Anyone stealthing in Victoria BC?

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May 10, 2013
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Anyone want to chime in with their experiences? I am interested in this lifestyle, and debating if I should take the plunge. I am not thinking of traveling much at this time, but living and working in town here.  I notice there are a few really nice looking vans here for sale right now, anyone on here selling?

Love to hear from you!
I'm in Vancouver. From what I've heard downtown Victoria is hard but once you get to the outskirts there plenty of spots. Of course, vancouver is the mecca.
I'm in victoria. Still not fulltime yet, but i've done several trial runs. As long as you have reasonable stealth you shouldn't have any problem parking in residential areas. Camper vans are very popular in Vic so people are used to seeing them around. I usually try to park near an apartment building. The area around coot st village is decent, and pretty close to town. There are also lots of little offshoot roads around Kal-Tire on douglas, i've seen people park there before.
I'm in the Okanagan (Osoyoos) for now and have been doing this for over 20yrs in assorted vehicles. Right now I'm in a converted stepvan, which basically looks like a commercial vehicle, that's rather 'stealthy'. ..Willy.
Isn't the label "stealth" just a more palatable way of saying skulking? I have a cargo trailer with three foot square windows on each side. I open the back doors and pin them with stays. Then I slide one of the screen door panels across and have the entire rear of the trailer open. That's how I choose to do life.

Note, I never stay in cities.
Skulking implies illegal/unethical behavior. Stealthy would more imply being inconspicuous. ..Willy
I understand what you are saying Willy. I think many people just think the worst and lump them together. It's like assuming someone who lives in a van, cargo trailer or what have you, is homeless. I just see the scenario as having the potential to breed bad pr. Because of this, I never stay on private property, private business property or sneak. I have already saw a person outside there home and stopped and asked if I could park and sleep for the night? After a few questions, they agreed and wanted to know more. I invited them over for a few ales that night and was invited back if I was in the area.
I'm pretty open about living in my rig and have yet to meet anyone upset by my doing so. What would be even 'stealthier' thanmy setup would be a small RV, since there seem to be sooooo many fulltimers in BC.. just 1 in the crowd. ..Willy.