livable: no water,expensive well and well isn't guarantred to produce. Whole reason for low population. Properties near rivers which got higher water table, are very expensive. Depressing landscapes in Dakotas and lack of public land, except near Back Hills but Back Hills is such zoo in summer I dk to visit again. WY camping is very crowded anywhere where its forested, way too many tourists, I will not visit WY again.
Northern Maine is unpopulated.
But it has strong cultural quirks, outsiders arent liked, and starting to see mean bostoners/new yorkers influx affecting the culture. The most insane road rage I had ever seen was in Maine, must have been a mass-hole. Lack of public land (but can pay to go onto wast private eco preserve, after a long drive) and very high taxes in most townships, over 2% of market value easy. I dont need their services and to pay those taxes which apply to all rural parts of townships just like to in-town.
Rhode Island/Delaware made me laugh, I'd just rather drown myself in the sea than stay there. Population density 500-1000 (unpopulated???) per square mile and no public land.
Montana is overrun and crazy expensive, where it's livable (in parts with water). Camping there is getting very crowded and I won't even travel there anymore for this reason. Lots of negativity towards visitors due to too many newcomers pricing people out, housing situation made atrocious.
I extensively traveled the whole country and spent time all over before deciding I dont want to stay.
I know my secret perfect places in the lower 48 (won't post them online), too expensive for me now.