ANTS! And how to keep them at bay?

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Sep 12, 2011
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Ok, so my workplace has a <font size="4"><b>huge</b></font> ant infestation. I mean if i leave a soda sitting on the counter in the office it will be completely covered in ants in less then 5 minutes. (oddly there don't seem to be any in the back room where we keep our food) <br><br>Recently the little buggers seem to have made it a mission to invade my <i>car</i>!<br><br>I'v got bait traps in the places i think there coming in and today i went and got an airtight container for the small amount of food i keep in the car. Hopefully that should get rid of most of the lot i'v been dealing with for the past few days but it's not like i can avoid them all together, i have to go to work still! <br><br>So i'm wondering if any one has and ideas about how to keep them out of my car to begin with? I'v heard they don't like black pepper and have thought of laying some down around my tires (Hocus Pocus anyone? salt to keep the witches at bay?) but with the wind around here i doubt that would last more then a few minute fore it blows away. <br><br>
ok, I LEFT Florida after 22 years...and mostly the crowds, the crime, gangs, traffic jams, hurricanes, crazy people (yeah I think I have a right to say that after 22 years!!), heat and humidity....AND the damned FIRE ANTS.<br><br>Happened to pick up a 2008 copy of Mother Earth News and saw where someone swore the greatest solution ever was:&nbsp; GRITS<br><br>Sprinkle GRITS around the mounds (not chemical AMDRO by the ton...and all you do is chase them around the yard with it anyway) and the ants eat it up and it expands in their stomachs and they EXPLODE...en masse<br><br>I knew there HAD to be a HIGHER/BEST USE for GRITS...don't know if this works on ALL ants...<br><br>Now I really regret not trying this while I was there...the writer seemed quite serious...anybody ever try THIS??? If I go back to Florida it will be for the sole purpose of wrecking revenge on these dastardly abominations...FIRE ANTS!<br><br>
Dust of the Sun said:
ok, I LEFT Florida after 22 years...and mostly the crowds, the crime, gangs, traffic jams, hurricanes, crazy people (yeah I think I have a right to say that after 22 years!!), heat and humidity....AND the damned FIRE ANTS.<br><br>Happened to pick up a 2008 copy of Mother Earth News and saw where someone swore the greatest solution ever was:&nbsp; GRITS<br><br>Sprinkle GRITS around the mounds (not chemical AMDRO by the ton...and all you do is chase them around the yard with it anyway) and the ants eat it up and it expands in their stomachs and they EXPLODE...en masse<br><br>I knew there HAD to be a HIGHER/BEST USE for GRITS...don't know if this works on ALL ants...<br><br>Now I really regret not trying this while I was there...the writer seemed quite serious...anybody ever try THIS??? If I go back to Florida it will be for the sole purpose of wrecking revenge on these dastardly abominations...FIRE ANTS!<br><br>
<div><br></div><div>Will have to try that. I never bother them why do they bother us so much? Oh I forgot&nbsp;survival....FOOD.</div>
CP said:
How about this!<br><br>
<br>If only. <br>O-O somehow i think my boss might have a problem with that<br><br>But i was hopeing someone would have an idea that wouldn't involve going after the colony(i'm pretty sure they've gotten in to a wall in the store somewhere and bedded down there) , just merely keeping them out of my car. I'v plugged all the holes i could find but it's still a car, there's always more. I'v been spraying my tires down with bug killer and it seems to be working i just wish it was cheaper (homemade boraz solution on tires mabey?)<br>
Hi guy's,<div><br></div><div>Try the cheapest talcom powder,sprinkled around.I find that i need to replace it evert couple of days.</div><div><br></div><div>cheers</div>