Thoughts on best van choice

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Dec 26, 2020
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Home base is Minnesota, hoping to camp during much of the seasons. 2 short squatty people with simple build but storage for folding ebikes(most likely under the bed). Budget around $25k or so. Hoping to travel all over the country but not into really remote and rugged areas. We don't need running water and a bucket toilet is just fine. We'd prefer a van with windows that open but can have maxx air fans installed. We always figured gasoline is the best fuel because we don't really know diesel well. It seems Chevy or Fords are the best for making sure parts aren't an issue. Ideally, we'd love to be able to park it in the standard garage but maybe until we're fully retired, we store it during the winters.

What's better RWD, FWD, AWD or 4 WD? and why?

Thanks so much for your wisdom!
Welcome! Best to try out rentals to see what works for you and what doesn’t. Lots of choices and decisions to make. The more camping experience you have the easier it is, so do as much as possible and let us know if you have questions. Caravans and gatherings like the one in Quartzite AZ can give you lots of exposure and ideas as to what you need.
Hondas and Toyotas are as common as Fords and Chevys. Also, according to buyer satisfaction surveys Hondas and Toyotas are even more reliable with better longevity. Remember that you are not living in the 1950s, car parts get and do daily get shipped all over the place and speedy, expedited delivery from regional car parts supply warehouses is available. For cargo sized vans then a Chevy or Dodge is a good choice edging out Ford for reliability from what I have seen.
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