Most people who are concerned about magnetic fields worry more about higher frequencies like cell phones. Some are more concerned about lower frequencies like 60 Hz. All the 12 volt stuff in a van is DC, zero Hz, no frequency, direct current not alternating current. The magnetic fields generated are constant like from a permanent magnet, like a refrigerator magnet, like the Earth's magnetic field. Turning on and off an LED light is like walking towards and away from a refrigerator magnet. X-rays really do damage human cells, low intensity permanent magnet fields not so much.
Aluminum foil hats don't have any effect. Literally, tinfoil hats don't work on DC fields. Tinfoil hats keep out the high frequencies used by space aliens and the NSA to read my thoughts. You need ferrous hats, iron or steel, to keep out permanent magnet fields. If you put up shields you need to demagnetize them on a regular basis as they tend to get magnetized. Tinfoil hats don't need to be demagnetized.
I have a cousin who used to sell magnetic socks, magnetic knee supports, magnetic wrist bands, and magnetic ankle bands. They were alleged to cure and prevent all sorts of ailments. They were "good" for you and really good for her bank account.
Chuck1 said:
Its measured in mG (milligauss) you can get a meter for less than $150 Trifield™ Meter Model 100XE
Those meters are 40Hz to 100kHz, AC not DC. Really, low level DC fields aren't a thing to worry about.