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Family...While they are almost always well meaning they are not usually coming from the same place you are. Fear is the minds killer I have preached on my post about fears. One step at a time, keep a stiff upper lip, and know you are not alone. You have a tribe and unlike so many forums, and self help groups, this tribe responds and helps.
FLgirl, many people take it on as a personal failure if someone in their family is acting outside their perceived normal. Then they take it our on that person; it's all very silly and rooted in the "what will the neighbors think" mentality. You do what you need to do and take the best care of you that you can. That old saying applies well here: "What other people think of you, is none of your business".
I read your words and feel their strength, FLgirl. I reckon you'll be just fine. Focus on the task at hand.

I'd look around here carefully, lots of car folks figure out sleeping arrangements sleeping in the car. Maybe remove the passenger and rear seats and put in a cot. Store stuff under the cot. Check out "I am Jake" you tube channel, he lives in a small Jeep.

You got this.
They probably never will "get it".

You have a new family here and we all get it !
Ask all the questions you want and if you are having problems post 'em up !
Tribe is all over the place...
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement.  I've been referring to them as 'fair weather family' because of the way they are reacting.  I mean, who does that?  I got the short straw when it comes to supportive family.  I would never do that to my family.  I must have been adopted!  I am nothing like those people and never have been and these kind of things always make it glaringly obvious to me.  My kids are shocked because, of course, I didn't raise them to turn their back on family either, especially given I did absolutely nothing to deserve it other than dare to try to live a different way.  Well I have put far too much energy into being upset by this already and need to refocus again on my plans.  I feel a little weird about going to the Northwest now, but my reasons are still sound, better pay for the same work, better weather this time of year as well.  If I'm living in a car I can't live in Florida for now.  It has been hitting 100 degrees some days lately and that's not going to work.  I don't know any other areas of the USA to go to.
I came out in 1978, I was 18, it cost me my church, my family, and almost all my friends. People behave like assholes sometimes. Took me a minute to figure out it was their issue, not mine, been pretty cool with it ever since.
When I first started living as a nomad I got the same reactions. There was real anger over my choice! Some friends thought I was going on permanent vacation, family thought I was failing and ending up a bag lady. No one understood. I stopped talking about it

Now, years later...I still get the anger from some people.

I think that a big part of it is that they see their own lives in contrast, and realize there are no do overs. The rut they have dug will become their grave in the end.

See this adventure for the opportunity it presents. The future is what you make it, and the opinions of others reflects more about them than about you.

I look forward to seeing you at the RTR!