Better Off Selling My New Van ???

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
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Phoenix Area
Hey everyone,

If you haven't seen my build thread on my new van you can find it here:

My reason for returning to van life is the ending of a long term relationship and my overall financial situation.

That said ... There's always people on here looking for vans. Most don't have the ability to buy something cheap and fix it up. Many also don't know how they would go about outfitting the van. Mine is already livable.

So, the question is ...

Instead of going back to the van life would I be better off just selling my freshly built van to someone who needs it? I could then take that money and either bankroll getting situated in the traditional life again or potentially just find/buy/build another van. Fixing up a van which needs some TLC and building the interior really isn't a big deal for me like it is for some.

I don't know. It's kind of a catch 22. Plus, if I sold mine and wanted to do another van the time delay might cause some issues. The reason I built this van so quick is because I'm rapidly running out of a place to live and money.

I just don't know. It's a tough question. I've also gotten all involved (physically and mentally) in returning to van life.

if you prefer the traditional life, sell the van and do that. If you prefer the nomadic life, keep the van and do that. For me there'd be no question.

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Well, several months ago we moved back to where we lived previously and started a business.
I have a fair bit of investment locally and even if I did the van life again I'd mostly stay local anyways.
The primary reason for going back is financial and not the desire to be a nomad again.
no keep it until your well on your feet again
From what I'm reading here, you don't really have the desire to go back to the nomadic lifestyle?
What I have seen from following your build thread is you might possibly think about a business where you build out older vans and sell them to folks that really need one? XFILE36 comes to mind as she seems desperate for a van set up like yours.
I see you have posted on her thread.
 Just a thought for a possible business opportunity?
Well, selling the van would be enough to get me back on my feet again. Since I'd get the money invested back plus some extra for labor.

I didn't intend to go back to being a nomad. I wouldn't mind it but ultimately it's not truly my desire.

She is actually what brought this to mind in the first place. She is having a hard time finding a van, can't fix a cheap one up herself, and doesn't really know how she'd build it let alone have the experience/tools for doing so. It would ultimately be cheaper for her (or someone like her) to buy mine too.

I've thought a few times over the years about building vans for others but I don't know that there would be enough workflow to do it regularly.
Gideon33w said:
I've thought a few times over the years about building vans for others but I don't know that there would be enough workflow to do it regularly.

I think you would only have to do one a month to make a decent living at it.
tx2sturgis said:
I think you would only have to do one a month to make a decent living at it.

Well, I'm not one for charging people all that much. Unless they needed/wanting a REALLY nice build or something which would take a butt-load of labor and time spent on lots of finish work.

Plus, there'd be a fair bit of risk involved if I was the one sourcing, buying, and bankrolling the van build before posting for sale. Plus, I'd need to have a place where working on them wouldn't be an issue. I built mine in my buddies backyard. Not a long term location, lol. 

Still, it's a fair point. If I charged $1,500 for labor on mine ($100 a day or less) since I spent two weeks on it essentially and I could do that once a month it's a fair income. I keep my living expenses super low anyways. Or, am I charging too little?
your life,you got to make the choice,when done i plan to put my rig on the market for high hipster price
not selling out but buying in
Haha, maybe I'm selling myself short on the idea of pricing. I mean, mine doesn't have the best finish work because on the timeframe for building it but unless someone wanted something intense I probably wouldn't charge much more for my time.
Gideon33w said:
Plus, there'd be a fair bit of risk involved if I was the one sourcing, buying, and bankrolling the van build before posting for sale.

I dont think you can do that legally unless you are a certified RV upfitter/manufacturer/reseller. Too much liability.

But you COULD convert the interior on someone else's van, or cargo trailer.

The interweb is full of companies doing this, but they are all pretty top-level companies with prices to match, like Sportsmobile and Outside Vans.

I think there might be a need for a basic, simple, interior build out. Insulation, floors, walls, headliner, and then maybe some basic cabinets or wiring, whatever they might want. Keep it simple, dont get in over your head, charge what it is worth.

Not a bad way to make a million dollars! know....something...
tx2sturgis said:
I dont think you can do that legally unless you are a certified RV upfitter/manufacturer/reseller. Too much liability.

But you COULD convert the interior on someone else's van, or cargo trailer.

The interweb is full of companies doing this, but they are all pretty top-level companies with prices to match, like Sportsmobile and Outside Vans.

I think there might be a need for a basic, simple, interior build out. Insulation, floors, walls, headliner, and then maybe some basic cabinets or wiring, whatever they might want. Keep it simple, dont get in over your head, charge what it is worth.

Not a bad way to make a million dollars! know....something...

That's a good point. Even if I started a business for it I would probably need some type of cert and insurance for it.
So, your thought is that I'd be a cheaper alternative for modding others vans and/or helping them source ... Good point.
All of those things are easy enough for me. Might be enough people willing to bring me their van to build.
Looks like I'm leaning towards selling it. Don't know yet if I'd go to a new van or traditional lifestyle.

What do you all think is a fair price for the van? 97 Express 2500, passed emissions, tow package, power seats/mirrors/windows, 5.7L V8, runs/drives/shifts well, 181k miles. Build is as in my thread. Would come with the solar, custom swamp cooler, etc. Just as it sits now. Well, I'd replace the leaking pinion seal and give it a tune up first just to make sure it's 100%.

Just looking for opinions. What would you expect to pay for it?
Most states if you buy and sell more than x number of vehicles a year you must have a dealer's license. Best check it out.
bullfrog said:
Most states if you buy and sell more than x number of vehicles a year you must have a dealer's license.  Best check it out.

Our personal vehicles have all been in her name since it's cheaper to keep a single insurance policy so no worries there.
I did flip some cars earlier this year for extra cash but I think only 1 was ever actually put in my name.
I think sturgis and bullfrog are right, dont try to do this as a business on your own. Be a "remodeler" instead of a "flipper". Require the customer to bring the van to you and you will custom build to their specs. In Xfile's case, yes she is "desperate" but other than pointing her towards a van, you enter a difficult area when you buy it "for" her then expect her to pay... might work on the first couple but then you could get stung. Or just buyers remorse and bad feelings.

Sounds you have regular business talents that are already established. Earn your money there, do a van every now and then on the side, call it good.

I see you've already advertised it so sounds like you've made your decision.

You did a good job based on the pictures.
All really good points. If I sell my van and do a "normal" life I could offer the service providing they bring me the van to build.
Well, the missus and I have (had) a business. But that will be hers alone once I'm actually out of here.
Appreciate the compliments on my build. It was a rush job due to circumstances but I overbuild everything by habit, haha.
thats why i got a small rv,it's a restoration not a conversion,it's legal

70's/80's hightop campervans,gut them,pretty woodwork,cool cubby holes,off grid,green(iron is a mineral and rubber comes from trees)
the youngins will eat it up,think $15k is a deal

in my state,last time i check you can sell 5 vehicles a year
tx2sturgis said:
The interweb is full of companies doing this, but they are all pretty top-level companies with prices to match, like Sportsmobile and Outside Vans.
Gideon33w, what about getting a job working for the above 2 companies (or others)?  You can show them your build to get a job.  You can keep your van until you make some money and then do whatever you want. :D