Any stealth issues with an RV?

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The sign is an interesting idea. Maybe Tom's Venomous Snake Transport Service, or Booby Traps Inc.
How about do not attempt to enter without first contacting Dan's viscious gaurd dog service (911) KIS MEBUT
DannyB1954 said:
The sign is an interesting idea. Maybe Tom's Venomous Snake Transport Service, or Booby Traps Inc.
How about do not attempt to enter without first contacting Dan's viscious gaurd dog service (911) KIS MEBUT

Uhm.  Your theory is that any cops who see signs like that on a vehicle are going to shrug and ignore it? 

Why not just get signs that read HEY PIGS!  I DARE YOU TO STOP ME! ?
I have thought about this issue, but in a different vein. An RV looks like an RV, people look at an RV and have definite expectations about the situation. A converted van can look like a lot of things. Speaking only for myself I never intend to "stealth" camp in a way that others would be fooled into believing no one is living within or sleeping inside. In a lot of psychological ways an RV by putting an image into a viewers mind would be more stealthy than a van that looks like a delivery truck when it is actually an abode. I feel it is more important to put yourself into a safe environment away from cities and be parked where it is legal to do so.

The building out of a van would include, for myself at least, a bed, rudimentary kitchen and a way to use the toilet in a hygienic manner. An RV generally comes with those things and a ceiling height that allows one to stand erect.

Bob's current run of blogs has some interesting perspectives about the type of vehicle to convert and the registration of those vehicles. Some of those factors are really important for those of us on a tight budget.
Just my opinions, no offence toward anyone.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Uhm.  Your theory is that any cops who see signs like that on a vehicle are going to shrug and ignore it? 

Why not just get signs that read HEY PIGS!  I DARE YOU TO STOP ME! ?

I don't think LE would feel this is directed at them as they would not be breaking into a vehicle. They would just call a tow truck.
I'm not sure in other states but I live in MA and if you have a magnetic sign on your vehicle, you only need commercial plates if the sign advertises a business name. I don't think an event sign would matter.

And on the subject of tow trucks, I work for a towing company on Fridays and we were just talking about this last week. I was chatting about my impending lifestyle change and mentioned that I was afraid someday I would park in the wrong spot and wake up in my van being towed. He said that has happened to him before and didn't even realize until he got to the tow shop and a guy jumped out of the van when he stopped, scared the crap out of him. LOL
Cheli said:
I'm not sure in other states but I live in MA and if you have a magnetic sign on your vehicle, you only need commercial plates if the sign advertises a business name.  I don't think an event sign would matter.

And on the subject of tow trucks, I work for a towing company on Fridays and we were just talking about this last week.  I was chatting about my impending lifestyle change and mentioned that I was afraid someday I would park in the wrong spot and wake up in my van being towed.  He said that has happened to him before and didn't even realize until he got to the tow shop and a guy jumped out of the van when he stopped, scared the crap out of him.  LOL

If I ever woke up and found my van being hooked up to a tow truck, I'd be leaning on the horn long and hard. I'm sure I'd scare the crap out of the tow truck driver long before he ever got it on the dolly or flatbed.

I sleep soundly but not that soundly...I've yet to see a tow truck driver that didn't make a whole S###$load of noise picking up a vehicle.
There should be a record of who is calling in the tows, or does the tow driver just take vehicles?
The tow owner claims he lost about $174,000 in profits this year compared to 2009. Was he able to steal more that year?
I thought last year would be 2015. The tow owner firing people I would think would be an admission of guilt.
DannyB1954 said:
There should be a record of who is calling in the tows, or does the tow driver just take vehicles?
The tow owner claims  he lost about $174,000 in profits this year compared to 2009. Was he able to steal more that year?
I thought last year would be 2015. The tow owner firing people I would think would be an admission of guilt.

That's why it's called predatory towing. Nobody calls it in, the driver just roams or stakes out spots where he can get a vehicle to tow for profit.
They don't care if it's parked legally or not.
And yes, it's an older article.
Hi Cheli
I am a 49 year young women from Denmark. I am selling EVERYTHING and is planning on coming to USA in december 2016 to buy a vehicle to live in!
I want to be at the RTR that is from 10-22 of January. Hope to meet you there?
You have asked a very good question on the forum of Cheap RV living and I am following all your answers.

I am stiff in my back and need to be able to stand up, but I also dont want to drive a very big vehicle. I think I am thinking most of an 19-22 foot Class C in the moment.
That can fit in any parking lot, gives me room to live in and should be able to lean to drive :)

I have been reading, seeing and questioning a lot and I think I have learned that, Stealth is what you make of it.
Parking my vehicle for only one night at a time, not making a fuss about me and having my vehicle look anonymous is what I am going for.
And smiling to everyone as courtesy and because I want to engage with new people is always a winner.

