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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2012
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The more I look at you guys vans and look at some on Craigslist and the like the more I wanna do this. I've been in AL my whole life so I can't wait to see what all is out there! <br><br>Already I've got quite a lot of Ideas on how I want to set my rig up. I'll of course have the essentials but there's some stuff that I guess is gonna be iffy. I really want to bring my vinyl with me and I might try and find a way to build in my record player maybe.&nbsp;<br><br>I'm a musician and a luthier so I would bring along all of my handtools and at least one guitar. I'm hoping I may be able to find some related jobs. My hand tools don't take up a lot of space so they shouldn't be a problem.&nbsp;<br><br>I'm also planning on bringing my bike. It's a two seater so it may be a bit of a challenge to &nbsp;mount but I'll figure it out.<br><br>Have any of you had any experience carrying a motorcycle on a Reece hitch rack?
Hello and Welcome to the tribe Jonah!&nbsp;<br><br>Boy am I glad to see you! Please get me your number because I will most definitely be in need of a luthier once I hit the road (possibly sooner). This is a for sure thing because I have an electric (my very first) that needs some serious love. I want the original neck back on it, and the current jack needs to be replaced. The last guy butchered it by installing a football jack instead of one that was flush with the body, as I'd originally asked for.&nbsp;<br><br>Steve
Yessir! I can do that. I'll message it to you.<br><br>Oh, and Merry Christmas to everyone!
Carrying the motorcycle will depend on ratings of the vehicle, the hitch, the type of mount (there are other brands I might be able to recomend if you need stronger.) and the weight and balance of the bike. I've carried double up dirt bikes on a carrier, but I wouldn't haul my Harley because the balance wouldn't make me comfortable. Not that it couldn't handle the weight, just doesn't sit on the carrier right for me to want to risk it.<br> &nbsp;
Okay cool. At this point I'm looking at 70s model Honda 250s and 350s and Ninja 250s. I don't want much bigger than that for weight purposes.