Bast's and Co Rambles

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2016
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[*]I do not yet have a rig. Some of you have been following my attempts to buy one. This is not an easy process. I ran into some problems with a seller on Craigslist. Luckily it did not end up costing me any money. My sister and I are going to go look at an rv on Saturday. If that one doesn't work out we will keep looking.

I have decided to attempt to buy a rig this summer. I was going to wait until I retired in four years but have decided that was silly. If I buy one now I could enjoy it now. I realized that I was in danger of putting my life on hold until I retire. I really do not want to do that. 

On the other hand I do not want to rush the process and make a mistake. Please send good thoughts my way.

Sounds like you and I are on a similar path - I'm looking at retirement in two - five years, hopefully and just bought a little old Class C to play with. So far I haven't taken it farther than the mechanics for a once-over and the RV shop for a roof recoating, but I'm enjoying the hell out of hanging out in it in my driveway.
Good luck in your search!
You'll find the right rig eventually , it's out there .........
Maybe the current owner just hasn't decided to sell it yet !
Take your time.
Do your homework on a prospective rig and avoid as many problems as possible.

Try some little trips locally to get your "road legs" under you ,,arrrrrhhhhh!
Good thoughts sent!

I know how frustrating the search for a rig can be. I'm going through the third search in two years and it doesn't feel any easier than the first two. Just keep at it--new stuff is on the market every day, and don't settle for something you have a gut feeling you won't ultimately be happy with.

All the best of luck to you in your search!
I believe your thinking is solid on not waiting until some date four years in the future. Getting your feet wet now (or as soon as you find your rig) will allow you to know what you personally like and don't like about living out of a mobile set-up. By the time you retire, you'll know for sure if it is for you or not.

And, you'll learn the pros and cons of the type of rig you select.

By the time you retire, you can go out full-time with a lot of confidence and experience.
I sold the house and bought an rv and lot 2 years before I retired used YMCA 4 blocks from work mostly to see what it would be like living without utilities. Last 6 months my wife campground hosted while I commuted to work and sold the lot, made the living on the road retired easy.
Hi I just got a phone call that an RV I was scheduled to go look at has sold. I am temporarily out of leads. Bast

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