Here's my ideas on what we may like to do with the farm. We have a 1890 8 could be 10 BR or 8 BR & a 2nd kitchen & living room upstairs as it has 2 stairways, 4 full bath & a 5th plumbed in on 40 acres with a nice remote 22'x24' cabin with a 8'x12' sauna & full bath next to a stocked pond on the back of the farm. 52'x84' hanger which includes a 12.x52' heated workshop + other out buildings. We want it to go the right people. We're looking into doing a Sub S Corp & sell shares of the Sub S stock plus a monthly fee to cover utilities, taxes & a maintenance fund. Make it 50+ every new person pays to live there for 6 months to make sure they're a good fit. People could garden, have horses, chickens, other animals, wood shop, machine shop, etc as the hanger/shop has 3 phase. When someone dies or goes to a home the S Corp gets 1st chance to buy a stockholder out.I'm not giving advice just what we're thinking of that may or may not work for what you're looking at. I know you want to be in the SW but we've had the best weather the last 5+ years I've seen.