BBQ anyone?

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do you BBQ

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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San Francisco
bought a nice little cookeroo small propane lava bed BBQ grill about
14" across and 10" tall. veggies fish chicken.
I carry a Weber portable propane which I truly love!!

Even vegetarians can love it! Pick up a book on foil cooking and you'll see you can make almost anything on one of these. I've wrapped it in foil and cooked a turkey on one. Pizza comes out great.

Much more versatile than you think.
I have a couple grills - one is propane, the other is charcoal. But I've never tried BBQing. I just buy the BBQ ribs from the store, precooked and just need heated. Taste pretty good. Expensive though, so it's a rare treat.
I do have a buddy who is very into BBQing - his BBQ rig is built on a trailer, and can handle a half pig! He is a real Meat Meister, and tows it to various county and church activities. He built it to resemble a pig - has snout, ears and tail, and even 'teats' made from sparkplugs! He made a few smaller cookers from 20lb propane tanks, to look like piglets. It's a really cute setup. :)
Another guy next county over built his meat cooker into a VW bug - he sells "Beetle Burgers"!

The Beetle Cooker:



I love the bbq. many vegies can be bbqed. when I was younger and worked on a farm we used to take fresh picked corn build a fire and put the corn right on top shuck and all. all we did is warm it up, boy was it good. I still cook my corn this way. it make me sick when people boil their corn and way over cook it. asparagus is also excellent on the Barbie, no foil needed put it right on the grill. highdesertranger
yay! People that know BBQ is a verb. i'm so excited. Yes, i have a coleman one burner stove with a grill so I can BBQ!