My biggest fear is the time from I land to when I find the right Vehicle:

In wich airport should I land - Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
Where to be until I find the right vehicle.? (using money on hotel is running of living money...)
How to come around and look at available vehicles?
How to make safe that the vehicle is not full of defects. (How to find a mechanic that I can trust to test i right?)
Do I need a resident adresse, if yes, which state is right?
Wich Insurance to make?

That Is my biggest fear questions. The rest will be easy. Just taking one thing at a time and going out in experience :)

I think we could have fun, learning from each other. I dont have a webpage yet, but will learn to make one as my diary in my new life as a VanDweller.
Hope to meet you on the road.

Smile and a hug from Maxidane (My name is Maxine :))
May I throw truck camper in the mix? sitting on a 3/4 ton the windows are high enough to disallow the casual curiosity. At my age I have paid my dues and if I wanna travel I travel stealth is not a concern and being a male person that does not carry it is a concern in urban areas theft damage graffiti unwanted attention, just rude and angry people living in these concrete jungles scare me.
Maxine said:
Hi Cheli
I am a 49 year young women from Denmark. I am selling EVERYTHING and is planning on coming to USA in december 2016 to buy a vehicle to live in!

My biggest fear is the time from I land to when I find the right Vehicle:

Do I need a resident adresse, if yes, which state is right?
Wich Insurance to make?
I don't know if you will be traveling here on a vacation visa, or if you will be applying for permanent residency. If you will be attending the next RTR, I would think that Las Vegas would be the best choice to fly into. There are companies that rent RV's so you could do that instead of hotel fees. 

Many of the questions that you ask are about what your personal preferences are, so it would be difficult for anyone here to give you the best answer. The United States is very large, and each area has it's own climate and attractions. It would be like me asking you where in Europe should I live. It just all depends on what I like, and you would have no way to know that. The same is true for what type of vehicle you should get. You can get room to stand up in a van with a high top, a class A or Class C, also a truck camper. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these. Even once you have a vehicle, I believe the thought will be there would something else work better for me. 

Bob has written an article on his blog about choosing a State for Residence,

We have Craigslist here where you may be able to find rooms to rent. On the right side of their page, you can choose just about any area of the country that may interest you. For what it costs to rent a hotel for a few days, you might be able to get a room for a month.  People also sell vans and RV's through this site.

There is also an organization called couchsurfing. You can join for free I believe, and find someone in an area that interests you  who will provide you with temporary shelter for free for a few days. 

What are you going to do for health care?  In Denmark health care is provided to all through taxes. Here you have to buy the care through a private policy. The older you get, the more it costs. At one point I was paying 20% of my income for my policy. I would recommend that you come vacation here first before you sell everything. We have an expression of jumping out of a frying pan only to find yourself in the fire. I see van dwelling videos on youtube from England, maybe you could consider van dwelling in Europe to see if it suits you first.
DannyB1954 said:
I don't know if you will be traveling here on a vacation visa, or if you will be applying for permanent residency. If you will be attending the next RTR, I would think that Las Vegas would be the best choice to fly into. There are companies that rent RV's so you could do that instead of hotel fees. 

Many of the questions that you ask are about what your personal preferences are, so it would be difficult for anyone here to give you the best answer. The United States is very large, and each area has it's own climate and attractions. It would be like me asking you where in Europe should I live. It just all depends on what I like, and you would have no way to know that. The same is true for what type of vehicle you should get. You can get room to stand up in a van with a high top, a class A or Class C, also a truck camper. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these. Even once you have a vehicle, I believe the thought will be there would something else work better for me. 

Bob has written an article on his blog about choosing a State for Residence,

We have Craigslist here where you may be able to find rooms to rent. On the right side of their page, you can choose just about any area of the country that may interest you. For what it costs to rent a hotel for a few days, you might be able to get a room for a month.  People also sell vans and RV's through this site.

There is also an organization called couchsurfing. You can join for free I believe, and find someone in an area that interests you  who will provide you with temporary shelter for free for a few days. 

What are you going to do for health care?  In Denmark health care is provided to all through taxes. Here you have to buy the care through a private policy. The older you get, the more it costs. At one point I was paying 20% of my income for my policy. I would recommend that you come vacation here first before you sell everything. We have an expression of jumping out of a frying pan only to find yourself in the fire. I see van dwelling videos on youtube from England, maybe you could consider van dwelling in Europe to see if it suits you first.
Hi DannyB1954
I am not staying to live anywhere. I am driving true the hole of USA and living freeeeee! I'm not sure, because I do not know where the best offer will turn out in November where I expect to arrive. Time will tell what I choose!
About health. I will arrive with a danish cover for the first 6 month and from there on off, I will make a US insurance. 
I am writing Cheli because our situations look a bit alike and I like to follow and see what she learns :)
Take care and have fun

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