Bus broke down, now covid+

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Oh Katt. I'm so sorry for all of your troubles and trials this year. Keep fighting for better times to come and keep letting us know how things go.

I wish you happiness and an easing of hard knocks. Until those come, I wish you the stubborn ability to keep finding brights sides. In the worst of times, there are almost always small bright sides to help keep you going. I hope that the people rooting for you on this forum is a bright side for you.
Katt said:
I'm still among the living. In a hotel in NC. I was doing OK but then things went south and I had a short hospital stay a week and a half ago. I already had cardiomyopathy and Covid did something nasty to my heart, so now all the symptoms of CHF that I had years ago are back. Hoping this gets better. ER doctor called me a "long-hauler". Through all of this I've had to keep applying for jobs so I could keep unemployment. Had two interviews even (both via video chat). In reality, there's no way I could hold down a job right now. Sleeping 18-20 hours a day is my friend.

Gotta love "life" in the United States. At least my partner has a job, or we'd be screwed.

 Ive been seeing a number of references to long haulers improving after getting vaccinated.
Katt, your doing the right thing by resting and sleeping. Drinking lots of water... are you able to walk a bit? No matter how sick, some exercise is not a bad idea. But just know there are many pulling for ya. Best medicine around is friends and family. Sounds like you have plans and all. Keep moving forward! Covid is no fun for sure. You have “friends” you’ve never met. Nothing would make said friends happier then to hear your getting better.
So good to get an update, Katt. You've been in my thoughts. Take good care and update us when you can
Oh my. Get well soon and fast and quick. And keep us posted, please!
Ha, this quarantine stinks... how are ya doing Katt? My situation is mild since I had it and recently found I had antibodies enough. (I had cortisone in both wrists/hands) so I’m unable to get vaccinated. My absolute only symptom is fatigue! So you can imagine the surprise when that diagnosis happened. In November my symptoms were probably more like what you are experiencing now. Please update us... I’ll be praying for ya and hope your getting better.
NctryBen said:
Ha, and just like that I’m laying in er with pneumonia... and covid!

Oh crap! I'm sorry! Best wishes for getting well and quickly!
NctryBen said:
Ha, this quarantine stinks... how are ya doing Katt? My situation is mild since I had it and recently found I had antibodies enough. (I had cortisone in both wrists/hands) so I’m unable to get vaccinated. My absolute only symptom is fatigue! So you can imagine the surprise when that diagnosis happened. In November my symptoms were probably more like what you are experiencing now. Please update us... I’ll be praying for ya and hope your getting better.

I'm sorry you're going through this as well. 

Also, thank you to everyone who has replied and had me/us in your thoughts. 
I am doing better today. Was able to go out, take a short drive and take some photos and did not have any shortness of breath. First time in weeks. Then I came home and vacuumed the apartment (hotel room). Hopefully I stay on this path. It feels good to not feel like crap for a change.

We will be in our present location for another month or two, at which point we'll be able to purchase a new HoW and be back on the road. The goal is West coast, probably Washington state, and then go from there. 

I appreciate the kindness in this community! <3
Excellent to hear you had a good day and are moving forward. May there be many, many more!!!
Great Katt... I think I’ve needed a break for a while. Quarantine and rest is doing me good. I’m doing better too, but still tire fast. They want me walking some, so I walk out in the woods away from people a little. Then rest! That’s encouraging to hear your doing better. Hopefully that trend continues. Better to get all your “troubles” out of the way now so you can hit the road trouble free. Health, vehicle... Life hands us all little roadblocks now and again, sounds like your a fighter and ready to move forward. Nice job! Maybe we’ll all meet out west sometimes. I get to Washington a lot to see grandkids... Well, don’t over do it to soon there. But nice job beating this stupid bug!