Baby step my way out of here!

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Jan 27, 2020
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Hello, joining this forum is my third official step on the road to finding a more fulfilling life. Every year during the dreaded Minnesota Winter Hell, I tell myself 'next year' I'm out of here! I taught myself to camp and RV after watching "CRVL'  compulsively since 2016. In 2018, I bought an RV not realizing it was too old(31 years)to make work for travel. But, I learned a lot about RV systems using it. Recently,  I had some fairly serious health issues and came to see that 1. I am one medical emergency away from bankruptcy as I am smothering in debt from owning a house and a business and 2. I'm almost at the end of my life and ALL I've done for the last 35 years is try to live a life that would make my dead parents proud. They are gone! Why in the world am I trying to prove anything to them? So, I just wanted to take another baby step on the road to freedom for myself and introduce myself.
Sounds like life has given you some lemons and you are on the road to making lemonade! As the John Lennon song says, "life is what happens while you are making other plans." Like you I'm looking at tomorrow and what it will bring, and I look forward to it. Good luck!
Welcome Miniapplecocoa to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

A big step away from your childhood and now it is time for catching up by taking those stairs two steps at a time! Or even sliding down that banister in one fast and smooth slide to a safe landing with both feet heading out the door.
Miniapplecocoa said:
Thank you for reminding me of that! The banister sounds awesome!
LOL,  you slid down that bannister many years ago. You have just forgotten that and got your thinking muddled up. You are not trying to prove things to your parents, you are trying to prove it to yourself. But right now your values for what matters in your life have changed and your self critical criteria just has not caught up and is still caught in the old metal revue loop of your last set of values. Don't worry it will quickly sort itself out. When you feel it slipping do a reminder to that inner voice that it is a new day with a new set of criteria.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums.   :)

I live where Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky all meet and I can tell you that there are loads of people here who have 
lived the same story as yours.   Those who were lucky/successful  are held up to the rest as "The American Dream", but the others who live in that small business revolving door often wonder why they didn't go seek an area with a better economy and just find a good job or better place to operate a business.

In my Profile I describe a system I used with a Van and a economy car I towed behind it to do just that when I was a much younger guy.  I guess I was lucky then as both of my Parents had to move away to find good employment in the mid south. (like so many others from here)   But living up to others expectations of you can be a revolving door in itself. 

I think you will like this lifestyle.  Just try to have some plan and focus in your travels.  Perhaps a couple of days a week in camp (relaxing & planning),  a couple travel days, and the rest for touring & visiting attractions.  We sometimes speak of a 
2-2-2 system here that some like to use.

Good Luck !