Yes once you get away from the cheap mass market standard panels, shipping will kill prices.
Best to look locally, or find other local buyers to go in on a pallet.
Or head out on the road, travel to where the deals are. Miami has a great warehouse place super cheap.
Francesfree said:
I took a picture of the chart for reference.
Blue Sea's Circuit Wizard app is a great resource for determining wire gauge needed, takes all the factors into account.
Fuses depend on the ampacity needed, location and type of application.
Making a detailed schematic drawing of your overall design (not to scale) before you buy stuff will help people make suggestions.
A new thread per topic, relevant background only + short question per post will also gets more / better responses.
And of course educating yourself via good googling first helps you ask the best very specific questions.
My DC Electrics 101 thread