Best way to make coffee while boondocking?

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Tbaldwin said:
Ordered a RoadPro RPBH-012 12V Beverage Heater For $10.50 on sale with free shipping at Reviews on amazon are mixed but I’ll let you know once I give it a go with the pour over method. If it doesn’t work, I’ll check out the butane coffee maker.

Thanks all for the quick and informative responses!

I'm one of the people that gave it a one-star review there. It couldn't boil water hooked to a brand-new battery with all-new large-gauge short-run wiring, then later, after review was already posted, sprang a massive leak while sitting unused full of water for a couple days. I'm not saying it for certain won't work for you-- there are indeed some positive reviews-- but want to warn anyone else about to buy.
Thanks, I figured for $10 I’d give it a try even if it ends up being used as an warmer for soup, etc. what do you use Rabbit?
Compare the up-front cost to the annual value of what you're getting.

If you can get the same quality result and longevity cheaper then great, but spending on daily-use tools is an investment, not like other wasteful or even harmful consumption goods
if you can't use propane or butane then you are not boondocking, but attempting stealth. highdesertranger
I'm a coffee snob and like it strong. I love Toddy cold brew but it's not a very portable system. For travel, I use a French press because you can make coffee with hot or cold water, the latter overnight. Be careful, though, cold brew can be addictive and you may find it hard to go back.
My cold brew recipe:  
Put 1/4 cup of coffee grounds in a full sized coffee filter.  Gather the filter and tie it closed with dental floss.  The coffee grounds should be loose in the filter made into a bag.  

I use 24 ounce spaghetti sauce jars well cleaned out.  Onion and garlic flavored coffee sounds horrible.  Put a filter paper bag of coffee in the jar and fill with water.  

Wait 24 hours.  Drink.  Carefully remove the grounds.  If you get the grounds out without tearing the paper there is virtually no cleanup.
Yes the term boondocking generally means out in wilderness.

But wrt appliances, here often specifically means no shore power available.

Stealth means avoiding detection.

There is no term for living in built-up areas out in the open but using battery electrics only.

If someone said "boondocking in a hospital car park" in the context of cooking needs, I would understand what they meant.
Sorry—assuming you already have a tea kettle. The kettles at Walmart are cheap though. I ended up getting a OXO brand pour over kettle because my hands are not steady...but any kettle would work!
Thanks! I’m concerned about using propane inside the van ....

@TBaldwin, in regards propane, I don't have an actual kitchen set up in my van, as I really don't want a lot of food odors in there, due to bear country, so I use my Coleman propane stove either outside, or if windy, I put the stove on the floor of the van next to the side doors, and stand outside to cook. That's my current solution.

Also, on my recent trip, I bought a $17 coffee press at Walmart, and it's the only darn thing I think I'll ever use again, Phenomenal coffee, :). And it really doesn't take all that much water to clean.
I have a snap-spoon tea infuser that I use. Just empty the tea out of a tea bag, replace it with coffee, roll up the end and set inside the infuser. Then I pour boiling water into a cup, and stir the infusers about in my cup until the coffee is strong enough (I don't really like strong coffee).

How you manage to boil water - that, is another story. I use my propane stove and a kettle.
^ Great idea, maybe don't need a filter with coarse ground coffee. Now I gotta try it :)
Wrapping coffee in a coffee filter and tying it shut works too. Don't have to throw out the tea (and pay for it) either. I haven't seen coarse ground coffee in awhile. I guess if you did the grind bean coffee. I drink too much coffee for that. 12 cups every morning.
I often carry and use the Starbucks VIA sleeve coffee. About a $.80-1 a sleeve but at Costco they are under $.60 and often go on sale. Pricier than other perked coffee but no garbage other than the small sleeve. I leave some in each vehicle with the survival gear and stove.
The Folgers ones I used to use waay back when I could backpack. Not too bad tasting. Main feature is easy.
I also (when I remember to buy filters) set a funnel into a tall mug, put a filter in the funnel add coffee then boiling water.

I've also made individual baggies with filters and dropped them into hot water before. Whatever is at hand and handy :)