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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2011
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Has anyone successfully ordered antibiotics from Canada or Mexico in the past?  If so how does it work?  One of the things we should be looking at for the future.
I have bought meds in Mexico a number of times and it is easy. I don't know of any farmacia that mails them...not sure it is legal.<br /><br />It is just a quick walk over the border to pick some up...<br /><br />I was just there a few days ago and got new friend bought a couple jars of tetricycline or something like that...and a few other meds...I don't know what he got...<br />bri
Thanks for the responce.&nbsp; I'm no where near Mexico. What part of the border are you near? Does one need a guide?&nbsp; As you can tell, I'm new to this.
Hi guy, Yeah you pretty much need to be close for that. Maybe Canada is easier to where you are. <br /><br />I live in southern New Mexico only 100 miles from the border and a little town called Palomas, MX. Easy crossing....<br />No guide needed. Just park in the free parking lot right across from the US customs and walk a block to the gate, walk through and head for whatever you want. You are in downtown Palomas...<br /><br />In one block there is a dentist I go to, an optometrist I go to and the Pink Store which is a restaurant and gift store that caters to the gringos. The pink store will even come to the parking lot to get you in a golf cart and bring you back for a modest charge...<br /><br />When I got my glasses it was the first time I used this particular place. The woman was from Grande Junction, CO and had come down to&nbsp; teach English and learn Spanish...I was talking with her about how she liked living there and she said she and her hubby (who worked in the optometry lab) loved it and were buying a great house there. We talked about the fewer people coming because of fear of violence and she told me that while nothing had ever happened to her in Palomas, her daughter's mother-in-law who lived in Colorado Springs, CO was shot in the leg in the movie theater she said she was more afraid to come back to the US than she was in MX...go figger!<br />Bri
We are in northeast Alabama, so Mexico might be closer than Canada. I was stationed in Alamorgodo,N.M. in the early '70's. Loved it.
I've heard that dentistry is much cheaper in Mexico.&nbsp; Is that true?&nbsp; I think bridgework and crowns&nbsp;up here is about $950 to $1150/tooth and cleaning about $125 plus xray costs, (not sure about the cleaning as I had insurance the last time but no longer do).&nbsp; Could you help me out with this Bri?<br /><br />Rae
Hi Rae, I do have all my dental work done in Mexico. I think you can figure about a third to half the cost over there and depending on where you go there are some excellent dentists...I think there is another thread on that if I remember correctly.<br /><br />A lot of our forum members swear by Algodones, MX. It is right near Yuma, AZ and is set up specifically for gringo client&egrave;le. They have rows of dentists, optometrists, farmacias etc. Anything you want done. cleaning to implants. I have never used anything in Algodones although I crossed there last Feb to go down Baja....nice town.<br /><br />I prefer my little Palomas since it is so low key and mellow...<br /><br />All pretty far from the Kenai Maybe next summer you will have to jump on your bike and do a trip down to the border...take the ferry down??????<br /><br />Bri
I'm in Canada and don't understand why anyone would want to come up here to buy meds.&nbsp;<br>You need a prescription for just about everything up here too and are they not a LOT cheaper in the US?<br><br>The only exceptions being what you can buy for fish and sometimes horses that you can dose up or down for human use and from what I have read, even those are more readily available and cheaper in the US.&nbsp;<br><br>What would you come up here to buy that is cheaper and easier to get?&nbsp;<br><br><br><br>
In canada you have over the counter drugs that require a subscription down here.&nbsp; When i was up there for a few months in 01 i badly hurt my back.&nbsp; I went into the pharmacy and talked to the guy and he recommended a muscle relaxer on the shelf behind me.&nbsp; Cost me 15 bucks.&nbsp; It was amazing.&nbsp; A freaking muscle relaxer in the store&nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/redface.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; <br><br>I have bought fish mox for amoxicillen, it is the exact same thing for humans made at the exact same plant that the human form is made in.&nbsp; You just have to research the dosage for your weight.&nbsp;&nbsp; I think i got 50 pills of 500 mg for 16 bucks or something a couple years ago, no need for a costly doctor visit for em either.&nbsp; They used to sell them on amazon but amazon stopped carrying can get em lots of other places though.&nbsp; They sell other types of antibiotics too, i found out about it from some survivalist forum that basically went into depth about the types of antibiotics for a survival kit and the fishy equivalent, but lost that bookmark <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
A question for those of you that cross over into Mexico, do you need a passport? I remember going back and forth not so long ago you didn't need one. That was 15 years ago. Have things changed? <br>-Bruce
Bruce (Ballenxj) You need either a Passport or an "enhanced Drivers License" ( US citizens only, and I think that's what they are called).<br><br>Mexico will usually happily let you in, no paperwork or anything needed, but getting back into the US is when you need to be able to prove you are welcome in this country.<br><br>I don't really know much about the enhanced drivers license, but I imagine every state will do it differently, if they even offer it. They are only good going to/from Mexico and Canada last I heard.&nbsp; I have no experience with them personally.<br><br>My suggestion, just do the passport, and get it over with.&nbsp; They are not overly painful and last for 10 years, and the renewals are totally easy, you just send in a new picture and they give you a new passport good for 10 more years <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; (This is assuming you are a US citizen, each country you have citizenship in will have their own rules for passports.)<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Thanks Tara, I guess I should. As soon as I have an address I want to associate it with that is. <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="bbc_img"> <br>-Bruce
Thanks for the info on the fish mox! The next time I need antibiotics, I'll go that route.&nbsp;<br>I know there are a lot of med for fish that you can get for use in humans, like ivermectin for all types of parasites, as well as antibiotics.&nbsp;<br><br>It's worth looking into for those without drug coverage, like me :)<br><br><br>
Fish Mox is the way to go. It's the same thing for humans. It's on Ebay.<br><br>I've used up 100 (500mg) capsules already and haven't sprouted any gills or anything (not in 1 cycle). Currently on my 2nd bottle, using about 25 so far.<br><br>I did a bunch of research, but based on common sense....the cost of generic Amoxicillin at CVS, etc. is the same as Fish Mox online....and it's only like $25/100ct 500mg. It's pretty cheap already. If it were a real expensive drug, I can understand the fillers and lower quality for animals. But there are people with tens of thousands of dollars in fish as hobbies, or even $100k and they wouldn't want inferior antibiotics.&nbsp;
In Algodones Mexico I can buy a bottle of 500 Amoxicillan for $5. I buy one every 2 years just so I know it is fresh. i spend the winters in Arizona just north of the border so it is eaasy to go and get them. <br>Bob
I did that once. I bought a big bag of drugs for my mom, dad and sister. When I went through the INS Agent looked at that big bag and asked if they were all for me, I said "No, they are for my family." He told me that was illegal, I could only buy for my own use. He was kind and let me go through with them but he could have made me take it back.<br><br>Never did that again!!<br>Bob
Bob says:When I went through the <a id="_GPLITA_2" style="text-decoration: underline;" title="Click to Continue > by CouponDropDown" href="/post/printadd?id=6113300" rel="nofollow">INS Agent</a> looked at that big bag and asked if they were all for me,
<br><br>That happened to me also, but they were for wife (who has <span class="st">Ménière's</span> disease) and me<br>Still went through, then I was grumpy...... Still makes me mad thinking about it&nbsp; ... Oh well someday I will get over it.<br><br>Putz
Last year I went to Los Algodones for the first time ... solo.&nbsp; I also picked up some antibiotics and checked out the dental and optical services there for possible future use.&nbsp; I have no qualms about going back for either meds or services.&nbsp; I have a few pics and some info about my trip there in this blog post, if you are interested -- <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>