Are you embarrased to tell ladies you live in a van or camper?

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2012
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I have been living in my camper now for 3 to 4 months. I'm 50 years old and single. I go to work everyday and live like this to save some money. I'm not wealthy and traveling the US. I'm just trying to get by. Last week I met a lady at my brothers house who I thought was nice and we chatted. She seemed to be well off and successful. she told me where she lived and then asked about where I live. I told her the area I lived in but I did not tell her I live in a camper on the side of the road or wherever I can park for free. I have to admit I was embarrassed. How do you guys handle this?
Lying to us women-folk will get you nowhere fast, so you should bring it up sooner rather than later.<br /><br />Maybe start slow, and talk about all the upsides of van-dwelling, you can talk about a friend you know that has this sort of lifestyle, and gauge her reaction.<br /><br />Another option is to find someone already in this lifestyle, since there are a surprising number of us ladies out here.<br /><br />But really, since this is a lifestyle that you chose, do you WANT to be with a woman that doesn't get/accept this part of your life?&nbsp; If they can't accept it, they aren't worth your time, move along <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />Anyways, you asked for guy's opinions so I'm sort of chiming in un-invited here, but thought I'd chime in anyway <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />Good luck, whatever you decide!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
Wow, who could say it better than a woman...there you go bro....<br />Bri
sounds like a delicious way of getting to know a gal's interests, Howard. I used to date when I was single and gal's who did not like cats got my disapproval, along with smokers.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> Darrell.
Tara's answer is right on! (as usual) I will add it is all in the presentation! If you are like oh "I live in my camper" but your hand half covers your mouth and you look uneasy, she is likely to feel uneasy about it as well.. If however you say it proudly with a gleam in your eye and a sense of adventure it is likely she is going to find it interesting and want to hear about it. Every girl is not going to be interested in your lifestyle choices no matter what those choices are are. But, be loud and proud and most will be accepting. At least any worth your time!
I still turn some attractive heads, but honestly, I can't be bothered anymore. <br /><br />&nbsp;If the questions probing my income and assets start too soon, I get turned off, pissed off. &nbsp;<br /><br />"Go away, I live in a Van, and I don't care to ever impress you or your friends." &nbsp;<br /><br />Even when I had a good sum of money in the bank and was a stick and brick dweller, I despised the women with dollar signs in their eyes.<br /><br />If the materialistic questions don't start right off the bat, then I'll give them a chance, but it always eventually comes down to the Van, and I don't lie. I have no game.<br /><br />Acceptance of this is not always easy.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
&nbsp;If a woman can't handle my lifestyle I don't want anything to do with her. If she's cool with it, we'll make many strong babies.. or at least go through the motions. Frequently. ..Willy.
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Am I embarrassed? I wouldn't be, if there were any </strong></span><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>women around to BE embarrassed in front of, that is.<br /><br />Anyway, back when I first came to the realization I was gonna have to give away my enormous, 12-room home, &amp; live in a camper, I told my friend "Momma Lois" what I was planning, &amp; she promptly said something like "No woman is gonna want to live in that old motorhome", or something to that effect, to which I replied, "If they're only interested in me because I have a huge home, then I don't want 'em anyway."<br /><br /><br /></strong></span>
A person who doesn't love himself and his lifestyle might want to make some changes so's he does.
I think it would depend on what you expext or are looking for. If you would like to develop a real&nbsp;relationship then it should be founded on honesty or you are dooming it from the start. On the other hand if you are only looking for short term companionship of a few nights you could say you are on a trip and just passing through town. I agree with wrc about them golddigger types, questions sizing up my financial worth or the what can you do for me&nbsp;train of thught&nbsp;have always been like repellant to me. Im a contractor and have had more than one&nbsp;woman ask me to do a major remodeling job in their home after a date or two,&nbsp;thats a quick way to never hear from me again.&nbsp;&nbsp;
When I lived in my first bus, I had a bumper sticker that said "Don't laugh, your daughter may be in here!" <br /><br />As it turned out I met my wife about then and she loved the bus....Last July 16th we celebrated 28 years as man and wife....I still love her like never before and believe she feels the same way....and we still own a bus.&nbsp;&nbsp; Bwahahahaha! At least today...soon it will go on the ebay block...the bus, not the marriage...<img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />I have never been apologetic about anything I have chosen to least in sobriety. And the things that hurt others I have made amends for to the best of my ability...some amends are very much ongoing.<br /><br />Get on with it bro and if you love what you do, it will show...if you aren't, it will show....<br />Bri<br /><br />
Go the other way with this. Tell her you're on the run from the law, and that van is all you got left of your former life. Women do stupid things all the time in the name of love for bad or even pseudo bad boys. Make sure you tell her your name is Dirk, Lex, or Sawyer. No offense but Howard's are rarely if ever on the run from the law.<br /><br />Hope that helps.<br /><br />
You just tell them, if they are not cool with it, then they aren,t for you anyway.
