Business Cards?

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Ran across an offer for come cheap business cards, thinking of getting them.

I plan on just having some sort of logo, my name, cell number, e-mail, and maybe my website on the card. I often write these down for people, so I see them as a time saver.

I actually just ordered some with the same thoughts in my mind, in case I run into anyone interested in the 'why's' while on my trip. :)
I've met quite a few people out on the road, with business cards. Not so much with a phone number. They were more likely to have a URL for a blog or website and FB contact.
always a good idea.

...especially if you have a product or service you're I do.

great ways to get 'hits' on a website or blog too.
It's a good idea. I even had some business cards made for my 10 year old son. He has some trouble making friends with similar interests and we noticed that he would sometimes meet kids he liked at the park, museums, or out hiking. They would hit it off... and that would be that. He would never remember to find away to potentially keep in touch. We ordered free business cards (he picked the design and his "slogan") so he could easily give kids he clicked with a way to contact him. There isn't anything private or anything we would worry about on it and we keep track of who he gives the cards to. He has a few cool email pen-pals now and at least one genuine friend out of it, so it's been successful. cards are really and truly free (plus shipping) and have a wide variety of styles. The box comes with 500 of them, so they ought to last a very very long time.

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