Anyone try Pigeon, Crow or any other critter....

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<span id="post_message_1272621326">bk2valve, no, I guess I have never been THAT hungry!!! LOL!! Hopefully I never will. I just have a VERY weak tummy!</span>
<br><br>Hi Judy,<br><br>I hear ya. Actually to tell the absolute truth...neither have I been THAT hungry! lol I just like to try different stuff and have a pretty strong stomache.....<br><br>Happy tummies....<br>Bri<br><br><br><br>
Guess the only wierd thing I tried that I didn't care for was Uni (Sea Anemone Roe common at sushi resturaunts) love sushi but not Uni

I believe in trying everything once but I draw the line at Asian Baluts (fertilized, partially developed duck eggs) and any kind of spider
Actually I tried sushi a couple times and there are a couple things I would eat again but I sure wouldn't pay anyone for it...LOL<br>Bri<br><br>
I tried it first time on a dare, now my wife and I are JUNKIES!

If you've never tried it before you really should. Just be sure you go to a good place that serves fresh. We got old sushi one time (not old like, get your stomach pumped old) just not very fresh and we almost stopped going for good .

The freshness is such a big part of the taste.
I suppose you are right CDD....I think what I ate was not made just then.....I know of a place about 70 miles away and I will try it there someday....<br><br>Always need to give things another chance.....except of course OKRA which I have tried every single freeking way someone suggested....made by them except for the pickled and that was in a bottle from the store...and the refrain is ALWAY the same..."oh, if it is made right it is delicious....blah, blah, blah..." <br><br>Say I have an about you...<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">the okra lover</span>.....(not you CplDevilDog!) ...come with me to Thailand and see how much of what I like you can even keep know, if it's made right it is delicious...! <br>ROFLMAO....OKRA SUX!<br>Bri<br><br>
HEY!....... I like okra... Not sushi, and for the record, chocolate covered ants are like old chocolate covered raisins, just a little crunchier...And no, I'll not be eating monkey brains , ESPECIALLY if the monkey was still using them a few moments ago...
Thank you for not telling me how good okra is and that I just haven't had it cooked right....<img src="" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>No monkey brains for me although I have had calf brains...and Doooood, chocolate would make okra taste good...hey, that's an idea....I just haven't had it chocolate covered....<img src="" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>Bri&nbsp; <img src="" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>
Love fried Ochra. Hated it steamed. Like a bowl of snot.

If you live in the south where Spotted Gar are common, they are usually thrown out as "trash fish". If you can cut through their armor plate skin (start at the butt) they have a strip of boneless white meat down each side of the backbone that I would put up against any flounder.
I love trying new things!<br>I've heard squirrel is really greasy.<br><br>The only thing I would be worried about eating wild animals, is the parasites they can have. I heard that cooking doesn't always make it safe.<br><br>And unless I had run over the animal, or the person in front of me, I would never eat roadkill. Yet again, much too worried about the health issue there!<br><br>But, if done properly (sanitary), I love deer, elk, antelope, snake, rabbit, etc.!<br><br>
&nbsp;Most of my cooking tastes like a critter, sometime in the past, crawled in there and died. I have the proud distinction of having made someone barf just from the SMELL of my cooking; luckily, he made it out the door in time to spew.<br>
I've heard squirrel is really greasy.
<BR><BR>The only way it would be greasy is if you fried it. Good clean meat just like rabbit, chicken, etc.<BR>BTW, if you're put off by the gamey taste of squirrel, there's a small fatty gland (about the size of a BB and pale yellow)&nbsp;that contributes to the strong flavor. One in the armpit area of both front legs and midpoint between the sections of large muscles in the back legs. May have to&nbsp;explore around a bit to find them.<BR><BR><B>bon appetit</B><BR>
CplDevilDog said:
Remind me to turn down your dinner invitation :-D
<br><br>My reputation serves me well. Now I can go cook myself some chicken cordon-green and eat in peace.<br>
"And unless I had run over the animal, or the person in front of me, I would never eat roadkill. Yet again, much too worried about the health issue there!"

It's been so long, I can't remember if I saw it on the 'net or a tv special, but I recall a um .." gentleman" who lived on road kill, as in, purchased no meats at all. Even 15-20 days old was fair game for this guy. I'll admit, there are a fair number of survival stories where people have lived because they were willing to consume something out of the ordinary. I also recal a story about 10 years ago where a 40000 y o mastadon was frozen in an iceburg or glacier and it was discovered that the meat was still edible. Anyone know the real story about the origional inhabitants of Easter island, and why they disappeared? Yes, if you get hungry enough, and it means survival, there is no telling who , er , what you will eat. I personally like Bear Grylls of suvivorman for being willing to eat outside the norm.
I saw that one about eating roadkill (maybe it was on that show Taboo?). That was pretty foul. :barf:

<p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="4" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">I've never been that hungry!. <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/tounge2.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/bawl.gif"></font></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="4" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"></font>&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><font size="4" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Bob</font></p>
&nbsp;&nbsp; My dad was born on a reservation in n.w. Oklahoma. When I was<br>young we lived there for awhile. When you have no money and no<br>job you'd be surprised what you eat and how good it is. Folks in this <br>country are very pampered when it comes to the origins of their meals.<br>Meat in most parts of the world is aged by hanging without refridgeration.<br>That includes most of Europe. Go to&nbsp;public markets in Paris and you will<br>find rabbit, chicken, goose etc. hanging in the air. Of course, they also<br>eat snails there. Hunger does make strange bedfellows, just ask the Chilean<br>soccer players who survived the plane crash in Chile mountains<br>
ive had squirrel, tastes like chicken. young rabbit also. older rabbit is a little tough, it is stewed like an old hen.
just e mailed my sister in fla about python steaks, she says they taste like chicken, too. She also says too many pythons being freed down her way, messing up the eco balance and decimating the small mammals. So eat more python steaks!

btw i just read about a neat squirrel trap - nail a rat trap to a tree, add peanut butter and come pick up your meat later!
@Owl. Interesting observations there I must say.<span style="color: #3366ff;"> Hunger does make strange bedfellows, just ask the Chilean</span><br /><span style="color: #3366ff;">soccer players who survived the plane crash in Chile mountains&nbsp; <span style="color: #000000;">from owl</span></span><br />I have had Bear in chili. Very good.<br />A yearling fawn was hit in front of me once, another lady stopped and helped me put it in the trunk and I took it to my dad's, we cleaned and prepared it in the garage. <br />You can get on a Highway Patrol list&nbsp;to pick up fresh deer.
"Donner party of 8 - right this way" ---- "Oop's" --- "Donner party of 7 - right this way"