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user 30781

Well-known member
Feb 22, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

Late last year one of my kiddos was having housing issues.  Her sister suggested vandwelling and linked us both to the Reddit sub.  Got my interest up and I've been reading over there ever since.  A friend of ours caught wind of it and one day he sent me a link to a white Grand Caravan being sold at auction.  I figured I'd get it for her but the auction ended up going way over what I was willing to pay.

A week later I was driving home and my car self destructed.  I limped home, came in and opened up Craigslist and what do I see but a white Grand Caravan well within my budget.  So I bought it.  And fell in love.  Kiddo's housing situation has improved and now all I can think about is dipping my toes in the water, so to speak.

My plan is to rip the back seats out once the weather has improved here, set up a 'no build' build for camping and take her out on some roadtrips and see if this is something I can, and want, to do full time.  I will never be able to buy a house, but in a couple years if I'm careful about saving I can probably buy a small Class C.  Or a van I can stand up in anyway. lol

Looking forward to reading the posts here!
Good luck with your van and everything that comes with it! From one wandering soul to another. I hope you find everything your soul is searching for in this life. I'm a big fan of the 'no build' build myself. Just remember to build what is best for you. Not everyone's needs are the same. 

"Not all who wander are lost"
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome.....glad that housing situation improved!

on your van like Jason said above, trick it out exactly for your needs and wants! You do that and you always have a wonderful home on wheels :) best of luck