thanks for all the great replies it's been a lot of fun reading them and has helped.
I know the following story may not qualify as I was already married when I began vandwelling. This story is to share with all you guys out there that just because a woman would never think of living in a van; doesn't mean she wouldn't consider a relationship with a fellow that does.<br /><br />I had a house, wife (partner)woman, grand kids and the whole shebang already when I started living in a van. I work on the road 50 weeks out of the year and make pretty good money. I was to the point where I was so miserable staying in motels I was ready to quit my job because of it. The problem with that thought was; then I'd have to go home ans stay there. Don't get me wrong; I love my family. I have an itch that cannot be scratched living at home. . . . .<br /><br />I was going to get a motorhome but being one that always see's the repair aspect of so many things a motorhome was out of the question; I didn't want to be saddled with something that needed maintenance &amp; repairs all the time. Not just the repairs but . . .size does matter. I wanted to be completely mobile in every way. . . .(Disclaimer:the mileage of this last paragraph may vary depending on what you drive, your disposition and your penchant for humor; or lack there of!)<br /><br />And then I seen a hi-top van. I was sold and my wife was mortified at the thought of it all. But she knew it was over; I had that look in my eye. Here was a sure fired way to beat the system and I'm all about beating the system.<br /><br />&nbsp;. . . .Forward to today. I've been living in my van since March I think. I make it home every two to four weeks. This weekend I'm meeting my wife and the two teens left at home in MPLS, MN to celebrate my wife's birthday. I haven't seen them for two weeks; it's time. <br /><br />We are going to stay @ the Hilton Hotel in Bloomington, MN for two nights and go to a live theatre performance on Saturday night.<br />My wife deals with all the bills and those dang teenagers with a smile on her face plus puts up with me to boot. She deserves it!!<br /><br />Besides . . .it's all paid for with money from my expense account because I don't need to pay for motel rooms anymore. So you can tell them this story if you want; I'm sure it is just one of many success stories relating to someone living in an unconventional way.<br /><br />BTW, A picture of my 1975 Chevy Hi-top in the parking lot of the Hilton is forthcoming <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> !!!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />gus
Cool stuff....Dipping into the past, I had my first bus a year before I met my present wife and after having been married for 15 years, I was all about being loose as a goose. I also lived in my step van previous to the bus....I had absolutely no trouble finding any kind of relationship I wanted while in the fact many of those dear sweeties were into the bus....One had her own bus and one lived in her own step van. I have enclosed a photo of several of us camped together...Jan's van is the blue square one, mine the green and friend Tom and his two kids the blue 51 Chev Eugene, OR in about 1980....<br /><br />Dude, if the ladies like you now, they will like you then...if not, well, can't help ya....<br /><br /><br /><br />Bri
Hi T and K....I do have some but like this one, they are prints from 35mm film....I don't have the time or energy to scan them....I had a flurry of energy a while ago and di some but not very many....<br />I will put a couple of my first bus on just for giggles, tho...<br />Thanks for asking...<br /><br />Three of these are from my first bus and the one with Tom selling at a crafts fair/flea market is after he had done a lot of work on the old 51 Chev....<br />About 30 years ago he had an engine block crack and he sold it to some young hippy kids who fixed it for using as a traveling bus to follow the Grateful Dead....<br /><br />Bri
It was perfect for when I had it....I learned a lot and it was a safe haven for me....It was the best time of my life until that point....<br /><br />Bri