Anyone in Flagstaff, Sedona, Open to helping a new member?

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Dec 12, 2010
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Hey everyone, I'm hoping there is a group of you still in that area waiting for it to cool off that's willing to host a newbie. She's living in her car and just left her apartment on Sept 1. She's been camping with Carolyn and I  for about 12 days but we are moving north and we both work so much we are no fun to camp with. 

She would be much better off with a mixed group of men and women who are much more fun company--and closer to civilization!! We're in one of the best camps I've ever been in, but as usual there is nothing nearby. Worse, she doesn't have Verizon so when we have 5 bars, she has nothing.

She is all setup and has her feet under her but it's much too early for her to be on her own. She doesn't need anything from you just companionship and general guidance. She has been nothing but a pleasure to have in camp!

Ideally she can tag along with you down to Quartzsite.

If there is anyone who can help a new tribe member out, let me know!
Jerry from Brooklyn here on A-1 mountain road near flagstaff.  Will be here doing fun stuff for quite a while.   Company is always welcome.  Any others in the neighborhood besides me?
W moved over to Winslow since Flag is cooling off...into 30s at night. Here its been lows about 60.

There are 3 others (2 women) here and another on her way.
Glad to share our location in PM.
Tribe members always welcome in our camp.
I am here with Jay and margie, perfect temp. On water, always welcome here although I don't know how much fun I am ! Jerry says he will be doing fun things fir quite a bit hehe! Jay and margie are great! Just got here today feel very welcome.
As temps become more agreeable, we will be drifting in the direction of Quartzsite via Laughlin, Lake Havasu, Parker, and other places along the Colorado River. We'll also spend some of winter down in Yuma.
Should be able to start wandering in a month to avoid high daytime temps.
I think a couple of the ladies are gonna troop along so this old boy is gonna be outnumbered  :rolleyes:
Sounds wonderful , sure wish I was there to help even out the numbers for ya !
If she can get her car back to my camp on 185 she's welcome here, there are only a few of us left here. Jerry's a1 mountain rd is probably a better bet. The weather here is still beautiful.

I will text carol, I think she's still on mountain rd. She may help out.

Jerry, I don't think I have your number, other than one of course. I will I'm mine, would love to visit you.
Diane...sure glad to see the rain has slacked off over that way. Came to Winslow since it was drier and warmer, which my skinny body likes better. Love the area there tho.
Shame the road got so swamped, guess its evaporated by now. Sure was fun getting out when we mud bogging for about 100', YAHOO !!
Miss y'all  :shy:
Thanks so much for your generous offer Jay, she's on her way and will probably be there in a few days. I gave her your email so she will be contacting you.

What an amazing group of people!!!!!
Ah come on Jay. I drove a full size U Haul up Diane's road at the end of August. It rained hard that night and while I did return the truck with muddy wheels, I drove right out. Just had to give you a hard time - glad there are so many good people on here that will welcome total strangers to there camp.
You guys and gals give me warm fuzzies. I can't wait to catch up with y'all at RTR. Sassy
Its always nice meeting new members and a real joy if we can help a newbie settle into their new lifestyle.
Kathleen has been here since a few days after Bob put out the call. We are pleased to also have ggwoman, as well as dogear, and our old buddy Sameer as campmates.

We are all preparing to pull out Monday for a run over to Rt 66 (thru Peach Springs) and then Laughlin. From there, we'll take our time down 95 along the Colorado River, eventually landing in Quartzsite.

Yes, a bit early for Q, but Kathleen would like to hook up with a job (we have some connections).
The rest of us are discussing Yuma/Holtville and then RTR.
So many possibilities  :D
yep even the Colorado River Valley has started to cool down. low 90's in the Mohave Valley this week. highdesertranger

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