Any gain from having hotspot antenna outside?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2014
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I have two antennas for my Verizon hotspot and they are currently just sitting inside the living area. I'm planning a remodel and will be moving them but I'm not sure where yet. Is there any advantage to having them outside or inside but closer to a window? It's hard to really tell by moving it around since the signal jumps around even when it's sitting still.
Any antenna that gives a dB boost will help.

I have used the small/inexpensive un-powered type in the van before, and it will give you an extra bar or two of 4G. It worked well for the few dollars investment. Getting them out in the open will help. The less blocking the signal from reaching the antenna, the better.

In the larger trailer we use the much larger (and powered) weBoost booster with both the omni and directional antennas mounted on the pivoting TV antenna on top of the trailer. A lot more money invested, and setup, but it allows us to get much further down a dirt road then before. The directional will reach a cell tower 20+ miles away and bring the single from 1X to 4G in many situations.
I have been wondering about antenna reception too. Haven't researched it much yet, but I'm thinking having one outside, and hardwired to the inside of my metal tent might be the way to go?